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443d33a lonely, very lonely to have a past no one else can share. Susan Howatch
f6f57ab Its really most remarkable how the human race is so seldom satisfied with what its got. Give a man the world and he's pining for the moon. Susan Howatch
6ef2f3f practice makes perfect and although God did create Adam he was more accomplished when the time came for him to create Eve. Susan Howatch
694709c Life's not about the day when you win the prizes - it's about all the days in between. p 255 Susan Howatch
9e14d99 Science destroys only the false ideas about religion; the true ideas it complements and explores.) religion science Susan Howatch
8f93c64 Religion is about integration, about successfully bringing the selfish ego into line with the centre of the personality where God exists, as a divine spark, in every human being. Religion is about helping man to live in harmony with his true self and to become the person God's designed him to be. faith god religion Susan Howatch
23bd6ba There's a pattern. Never, never doubt that there's a pattern. There's a pattern always. Everywhere. In everyone. Susan Howatch
094e716 Think of me as the porter . . . and consider the possiblity that life might be less exhausting if you unloaded some of your bags on to my empty trolley. Susan Howatch
f5e4cc9 I was wondering if the scene in the drawing-room had been a triumph or a disaster or merely a chaotic piece of bad taste verging on bathos, but I reflected that the only important question was whether I had communicated my message to my parents. I continued to smoke my cigarette and occasionally I shuddered. I wondered dimly how anyone ever survived their families. Susan Howatch
c9b0e2d My first recommendation...will be that you should have a holiday. You are worn out by all your unhappiness. Susan Howatch
9f04bd1 and daughters who are so hopeless at doing the done thing and sticking to the rules are automatically paralyzed with guilt whenever they come within fifty yards of a mother like Margaret. Susan Howatch
7947b14 You have here a parable, the subject of which might be called The Persistence of Truth ... Whatever fears, adversities, or doubts assail you, go forward calmly in the knowledge that the truth persists, and will prove itself in persisting. Though prayer be hard, though your soul walk in darkness, though your spiritual memories be shadowed by many a doubt, go forward secure in the knowledge that the truth of God endureth to all generations, a.. Susan Howatch
e127565 There is no timetable for grief," said Bronwen Morgan. "Grief isn't a train which you catch at the station. Grief has its own time, and grief's time is beyond time, and time itself ... isn't very important." Susan Howatch
f729e37 One must be rational about such matters and being rational need not mean being cold. Susan Howatch
1012aba 'Friendship's best,' I said, 'and friendship's forever because no baby can come along to spoil it.' Susan Howatch
34b660a To be distracted is pardonable. To be incoherent is simply unobliging. Susan Howatch
a8d1745 'The English don't have opinions about the Irish. They have prejudices.' Susan Howatch
3492cab 'Little girls don't stay playmates. Little girls become big girls and big girls become sweethearts.' Susan Howatch