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d7e31fd You are not an alcoholic or an addict. You are not incurably diseased. You have merely become dependent on substances or addictive behavior to cope with underlying conditions that you are now going to heal, at which time your dependency will cease completely and forever. addiction addiction-cure addiction-disease addiction-treatment-center alcohol-addiction alcohol-addiction-treatment alcohol-disease alcohol-rehab alcoholic alcoholics-anonymous alcoholism alcoholism-addiction-recovery chris-prentiss dependency depression disease drug-addiction healing-addiction inspiration inspire passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss rehab rehab-centers self-help Chris Prentiss
c54e764 Depression can be due to a low endocrine function, nutritional deficiencies, blood sugar problems, food allergies, or systemic yeast infection. Depression can also result from medical illnesses such as stroke, heart attack, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and hormonal disorder. It can also be caused by a serious loss, a difficult relationship, a financial problem, or any stressful, unwelcome life change. addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center cause-of-depression chris-prentiss depression passages-malibu passages-ventura quotes reading sadness Chris Prentiss
81b645c We recognize that you've used substances to try to regain your lost balance, to try to feel the way you did before the need arose to use addictive drugs or alcohol. We know that you use substances to alter your mood, to cover up your sadness, to ease your heartbreak, to lighten your stress load, to blur your painful memories, to escape your hurtful reality, or to make your unbearable days or nights bearable. addiction-cure addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse chris-prentiss dependency drug-abuse heartache heartbreak holistic-health holistic-rehab holistic-therapy holistic-treatment holistic-treatment-center life live memories non-12-step pain passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss sadness substance-abuse survival Chris Prentiss
f6e4310 Whether the underlying cause of your dependency is a chemical imbalance, unresolved events from the past, beliefs you hold that are inconsistent with what is true, an inability to cope with current conditions, or a combination of these four causes, know this: not only are all the causes of dependency within you, but all the solutions are within you as well. addiction-cure addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcohol-rehab author books chris-prentiss depression drug-abuse drug-rehab holistic-health holistic-treatment los-angeles-rehab malibu-rehab passages-malibu passages-ventura quotes rehab-center substance-abuse writer writing Chris Prentiss
0db7694 One of the first actions we take at Passages is to ruthlessly scrutinize, always under a doctor's supervision and care, the specific necessity of any mind- altering or mood-altering medications that our clients are taking. As soon as any non essential drugs are out of their systems, the feelings they were trying to suppress usually emerge. When that happens, we can see what symptoms the client was masking with drugs or alcohol. addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcohol-addiction alcohol-addiction-treatment chris-prentiss depression drug-abuse drug-addiction drug-addiction-treatment holistic-health holistic-treatment non-12-step passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss quotes Chris Prentiss
e1456ef "...there is a saying used in twelve-step programs and in most treatment centers that "Relapse is part of recovery." It's another dangerous slogan that is based on a myth, and it only gives people permission to relapse because that think that when they do, they are on the road to recovery." addiction-cure addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcoholics-anonymous alcoholism books chris-prentiss drug-abuse passages-malibu reading recovery relapse Chris Prentiss
2b30b9d Believe that is cure is possible for you. Discover and heal the underlying causes with a holistic recovery program. Adopt a philosophy based on what is true in the Universe. addiction-cure addiction-free addiction-treatment-center alcohol-addiction-treatment change change-the-world chris-prentiss curing-addiction drug-addiction-treatment freedom good-books happiness healing health holistic-health holistic-treatment inspiration inspire life non-12-step non12step passages-malibu passages-ventura philosophy recommended-reading renew self-help self-improvement sober sober-living sobriety treatment-program universe wisdom Chris Prentiss
4e05711 It is ethanol that everyone is after when they drink alcoholic beverages. That is what gives us the euphoric feeling, and that is what all vendors of alcoholic drinks are selling. addiction-and-recovery addiction-treatment-center alcohol alcoholism holistic-treatment passages-malibu passages-ventura Chris Prentiss
0633b56 We know that you don't want to be a drunk and you don't want to be hooked on addictive drugs. You do it because you can't cope with your life without some sort of support, even if that support is damaging. addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcohol-rehab chris-prentiss dependency drug-abuse drug-rehab passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss recovery Chris Prentiss
47d87e9 In 1935, when there were no other programs, the founders of AA, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, stepped up to the plate and took action to help a crippled population. All credit for the establishment of their wonderful, life-saving group goes to them and to those who came after them who have continued the tradition. However, there are not among the estimated two or three million who attend twelve-step meetings. 12-steps addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse change change-the-world chris-prentiss drug-abuse passages-malibu philosophy tradition twelve-step Chris Prentiss
5a50a6e In 1935, when there were no other programs, the founders of AA, Bill Wilson and Dr. Robert Smith, stepped up to the plate and took action to help a crippled population. All credit for the establishment of their wonderful, life-saving group goes to them and to those who came after them who have continued the tradition. However, there are hundreds of millions of people who still need help who are not among the estimated two or three million who attend twelve-step meetings. addiction-cure addiction-therapy addiction-treatment addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse change change-the-world chris-prentiss drug-abuse perspective philosophy twelve-step twelve-steps Chris Prentiss