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d7e31fd You are not an alcoholic or an addict. You are not incurably diseased. You have merely become dependent on substances or addictive behavior to cope with underlying conditions that you are now going to heal, at which time your dependency will cease completely and forever. addiction addiction-cure addiction-disease addiction-treatment-center alcohol-addiction alcohol-addiction-treatment alcohol-disease alcohol-rehab alcoholic alcoholics-anonymous alcoholism alcoholism-addiction-recovery chris-prentiss dependency depression disease drug-addiction healing-addiction inspiration inspire passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss rehab rehab-centers self-help Chris Prentiss
5f0bd61 It's the causes, not the dependent person, that must be corrected. That's why I see the United States' War on Drugs as being fought in an unrealistic manner. This war is focused on fighting drug dealers and the use of drugs here and abroad, when the effort should be primarily aimed at treating and curing that causes that compel people to reach for drugs. alcohol-rehab alcohol-treatment-center chris-prentiss dependency depression drug-abuse drug-rehab drug-rehab-center drug-war passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss substance-abuse war-on-drugs Chris Prentiss
f6e4310 Whether the underlying cause of your dependency is a chemical imbalance, unresolved events from the past, beliefs you hold that are inconsistent with what is true, an inability to cope with current conditions, or a combination of these four causes, know this: not only are all the causes of dependency within you, but all the solutions are within you as well. addiction-cure addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcohol-rehab author books chris-prentiss depression drug-abuse drug-rehab holistic-health holistic-treatment los-angeles-rehab malibu-rehab passages-malibu passages-ventura quotes rehab-center substance-abuse writer writing Chris Prentiss
7fd5f17 The treatment must fit the malady and the malady is not alcoholism or addiction, or addictive drugs and alcohol. Once the correct cause is diagnosed, healing will take place and hoped-for cure will come about. addiction-cure addiction-treatment addictive-drugs alcohol-abuse alcohol-rehab chris-prentiss depression drug-abuse drug-rehab health holistic-healing passages-malibu passages-ventura Chris Prentiss
0633b56 We know that you don't want to be a drunk and you don't want to be hooked on addictive drugs. You do it because you can't cope with your life without some sort of support, even if that support is damaging. addiction-treatment-center alcohol-abuse alcohol-rehab chris-prentiss dependency drug-abuse drug-rehab passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss recovery Chris Prentiss
00cdb23 Staying sober is easy once you have been successful in healing the underlying conditions that were responsible for your dependency in the first place. addiction-rehab addiction-treatment alcohol-rehab california-rehab chris-prentiss drug-rehab malibu-rehab non-12-step non12step passages-malibu passages-rehab passages-ventura Chris Prentiss
6b23c21 The punishment approach and bad consequences approach to treatment is the kind of thinking that is prevalent in every residential substance abuse treatment center in the United States of which I'm aware. addiction alcohol-rehab alcohol-treatment-center chris-prenitss depression drug-abuse drug-rehab drug-rehab-center non-12-step pax-prentiss substance-abuse Chris Prentiss