Nineteen-year-old Ray Bradbury was rambunctious and so energetic that it made Leslyn tired to be in the same room with him; it was too much like having to manage a large and unruly puppy
William H. Patterson Jr. |
a logical man must behave in a crisis as if his calculated risk were indeed a certainty ...
William H. Patterson Jr. |
the right to be naked and not to be ruled by Mrs. Grundy deserves financial support from anyone who believes in freedom.
William H. Patterson Jr. |
My religious beliefs are private to me," he began, ... and I suppose that yours may be to you. I am going to talk about more homely matters, matters so simple and obvious that it has almost gone out of fashion to talk about them--trite things, as trite as approving of good roads and good weather, or declaring for the American home and the American flag. I believe in my neighbors.32"
William H. Patterson Jr. |
are incurably conceited and pathologically unsure of themselves; they respond to stroking the way a cat does.
William H. Patterson Jr. |
One is the notion that knowledge is worth acquiring, all knowledge, and that a solid grounding in mathematics provides one with the essential language of many of the most important forms of knowledge. The third theme is that, while it is desirable to live peaceably, there are things worth fighting for and values worth dying for--and that it is far better for a man to die than to live under circumstances that call for such sacrifice. The fou..
William H. Patterson Jr. |
I suggest that it never helps anyone to tell a mother that her baby is ugly.
William H. Patterson Jr. |
My brother, Major General Lawrence Heinlein, once told me that there are only two promotions in life that mean a damn: from buck private to corporal, and from colonel to general officer. I made corporal decades ago ... but now at long last I know what he meant about the other. Thank you.17
William H. Patterson Jr. |
Treat people magnanimously if you can," he said, "It'll make you feel better. Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. Do the decent thing if you can, but for its own sake."
William H. Patterson Jr. |