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4ff7a54 Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days. attention direction focus inspirational motivational Zig Ziglar
b8bf2a4 It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters, attention compassion happiness happy-life inspirational kindness life love meaning-of-life meditation money oneness peace perspective philosophy positive-attitude positive-living purpose purpose-in-life purpose-of-life purposeful-living respect revelation self-awareness self-discovery spirit spirituality wisdom Amit Ray
910c199 The beauty and mystery of this world only emerges through affection, attention, interest and compassion . . . open your eyes wide and actually see this world by attending to its colors, details and irony. attention beauty color compassion detail interest irony mystery Orhan Pamuk
c23ba20 Each cherry took about three seconds to eat. Three seconds to eat, but at least five years in the making. It seemed unfair to the hard-working cherry tree. The least I could do was to devote my attention to the cherry in those three seconds, really appreciate the tartness of the skin and the faint crunching sound when I bite down. I guess it's called mindfulness. Or being in the moment, or making the mundane sacred. Whatever it is, I'm doing it more. Like the ridiculously extended thank-you list for my hummus, the fruit taboo made me more aware of the whole cherry process, the seed, the soil, the five years of watering and waiting. That's the paradox: I thought religion would make me live with my head in the clouds, but as often as not, it grounds me in this world. attention cherries cherry-tree page-172 paradox religion sacred wisdom A.J. Jacobs
011dcb3 The trouble with people like him is that they think that they can brush off people like me. Like I was nothing. They don't understand the type of world we're living in now, all those menaced souls clamouring for attention and recognition. attention recognition Irvine Welsh
cea8d19 The price of eternal vigilance is indifference. attention indifference marshall-mcluhan media vigilance Marshall McLuhan
0941933 Escapaba a su comprension el que un ser, independiente del parentesco que pudiera tener con otro, asi no mas, con la mano en la cintura rechazara de una manera tan brutal una atencion. attention hurt love rejection Laura Esquivel
c64da67 "I asked, "When the Rebellions were at its peak doing nonsense, everyone was trying to keep away from the area, yet you were going in, why were you going into that area? Supt. Strachan answered quite frankly, Because I was not afraid. I felt like they are my people, they are my color. I don't know of anyone born after me that I should be afraid of, that was how I felt. I knew I could've walk through Strachan's Corner, sit down and felt at home, and their parents also accepted me. I came to the conclusion; these kids just need someone to show them some attention. They just wanted to belong, that was what a lot of them were looking for. So I said to myself, if I could assist them I would, and that was what I did. Supt. Allerdyce Strachan, the first female officer to rise to the rank of superintendent on the Royal Bahamas Police Force." at-risk-communities at-risk-youth attention caring-cops caring-person clubs community-policing crime-prevention doing-good feeling-at-home feeling-wanted gang-intervention gang-members good-cops helping-people law-enforcement love-in-action love-of-country my-color my-kind my-people no-child-left-behind nonsense not-afraid not-giving-up parents-acceptance police-intervention police-outreach police-programs police-relations police-superintendent reaching-gang-members rebellion-raiders sense-of-belonging showing-love touching-lives wanting-to-belong woman-police youth youth-programs Drexel Deal
ef729d0 It is not simply that suppression of self is required before accurate vision can be obtained. The great artist sees his objects (and this is true whether they are sad, absurd, repulsive or even evil) in a light of justice and mercy. The direction of attention is, contrary to nature, outward, away from self which reduces all to a false unity, towards the great surprising variety of the world, and the ability so to direct attention is love. attention evil good learning-to-see love self Iris Murdoch
922cff1 The mystery and art of living are as grand as the sweep of a lifetime and the lifetime of a species. And they are as close as beginning, quietly, to mine whatever grace and beauty, whatever healing and attentiveness, are possible in this moment and the next and the next one after that. attention awe beauty diversity enlightenment god grace humanity life life-force love mindfulness mystery on-being religion spirit wisdom wonder Krista Tippett