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796c047 You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an Tom Brokaw
c11abc5 A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility Tom Brokaw
323fb53 there on the beaches of Normandy I began to reflect on the wonders of these ordinary people whose lives were laced with the markings of greatness. Tom Brokaw
3280533 There has never been a military operation remotely approaching the scale and the complexity of D-Day. It involved 176,000 troops, more than 12,000 airplanes, almost 10,000 ships, boats, landing craft, frigates, sloops, and other special combat vessels--all involved in a surprise attack on the heavily fortified north coast of France, to secure a beachhead in the heart of enemy-held territory so that the march to Germany and victory could beg.. Tom Brokaw
88348aa sacrifices. They married in record numbers and gave birth to another distinctive generation, the Baby Boomers. They stayed true to their values of personal responsibility, duty, honor, and faith. Tom Brokaw
3457aba Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed, to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace." --From John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech, January 1961 Given" Tom Brokaw
104c24a Seventy-six for an American male was a number on an actuarial chart that includes men who are obese, smokers and inheritors of deadly family genes. Tom Brokaw
4fddebe Is that cancer curable or just treatable. Tom Brokaw
7ff7379 Martin Luther Tom Brokaw
41fec08 present visitors with a tiny beaded pin of the American and Irish flags. It was a big turnout the day I was there, eighteen Tom Brokaw
fc08db0 Father Joe Collins, Tom Brokaw
1956d3b American Cancer Society estimates that in 2015 1,658,370 new cancer cases will be diagnosed and that in the same year about 1,600 people will die from cancer-related conditions daily. Tom Brokaw
c9bde06 how to prepare a young generation to run a large, modern, and complex industrial society. Nearly Tom Brokaw
c8453f9 appropriately Tom Brokaw
fdba005 His superiors in the Merchant Marine were astonished. Here he was, ready to go back to the security of the Merchant Marine Academy for another eighteen months of accelerated training, and he wanted to quit to join one of the most dangerous outfits in the service. His officer offered him a thirty-day furlough to think it over. Broderick said, "No, my mind's made up." Tom Brokaw
92defeb Tom Broderick spent seventeen weeks in basic training for the infantry in Mineral Wells, Texas, before heading to Fort Benning, Georgia, to become a member of the 82nd Airborne. When he finished his training, a captain offered him an instructor's job and the rank of sergeant. Again Broderick refused the safer alternative, saying he wanted to stay with his outfit and go overseas. Broderick Tom Brokaw
e8b286d immediately, the Battle of Arnhem. It was a joint mission of American and British paratroopers, and their objective was to take the Nijmegen bridge to help pave the Allies' way into Germany and to discourage any German counterattack. "We jumped at about five hundred feet because we wanted to be a low target. It was one-thirty in the afternoon. "The first" Tom Brokaw
a820fe7 gesture Tom Brokaw
c290e19 postwar America. He learned the insurance business by day and braille by night. Before long the VA found him a job with an elderly insurance broker in his neighborhood. Not too long after that, Broderick had established his own insurance Tom Brokaw
3e27ddb despair hovered over the land like a plague. They had watched their parents lose their businesses, their farms, their jobs, their hopes. They had learned to accept a future that played out one day Tom Brokaw
800c9ca came of age in the Great Depression, when economic despair hovered over Tom Brokaw
bf241b3 At one time he owned as many as three buildings divided up into rental units. It was as a landlord and as a black man who had overcome so much on his own that he came to hate the welfare system that grew so fast in the fifties, sixties, and seventies. "It just killed ambition," according to Holmes. "I had all of these tenants who in their late twenties had never worked a day in their life. They just waited around for that government check. .. Tom Brokaw
b1c886f A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility. Broderick remembers listening to an NPR broadcast and hearing an account of how two boys found a loaded gun in one of their homes. The visiting boy accidentally shot his friend. The victim's father was on the radio, talking about suing the gun manufacturer. That got to Tom Broderick. "So," he said, "here's this man talking about suing and he's no.. Tom Brokaw
aa8bf4d wanted Tom Brokaw
3905299 established a thriving medical practice and was a fixture at our high school sports games. He never spoke to any of us of the horrors he had seen. When one of his sons wore as a casual jacket one of Doc Auld's Army coats with the major's insignia still attached, I remember thinking, Tom Brokaw
4bef6ca Then, just as there was a glimmer of economic recovery, war exploded across Europe and Asia. When Pearl Harbor made it irrefutably clear that America was not a fortress, this generation was summoned to the parade ground and told to train for war. They left their ranches in Sully County, South Dakota, their jobs on the main street of Americus, Georgia, they gave up their place on the assembly lines in Detroit and in the ranks of Wall Street,.. Tom Brokaw
e24a48c coincidence they're there. They don't seem Tom Brokaw
dcf6aa5 lot Tom Brokaw
0ad35c5 Cancer of whatever flavour triggers a reflective gene: Just let me live and I will learn to be a better person. Tom Brokaw
903bb4b When the war ended, more than twelve million men and women put their uniforms aside and returned to civilian life. They went back to work at their old jobs or started small businesses; they became big-city cops and firemen; they finished their degrees or enrolled in college for the first time; they became schoolteachers, Tom Brokaw
cc58df1 Broderick's unit shipped out to England as replacements for the 82nd Airborne men lost in the Normandy Tom Brokaw
d2ef6ac What was that World War I saying, "Trust the Lord and pass the ammo"? For me, trust the doctors and the Lord and pass the Velcade, Revlimid, dexamethasone." Tom Brokaw
b23bcad ON THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF D-Day, I was broadcasting from the American cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach at Colleville-sur-Mer in Normandy, one of the bloodiest battlefields in American history. The cemetery is at once haunting and beautiful, with 9,386 white marble headstones in long, even lines across the manicured fields of dark green, each headstone marking the death of a brave young American. The anniversary was a somber and celebra.. Tom Brokaw
aecef23 reform-minded general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, the most powerful position in Russia, the Soviet satellites were moving toward independence. I was in Prague the night the Velvet Revolution separated Czechoslovakia from Moscow's rule and spent time in Poland with the charismatic Lech Walesa, who led Solidarity. Nineteen eighty-nine was that kind of year. Earlier, in June, I finished a commencement address at Tulane University .. Tom Brokaw
5af5409 promoted to captain and given command of a company Tom Brokaw
8ff56aa Healthcare workers are not being shot at, obviously, but they are exposed to dangerous diseases; they lead unconventional, all-hours lives; they are mission-oriented and they work in a hierarchical environment, with the physicians on top and orderlies doing the grunt work at the bottom. Tom Brokaw
d26da37 assisting in the capture of the 21st German army, which was trying to avoid the Russian troops advancing from the other direction. Ko and his Tom Brokaw
4081586 by Tom Brokaw
f76f077 Nazi realm. Japan continued its brutal and genocidal war against the Chinese; and in Russia, Stalin was presiding over show trials, deporting thousands to Siberia, and summarily executing his rivals in the Communist party. The Spanish Tom Brokaw
fc43682 he had saved his country with a pact negotiated with Hitler at Munich. He returned to England to declare, "I believe it is peace for our time . . . peace with honor." It was neither. At home, Roosevelt was in his second term, trying to balance the continuing need for extraordinary efforts to revive the economy with what he knew was the" Tom Brokaw
94499ec great peril abroad. Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, setting a limit on hours worked and a minimum wage. The federal government began a system of parity payments to farmers and subsidized foreign wheat sales. In Tom Brokaw
ccde7a9 book. Myeloma as a description has its origins with the Greek medical genius Hippocrates, who did the earliest known work on cancer, which he called karkinoma (carcinoma) because the tumors often resembled a crab, karkinos in ancient Greek. In modern descriptions, the condition is complex and treacherous: Plasma cells in the bone marrow become malignant and produce tumors, causing destruction of the bone and resulting in pathologic fracture.. Tom Brokaw
a8b46c4 landed Tom Brokaw
ed4df98 constitutional revision commission. Simultaneously, Smith was becoming more involved with his profession through the American Bar Association. He met and became close to Lewis Powell of Virginia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg of New York, future justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. He says, "Powell appointed me to a committee called Availability of Legal Services. We made sure people who needed legal representation and didn't know where to turn or .. Tom Brokaw