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eb37ddd the obstacles are enough to change a person's attitude and have them become depressed, overwhelmed, unhappy or sad. The positive ends, the negative begins and the demons win. Terri Reid
3911b71 We put off different vibes, some people might call it auras, depending on our modes," he said. "Especially when we love someone, our auras kind of connect with each other." -- Terri Reid
155b133 Well, if you don't have the faith to fight a demon," he said, "then it eventually wins. Faith is basically your sword of protection." Terri Reid
c24583a Mary pressed the accelerator pedal of her black 1965 MGB Roadster and shifted into fifth Terri Reid
e7a6289 Family isn't about bloodlines. It's about love and shared experiences. Terri Reid
29da034 it's virtually impossible to stop someone who is prepared to die for his cause. Terri Reid
97b186d Intelligence and personality do not die with the body. They continue with the spirit." Bradley" Terri Reid
0303aa5 If you are locked in a room in your dream, you just tell yourself there's a key in your pocket. Then you reach in your pocket for the key and get yourself out. It's your dream. You get to write the script. Terri Reid
63fb0ec Patrice Marcum shook her head in amazement as two middle-aged women fought over the last pair of flannel pajama pants marked down to $4.99. Terri Reid
7f0525e Mary felt her blood run cold. Terri Reid
79c030f Well, the idea behind make-up is to blend, not scoop it on like frosting, Terri Reid
2769c68 looked around the room at each person. Terri Reid
3526373 baldly. Terri Reid
656f623 One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. 85% of domestic violence victims are women. Historically, females have been most often victimized by someone they knew. Females who are 20-24 years of age are at the greatest risk of nonfatal intimate partner violence. Most cases of domestic violence are never reported to.. Terri Reid
a9e5c2a They're not scary when they're ready to go to heaven, are they?" Maggie said. "No, they're not," Mary agreed. "They're all cleaned up and ready to go home." Terri Reid
a7be8ed Whether it's the family we're born into or the family we create, those are the things we should cherish. Terri Reid
d99d9a2 Aye, it could', Ian added. 'It's many a time when I've walked alone on the misty moors of Scotland, the fog creeping in, the waves pounding against the shore, and then the lone, eerie call of a dead chicken. Caaa-cluck. Caaa-cluck humour scotland Terri Reid
078087d Oh, Mary, that's no problem at all," Rosie said. She turned to Bradley. "Should I be packing heat?" "Rosie, as a sworn law enforcement officer in the state of Illinois, I have to inform you that it is illegal to carry a concealed firearm on your person," Bradley said. Stanley snorted. "What he's saying is, yes, you ninny, pack heat, but don't tell him about it." Terri Reid
5727f75 And now you have to figure out who you are without her, Terri Reid
6a1b083 Bradley describing what happened with the Halloween decorations: "I thought I could get it all down at once, and then it came down ... all at once." Terri Reid
b6cdd2e And your other children," Bradley asked. "Your twin boys, what did you do with them?" Surprised, Mark shook his head." -- Terri Reid
ab8f68e I'm here with a business Terri Reid
127b7f3 Why is life so complicated? she wondered. What happened to happily-ever-after? "Just because it isn't smooth doesn't mean it can't be happy." Terri Reid
7897b6b Sometimes we fight, and other times we sacrifice, all in the name of love. Terri Reid
6330b6b The problem with that secret is the darkness. Just like a drop of ink in water, it spreads throughout the rest of your life and darkens everything else," Mary replied. "Unless it's revealed, unless light is shone upon it, it doesn't go away." Terri Reid
06c711c he came from a generation where teachers were revered and respected, not ridiculed and scorned. And, perhaps, because he didn't quite understand them, he ignored their behavior for the most part. Terri Reid
40caa8c I never promised to take you to Europe. I told you we could visit your sister in Texas. Terri Reid
10c47f8 It gives me hope that love can surpass death and time, that people who were meant to be together, even though they didn't get a chance in this life, might get a chance in the next. Terri Reid