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fce1a1b Leo: Rainbows. Very macho. Annabeth: Butch is our best equestrian, he gets along great with the pegasi. Leo: Rainbows, ponies... Butch: I'm gonna toss you off this chariot. butch leo-valdez machismo masculinity Rick Riordan
b219f93 "One more thing." "What." "I think we're dating now." As V barked out a laugh, the cop shrugged. "Come on....I got you naked. You wore a damn corset. And don't get me started about the sponge bath afterward." "Fucker." "To the end." butch j-r-ward vishous J.R. Ward
fb08af1 Butch tightened his grip on his cell and wished there were an app that let you reach through a phone and bitch slap someone. butch humor j-r-ward J. R. Ward
281c954 "Tohrment spoke. "Bella's brother called. He's tabled the sehelusion request and asked that she stay here for a couple of days." Z jacked his head up. "Why?" "He didn't give a reason-" Tohr's eye's narrowed on Z's face. "Oh... my God." "What the fuck are you looking at?" Phury pointed to the antique mirror hanging on the wall next to the double doors. "See for yourself." Zsadist marched across the room, ready to give them all hell. Bella was what mattered- His mouth went lax at his reflection. With a shaky hand he reached out to the eyes in the old-fashioned leaded glass. His irises were no longer black. They were yellow. Just like his twin's. "Phury?" he said softly. "Phury... what happened to me?" As the male came up behind him, his brother's face appeared right beside Z's. And then Wrath's dark reflection showed up in the mirror, all long hair and sunglasses. Then Rhage's star-fallen beauty. And Vishous's Sox cap. And Tohrment's brush cut. And Butch's busted nose. One by one they reached out and touched him, their big hands gently on his shoulders. "Welcome back, my brother," Phury whispered. Zsadist stared at the males who were behind him. And the oddest thought that if he were to let himself go limp and fall backward... they would catch him." butch lover-awakened phury rhage tohrment vishous wrath zsadist J.R. Ward
dfb8ff6 "Go 'head." Those freaky-ass black eyes had stared at Butch with the intensity of a shark. "Crack open that door. Run your little heart out. Run fast, run smart, call for help. Just know that I'll come after you. Like a hearse." - Zsadist" butch dark-lover j-r-ward zsadist J.R. Ward
5370a53 "What's next? The size of my cock?" "Hey, even pencils can get the job done--I've heard the moaning from your room to prove it." butch humor vishous J.R. Ward
e459cea "What are the rules," The cop said. "There are none." Vishous spread his stance and braced himself. "Do whatever you want...but you have to break me. You've got to tear me apart." butch jr-ward vishous J.R. Ward
11e62a7 "Wait", Butch said, thinking about the glymera. "Marissa's mated now, right? I mean, even if I die, she will have had a mate right?" "Death wish," V said under his breath. "Fucking Death Wish Boy we got over here." The Scribe Virgin seemed flat-out amazed "I should kill you now." butch scribe-virgin v J.R. Ward
89d28fd "I think we're dating now" "Come on...I got you naked. You wore a damn corset. And don't get me started on the sponge bath afterward." butch butch-vishous jr-ward J.R. Ward
fc0b870 The pair of them were staring at the computer screen like two dogs watching animal planet: very focused, but incapable of turning up the volume or changing the channel. -Manny and Butch butch j-r-ward manny J.R. Ward
da3422c "Hey" V said into the darkness. "Hey" V went forward, rounding the foot of the bed, using the wall to navigate. Lowering his ass onto the mattress, he sat beside his best friend." butch jr-ward vishous J.R. Ward
727003d "Butch put his hand on his roommate's nape and murmured, "I'll do the saving until you get your head back, how about that? I'll keep you safe." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous J.R. Ward
1a0d5dd "Before Butch knew what was doing, V grabbed his forearm, bent down, and licked the cut, sealing it up quick. Butch yanked out of his roommate's hold. "Jesus, V! What if that blood's contaminated!" "It's fine. Just f-" With a boneless lurch, Vishous gasped and collapsed against the wall, eyes rolling back in his head, body twitching. "Oh, God...!" Butch reached out in horror- Only to have V cut the seizure off and calmly take a drink from his glass. "You're fine, cop. Tastes perfectly okay. Well fine for a human guy which really ain't my 'tail of choice, you feel me?" Butch hauled back and nailed his roommate in the arm with his fist. And as the brother cursed, Butch popped him another one. V glared and rubbed himself. "Christ, cop." "Suck it up, you deserve it." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous J.R. Ward
9dd4d52 "I'm glad you told me. About the sex stuff." "None of it was a news flash." "True. But I figure you came out with it because you trust my ass." "I do. Now drag it back to the Pit. Marissa's got to be coming home soon." "She is," Butch headed for the door but then paused and looked over his shoulder. "V?" Vishous raised his stare. "Yeah?" "I think you should know, after all this deep conversatin'..." Butch shook his head gravely. "We still ain't dating." The two of them busted out laughing, and the cop was still yukking it up as he disappeared into the gym." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
f7eca6f "V grabbed him by the lapels and yanked him up against his body. The brother was trembling from head to foot, his eyes glowing like crystals in the night. "You are not my enemy." Instantly pissed off, Butch gripped V's shoulders, bunching up the leather jacket in his fists. "How do we know for sure." V bared his fangs and hissed, his black eyebrows cranking down hard. Butch gave the aggression right back, hoping, praying, ready for them to start clocking each other. He was jonesing to hit and get hit back; he wanted blood all over the both of them. For long moments, they stayed locked together, muscles straining, sweat blooming, right on the edge. Then Vishous's voice came out into space between their faces, the cracked tone riding a panting, desperate breath and getting bucked off. "You are my only friend. Never my enemy." No telling who embraced who first, but the urge to beat the living shit out of the other guy bled from their bodies, leaving only the bond between them. They wound up tight together and stood for a time in the cold wind. When they stepped back, it was awkwardly and with embarrassment." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward vishous vutch J.R. Ward
22e50b0 "So I want to share a little news." "You getting married?" Butch tossed back half the new Lag. "Where you registered? Crate and Bury 'Em?" "Try Heckler and Koch." The Reverend opened his jacket and flashed the butt of a forty. "Nice little poodle shooter you got there, vampire." "Put a hell of a-" V cut in. "You two are like playing tennis, and racquet sports bore me. What's the news?" Revh looked at Butch. "He has such phenomenal people skills, doesn't he." "Try living with him." -- black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed rehvenge vishous J.R. Ward
cc209d8 "Butch clapped V on the thigh, then stood up, as if he knew exactly what V was thinking. "Listen, I don't want you to feel bad. It's my animal magnetism. I'm irresistible." "Smart-ass." -- black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
d2e148f "V?" "What?" "I will die rather than hurt you." ~Vutch moments~" black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous J.R. Ward
51c3914 "Sorry about the question thing," Butch said to the black robes. "But I just... I'm glad I know what's in my veins. And honestly, if I die today, I'm grateful I finally know what I am." He took Marissa's hand. "And who I love. If this is where my life took me after all those years of being lost, I'd say my time here wasn't wasted." There was a long silence. Then the Scribe Virgin said, "Do you regret that you leave behind your human family?" "Nope. This is my family. Here with me now and elsewhere in the compound. Why would I need anything else?" The cursing in the room told him he'd thrown another question out there. "Yeah.. ah, sorry-" A soft feminine laugh came from under the robes. "You are rather fearless,human." "Or you could call it stupid." As Wrath's mouth fell open, Butch rubbed his face. "You know, I'm trying here. I really am. You know, to be respectful." "Your hand, human." He offered his left, the one that was free. "Palm up," Wrath barked. He flipped his hand over. "Tell me, human," the Scribe Virgin said, "if I asked for the one you hold this female with, would you offer it to me?" "Yeah. I'd just reach over to her with the other guy." As that little laugh came again, he said, "You know, you sound like birds when you do that chuckle thing. It's nice." Over to the left, Vishous put his head in his hands. There was a long silence. Butch took a deep breath. "Guess I'm not allowed to say that." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa scribe-virgin vishous wrath J.R. Ward
12daa1f Vishous, could you stop grinning like that? You're beginning to freak me out. black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
ffadfe6 "Trust me, true?" Butch barked a laugh. "Last time you said that i ended up with a vampire cocktail, remember?" black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward vishous J.R. Ward
6692e65 "The Brother's eyes narrowed. "But here's something to keep in mind. You ever hurt him on purpose and I will consider you my enemy." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa vishous J.R. Ward
d987c12 "The hallway beyond was filled with males of the house, the Brothers and other fighters and Manny sitting on the floor with their backs to the bare walls, their legs stretched out, propped up, crossed at the knees or crossed at the ankles. Apparently there had been quite a bit of drinking going on, bottles of vodka and whiskey littered around them, glasses in hands or on thighs. "This is NOT as pathetic as it looks," her Butch pointed out. "Liar," V muttered, "It so fucking is. I think I'm going to start knitting for reals." butch manny marissa v vishous vodka J.R. Ward
1521ed6 "V's smile didn't last long. "Don't get your romantic side fired up about me and Jane, buddy. She's human." Butch's jaw dropped and he pulled a bobble. "No, really? That's such a shocker! And here I thought she was a sheep." V shot Butch a fuck-ya stare." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
c176452 "Those icy bright eyes left her and shifted to his buddy. The frown didn't leave his face. "You look like hell." "And you're Miss America." -- black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous J.R. Ward
3b8f9c5 "Marissa came around the corner, looking Grace Kelly-fine as usual. With her long blond hair and her precision-molded face, she was known as the great beauty of the species, and even V, who didn't go for her type, had to show love. "Hello, boys--" Marissa stopped and stared at Butch. "Good... Lord... look at those pants." Butch winced. "Yeah, I know. They're--" "Could you come over here?" She started backing down the hall to their bedroom. "I need you to come back here for a minute. Or ten." Butch's bonding scent flared to a dull roar, and V knew damn well the guy's body was hardening for sex. "Baby, you can have me for as long as you want me." Just as the cop left the living room, he shot a look over his shoulder. "I'm so feeling these leathers. Tell Fritz I want fifty pairs of them. Stat." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-unbound marissa vishous J.R. Ward
73570ce "She pulled back the sheet. Good God, his sex was... "It's gotten so...huge" Butch barked out a laugh. "You say the nicest things." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
585ee48 "V smiled, his eyes a little shiny as if he too were choked up. "Don't worry, I'm covered. So, I guess you're back, true?" "And ready to rock and roll." "Really." "For sure. I'm thinking about a future in contracting. Wanted to see how this bathroom was put together. Excellent tile work. You should check it." "How about I carry you back to bed?" "I want to look at the sink pipes next." Respect and affection clearly drove V's cool smirk. "At least let me help you up." "Nah, I can do it." With a groan, Butch gave the vertical move a shot, but then eased back down onto the tile. Turned out his head was a little overwhelming. But if they left him here long enough-a week, maybe ten days? "Come on, cop. Cry uncle here and let me help." Butch was suddenly too tired to front. As he went totally limp, he was aware of Marissa staring at him and thought, man, could he look any weaker? Shit, the only saving grace was there wasn't a cold breeze on his butt. Which suggested the hospital gown had stayed closed. Thank you, God." -- black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa vishous J.R. Ward
d97a27c "The guy stroked his goatee. "What do you call twenty guys watching the World Series?" "The New York Yankees," Butch replied. The vampire laughed in a loud burst, whipped the baseball cap off his head, and slapped it on his thigh." black-dagger-brotherhood butch dark-lover j-r-ward vishous yankees J.R. Ward
4553b33 As she took a deep breath, all she smelled was him, the scent going in her nose and blooming all over her body. Bastard, she thought. Irresistible bastard butch lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
0574d11 "When I lie this close to you, when I smell your scent, when I hear your voice, I know everything that matters." She looked down the length of him. "You are the male I want to mate with. That's who you are." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-awakened marissa romance J.R. Ward
9e3f0b9 "You're so very naked," she whispered against his shoulder. He smiled into her hair. "So are you." -- black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
d82169c "Marissa laughed, utterly delighted with her mate. "Later. Food first." Butch settled back immediately, like she'd called his lust to a heel and it behaved because it wanted to be a good boy. As she left, the cop's eyes followed her with rank hunger and adoration. V shook his head. "You are a total sap." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa vishous J.R. Ward
0421828 "You know you were with the lessers, true?" Butch lifted one of his busted-up hands. "And here I thought I'd been to Elizabeth Arden." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous vutch J.R. Ward
549f8b5 "Can we screw the 'sorry' part and let me hit you back instead?" Vishous to Butch" butch j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous vutch J.R. Ward
5e6a8ae As he stepped forward, it dawned on her that this was a bad idea. If he wanted to talk she should meet him downstairs. After all, he was very male. And she was very naked. And they were now... yup, shut in a bedroom together. Good planning. Excellent work. Maybe she should jump out a window next. black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
5793b23 The guy in the Red Sox hat came in with an astonishingly beautiful blond woman at his side. He stood close to her, and though they weren't touching, it was clear that they were a couple. They just belonged together. black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-unbound marissa J.R. Ward
1a31d96 "She frowned. Then blurted, "Do you have other females?" As if anyone could measure up to her? "No! Why do you ask?" "We haven't layed together and you are a male with obvious... needs. Even now, your body has changed, hardening, growing big." Crap. He'd tried to hide the erection, he really had. "Marissa-" "Surely you need to be eased regularly. Your body is phearsom." That didn't sound good. "What?" "Potent and powerful. Worthy of entering a female." Butch closed his eye, thinking Mr. Worthy was really rising to the occasion now." -- bkack-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
82909a5 "Ten minutes," Butch whispered into Marissa's ear. "Can I have ten minutes with you before you go? Please, baby..." V rolled his eyes and was relieved to be annoyed at the lovey-dovey routine. At least all the testosterone in him hadn't dried up. "Baby... please?" V took a pull on his mug. "Marissa, throw the sap bastard a bone, would you? The simpering wears on my nerves." "Well, we can't have that, can we?" Marissa packed up her papers with a laugh and shot Butch a look. "Ten minutes. And you'd better make them count." Butch was up out of that chair like the thing was on fire. "Don't I always?" "Mmm... yes." As the two locked lips, V snorted. "Have fun, kiddies. Somewhere else." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-unbound marissa vishous J.R. Ward
2471317 "Will you live over there?" Phury asked. "Live over where?" Butch cut in. "You mean you won't be able to fight with us? Or, like... hang?" "No, I made that a condition of the deal." As Butch exhaled in relief, V tried not to get sapped out that his roommate cared about seeing him as much as he cared about being seen." black-dagger-brotherhood butch butch-vishous j-r-ward lover-unbound phury vishous J.R. Ward
b02ed8f In the oh-my-God-this-has-to-be-Christmas silence that followed, he struggled to reorder the last six months, to catch up with this reality they'd somehow missed. He wanted her. She wanted him. Was it true? butch lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
9714de6 "I gotta go," he said. Like now. "Yes... me, too." She flushed and stepped back, her eyes meeting his briefly and skirting away. "Anyway, I'll see you. Around." She turned away and started walking quickly back up to the house. And guess who appeared in the doorway to meet her: Rehvenge. Rehv... so strong... so powerful... so completely able to feed her. Marissa didn't make it another yard. Butch shot out of the SUV, grabbed her around the waist, and dragged her back to the car. Although it wasn't as if she fought him. In the slightest." black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa rehvenge J.R. Ward
348c672 Holy Christ! There was a frickin' melee in the alley. Lessers. Brothers. Two civilians crouched and quivering in the middle. And big bad Butch O'Neal. black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed J.R. Ward
eb0100f "Butch sighed in relief. "Listen, man, do me a favor. Warn me before you pull another stunt like that. I'd rather choose." Then he smiled a little. "And we still ain't dating." butch lover-awakened vishous J.R. Ward
5252122 "You hurt,too?" When the female nodded, Marissa was stunned. Then a little relieved. "It wasn't all painful. I mean, what led up to it was ... is amazing. Butch makes me... he's just so... the way he touches me, I get... Oh, God, I can't believe I'm talking like this. And I can't explain what it's like with him." Beth chuckled. "That's all right. I know what you mean." "Really?" "Oh, yeah." The queen's dark blue eyes glowed. "I know exactly what you mean." beth black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
facb409 In the process of terrorizing an article on spring training, Butch glanced over at Marissa again, and V knew the two were going to take off soon--but not because they were finished with their coffee. Funny, he knew what was going to happen from extrapolation, not second sight or because he could read their minds: Butch was letting off the bonding scent, and Marissa loved being with her male black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-unbound marissa J.R. Ward
34145cc "Butch, I got sick and needed some time to regroup. But I wanted to see you. That's why I asked you to come calling when I ran into you back in December. When you said no, I thought... well, you'd lost interest." She'd wanted to see him? Had she said that? "Butch, I wanted to see you." Yeah, she had. Twice. Well, now... didn't that perk a guy up." butch lover-revealed marissa J.R. Ward
d1c68df Butch rustled the sports section around, leaned over to kiss Marissa on the shoulder, then went back to the CCJ. In response she glanced up from her paperwork for Safe Place, rubbed his arm, and went back to what she was doing. She had a fresh bite mark on her neck and the glow of a very satisfied female in her face. black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward lover-unbound marissa J.R. Ward
8b5d3fb (Butch Thinking) Those claws wre like daggers. they made Freddie Krueger's set of fun and games look like pipe cleaners. butch jr-ward lover-eternal rhage J.R. Ward
5c862a3 "Butch, let me help you." He cursed. "What if-" "What ifs don't cut it." She took a deep breath. "I won't lie. I'm scared. But I don't want to turn my back on you and you're a fool to try and make me." He shook his head, respect in his eyes. "You always been this courageous?" black-dagger-brotherhood butch j-r-ward marissa J.R. Ward
07185b0 "V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloaded. Butch's voice: "Oh,shit..." Then all hell broke loose. Gunshots, grunts, thuds. butch vishous J.R. Ward
4485242 "V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloaded. Butch's voice: "Oh,shit..." butch lover-revealed vishous J.R Ward