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05ac60f Our cultural lens is so much a part of us that we are not even aware of how obvious it is to others. Like the nose on your face, you may forget that it is there, but everyone else sees it. I can't look at you and not see your nose. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
f611576 "Ambiverts typically . . . * Can process information both internally and externally. They need time to contemplate on their own, but consider the opinions and wisdom from people whom they trust when making a decision. * Love to engage and interact enthusiastically with others, however, they also enjoy calm and profound communication. * Seek to balance between their personal time and social time, they value each greatly. * Are able to move from one situation to the next with confidence, flexibility, and anticipation. "Not everyone is going to like us or understand us. And that is okay. It may have nothing to do with us personally; but rather more about who they are and how they relate to the world." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b244365 "The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961) first introduced the concept of "synchronicity" to describe the meaningful coincidences which occur in our lives and connect us all in our humanity." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f2ae7cc "Being "out of sync" happens all the time . . . * Have you ever begun a discussion when the timing was not right and your message was subsequently rejected? * Have you ever said the right thing at the wrong time and ended up looking stupid or inappropriate? * Or perhaps rather than having a positive or a negative effect, your message fell on deaf ears and had no effect at all? * Has your poor timing ever resulted in social awkwardness, humiliating rejection, or alienation? * Has anyone ever attempted a serious discussion with you in the middle of your day when you were overwhelmed by phone calls, emails, and appointments?" employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c5cb172 Since we are all unique and individual, being cognizant of different personality styles will help you better recognize where others are coming from to minimize barriers, build trust, and catapult your newfound communication skills into meaningful connections. The savvy socializer knows this all. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1e6322d The Art of Communication shares insights to help you communicate with a higher awareness and focused intention and meet people on their level to increase clarity and understanding. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
77d407f Effective communication requires an elevated level of self-awareness, and desire to understand and appreciate one another. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1afa133 ASK YOURSELF: * Have you pondered a question and someone ironically shows up with the answers? * Have you ever been thinking of a friend and within moments they mysteriously call or come by? * How many times have you seen a meaningful relationship start because the right people were in the right place at the right time for the right opportunity? employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
d9a718b Sometimes you must earn the right to be included. Otherwise, you may appear awkward or pushy. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
ca57568 When a person is focused completely on self it is nearly impossible to be mindful of others at the same time. That is a contradiction for healthy communication, networking, and relationship building. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
1976c28 When you begin conversations with confidence and listen attentively, you will become more flexible and adaptable in most any situation. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
bf16212 "My man Daniel sees twenty patients a day, many of whom he has never met before their appointment. With only fifteen to twenty minutes to spare, he has no choice but to use the gift of gab to connect quickly. He said, "Small talk is easier than big talk, especially with someone you do not know. It is an easy stepping stone to help you break the silence for more comfortable conversation. This initial form of communication opens the door for big talk." Find ways to start small talk with new people and they will be impressed by your friendly disposition and sincere interest." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
49a0e21 Using names with respect and consideration tells a person that you care, are present and engaged, and that you are genuinely interested in making a connection. You make them feel remembered! team-building employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
4f0ded6 "Uh-Oh . . . One year I was the guest speaker at an annual conference. The person who coordinated the agenda mistakenly typed my name as "Sue" rather than "Susan." I felt odd and a little disrespected because they didn't take the time to ask the spelling of my name. It felt awkward when I saw it on all the tables throughout the ballroom, to say the least. I asked, "Please make sure that you introduce me as Susan because I've never been called Sue." The initial impression was sticky for an instant, but they quickly made it right. The correction was shared and everything turned out fine. Even an innocent and unintentional name error can impact your first impressions. Making a joke about it once I was on stage was a light-hearted way to confirm my real name." team-building employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
ca8a874 "Wearing Nametags- On Others I enjoy reading nametags and calling people by their names before we have officially met or been introduced. It provides an instant icebreaker. Walking up to someone and saying, "Hi Brenda! I'm Susan!" creates a quick connection that might not have happened were her name not displayed." team-building networking-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
756d9a2 To remember people's names, use rhyming, rhythm, adjectives, and alliteration--Use rhyming (trim Kim), rhythm (Sally sells seashells), adjectives (kind Kevin), and alliteration (Mike likes milk). These ideas may sound silly, but they stimulate your mind to improve your memory. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f4716b2 To remember people's names, use association--Creating a connection to something that has been important to you will give a name sticking power. Did you go to the same college? Did you work for his company at one time? Does she have the same car as your best friend? Begin looking for associations and it will make the names more memorable. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
aeca013 "To remember people's names, introduce a "Just-Met" to someone else--Introduce your newfound acquaintance or friend to someone else. As you share her name with another person, the name will become locked into your memory." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
14d1e26 To remember people's names, Pay Attention--Minimize distractions and focus on what they are saying. Making a concerted effort to concentrate will help you improve your memory. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b4a34e6 Make a Connection to remember people's names, --Connect their name or a feature on their face with something you already know. This connection will help anchor their name in your mind for future recall. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1ceaba7 "Delicious Dialogue "We've all known the proverbial conversation hog who dominates a discussion and pays little notice to another person's input. They're so busy talking about themselves, we can barely slide a word in edgewise. Don't be that guy!" "An engaging conversation is a two-way street. Learn to delight in dialogue to ensure mutual respect and consideration." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
30dcb53 We've all known the proverbial conversation hog who dominates a discussion and pays little notice to another person's input. They're so busy talking about themselves, we can barely slide a word in edgewise. Don't be that guy! employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
9238909 "Different Strokes for Different Folks "First things first--differences abound! Race, creed, color, gender, national origin, handicap, age, familial status, socio-economics, education, politics, religion, geography, and job status. Does that list look like a poster ad for the ACLU? Add in our vastly different life experiences and things really start to get interesting." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
84d0034 Conversational Chameleon We know that chameleons are lizards who are famous for their ability to change their colors and fit in as their environments require. This ability enables them to change themselves for safety, survival, and healthy well-being. Their colors adjust to reflect their mood, their surroundings, and serve as camouflage when necessary. Fossils prove they have been on this planet for over eighty million years, so they must be doing something right. Their innate ability for adaptability deserves appreciation, respect, and further consideration. It obviously works! employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8763981 "All in Good Time. The ancient Buddhist saying shares, "When the student is ready, the master will appear." When the timing is right, lessons are learned and miracles can happen. However, when the timing is "out of sync," even the best of intentions can be met with resistance." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2c88bf5 "The Rhythm of Relationships It's not a mystery that there are certain people with whom we "click" and others with whom we don't. In the movie, Forrest Gump, Forrest proclaimed that he and Jenny got along like "peas and carrots." I once heard Tony Robbins say that if you are with the right person, a relationship does not take a lot of work. When relationships are in rhythm, everything is made easier." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
314c543 Mindful Awareness. Be fully involved in the moment--right now! Developing this ability instills a sixth sense for navigating connections. Be intentional and thoughtful; listen and care. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
533fd76 Your encounters will be more successful when you slow down, pay attention, and become more mindfully aware of the world around you. Heightening your awareness in your social, situational, contextual, orientational, and cultural scenarios will improve your agility as you adapt to new social settings. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
e701e1a Conversation Starters. Your first words will not only shape your first impression, but they can create amazing connections, lead you to your dream job, or help you discover a new best friend. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
426dd80 Active Listening. Practice this skill. You enhance communication; this confirms that the message another conveys is well received and thoroughly understood. You get it! employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
a1f0d98 "Voice Value. Your voice makes a first impression. Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? The way you deliver the words is your "vocal image." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
1cef506 "The "Law of Attraction," based on the principle of cause and effect, is not only a process of reaping what you sow through your actions. Its magnetic impact derives from the words you use, attracting and reinforcing whatever you are thinking about and putting out into the world through your speech." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
00a81ad "The Words You Write "Few things scream 'unprofessional' faster than a poorly written letter or resume filled with errors, misspellings, misuse, and negligence." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
5900a93 The wonderful world of human relationships is a rich mixture of backgrounds, perceptions, habits, preferences, behaviors, and motivators. These differences can create barriers to communication and connection, creating a lack of understanding or clarity. Just as we each have our own genetic DNA that makes us unique, we also have personality traits that do the same. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
78f3634 To master The Art of First Impressions for Positive Impact, it is imperative to understand some basic personality differences so that you can navigate and nurture relationships from a position of awareness, empathy, and acceptance. This understanding will greatly enhance your communication skills, regardless of the differences, so that you can make positive impressions on people who are different from you. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
88b2b44 The fact that someone is different from you does not make them wrong--it just makes them different. Why would we ever want everyone to be alike anyway? That would make the world boring! networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b3daebd Being a conversational chameleon allows you to do that. One day I may be speaking to the CEO of a global company and the next to my four-year-old nephew. Just as you would not talk to your eighty-year-old grandmother the same way you would talk to a twenty-three-year-old co-worker, adapt your own behavior to the person with whom you are speaking. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c140604 "Finding the right time is like discovering a social portal which opens a gate for others to receive your message and "get you." You only get one chance to make a first impression and if the gate begins to close, you may never get another opportunity to walk through it. Watch for the openings and synchronize your movements with your intended recipient." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f1589e4 Situational awareness enables you to observe your periphery with a clear vision and emotional foresight, which may inevitably keep you socially, physically, or professionally out of harm's way. Connect the dots. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
2797113 When you enter a room, a social situation, or a business meeting, be mindful of cues; read between the lines to better understand people and events. What do these things tell you? positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
a58f824 "Being "appropriate" means being suitable, fitting, relevant, or proper in a situation. What may be appropriate in one circumstance can be terribly inappropriate in another. How does one discern? Sometimes it is simply a matter of maturity and experience." positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
50761ee We will judge others based on their behaviors with little to no understanding or regard for their beliefs or values--standards we may not know, nor typically see. When we do this, things can be taken completely out of context because we are assessing their behavior against our expectations, which are produced from our own personal value system. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
e2e3dea Conversation starters. Icebreakers. Openers. However you choose to label them, that moment when the first words come out of your mouth can make or break the outcome of your entire conversation. Been there, done that, right? healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8143ee5 Speaking on Stage Speakers and presenters have only a few short seconds before their audience members begin forming opinions. True professionals know that beginning with impact determines audience engagement, the energy in the room, positive feedback, the quality of the experience, and whether or not their performance will be a success. A few of the popular methods which you can use to break the ice from the stage are: * Using music. * Using quotes. * Telling a joke. * Citing statistics. * Showing a video. * Asking questions. * Stating a problem. * Sharing acronyms. * Sharing a personal story. * Laying down a challenge. * Using analogies and comparisons. * Taking surveys; raise your hand if . . . Once you refine, define, and discover great conversation starters, you will enjoy renewed confidence for communicating well with new people. healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
9549b6f Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a natural communicator and know exactly what, when, why, and how to speak so that your message is conveyed and received as you intend? selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3f2b83d Communicating negatively (gossiping, bragging, bullying, and criticizing) can be disastrous to your reputation, cause you to lose the respect of others, and leave a terrible impression. Why leave this essential expertise up to chance when it can make or break the success of your relations? selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c6bcadf Mindfulness is a quiet strength and deeply rooted value which many other cultures understand and often practice better than we do. It can be puzzling to people from other countries as to why Americans are so task-driven and action-oriented. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
c30816d How do you know when to advance the conversation or when there's something still unresolved? When you are situationally aware, you watch the body language and notice the cues that are given to you. Listening and observing are being mindful in the best sense of the word. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
ff27dd3 Trust and rapport are essential for moving a positive first impression forward to create a meaningful and lasting connection. They are the heartbeat of business, the backbone for high performing teams, and the secret sauce for healthy relationships. wisconsin-keynote-speakers employee-engagement best-motivational-speakers customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
f9ffcdb It is crucial to understand that there are myriad interpretations of behavior. When you subscribe only to yours, you may begin to think that everyone else is wrong and thus limit your flexibility and possibility. Developing cultural awareness will make your diverse relationships easier and more productive. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
ac5a8bc Your first words will outlive your conversations and impact how you are remembered, liked, or regarded. Wouldn't you enjoy opening conversations with ease and mutual recognition? The challenging part is that it can be . . . awkward! healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
9c8f1aa Add a fresh twist of creativity to make a stellar impression which people won't soon forget. Granted, your venue will determine how far you can stretch and how creative you can be. Making small tweaks to your conversation starters can make a memorable impact! healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
86ca438 Being 100 percent in the moment and focusing on the person you're with is one of the finest compliments you can offer. One of the most respectful and considerate things you can do for another is to truly be with them in the here and now. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
5674967 Service Beyond Self. Value others; have a heart of service and generosity. Rise above self-interest. Ask what you can do for others, not what they can do for you. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
89968b0 Do you attend networking events to give out as many cards as possible or is it your intention to deliver something of value? When you are busy charging ahead with your own agenda, you're not meeting the needs of anyone but yourself--and it's obvious! positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
6f03886 Prepare yourself well by learning how to be more mindful in each interaction. The effort you put forth to gain insight will empower you to make a better impression on others, while enriching your opportunities to build enlightened, trusted relationships. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
85867f8 "At a Chamber of Commerce networking breakfast, two of my friends and I were standing in a circle talking. A stranger approached, interrupted our little reunion, and gave each of us her card. She then began talking about herself and her business without a hint of social awareness, or care about her interruption. She even had the tactless gall to ask us for referrals. When she left our small circle, we looked at each other and laughed, "What was that?" -- positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
034e839 Communicating on the surface can be easy. But when you want to dig deeper and connect with more profound impact, you'll need to achieve greater understanding, especially when others have personalities, experiences, needs, and preferences different from your own. customer-service emotional-intelligence employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
228cc92 Expressing and demonstrating genuine interest for people can connect you on levels you may never have imagined. emotional-intelligence employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
719d2ef Sociologically speaking, as Americans we often lack social, cultural, and mindful awareness. We hear the stories of how our arrogance has been known to offend, confuse, and alienate people from other cultures. Arrogance is the thief of mindfulness and it happens from both directions. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
90da781 4 Steps for Understanding Each Other 1. Identify your beliefs and core values; ask how they determine your behaviors and habits. 2. Realize with whom you are interacting and try to identify how their values are explaining their behavior. 3. Assume positive intent. 4. Seek ways to adapt your behavior to help bridge the cultural gap. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
e3784c6 "Employee Engagement "Employee Engagement" has become a very hot topic in recent years. The escalating statistics for disengagement are alarming. In 2015, the Gallup Polls' "The State of the American Workforce" survey found that only 32.5 percent of the U.S. Workforce is engaged and committed where they work, and 54 percent say they would consider leaving their companies if they could receive a 20 percent raise elsewhere. Disengagement not only lowers performance, morale, and productivity, but it's costing employers billions of dollars a year. It's a growing problem, which has many companies baffled." selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
9e81199 Be Brave. Bravery takes fortitude--put yourself on the line, even if you risk failing, falling, being embarrassed, or looking stupid--if being brave were easy, more people would be. Just try it! selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
7d922f7 Manners Matter. Courteous behavior is the hallmark of healthy relations and human interaction. Manners ensure you will be more respected, admired, and appreciated. Thank you! selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
ad9235f Polish the Gold. Be an optimist; look for the best in others, the best in situations, and focus on what is working rather than what is not. It's golden! selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
f96ae5b In The Art of Connection, you will learn simple, yet powerful ways to build trust and rapport for connecting with ease. By being personable and friendly, you will receive more positive and welcoming reactions. emotional-intelligence employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
ef71d94 Encourage others to talk about themselves by asking questions and listening with genuine interest. Demonstrating such mutual respect will make you all the more fascinating for kinship and camaraderie. emotional-intelligence employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
5c70dc6 To gain greater understanding, clarity, and awareness, you must become aware of your values and beliefs. Think of a triangle or an iceberg. Below the waterline, your beliefs and your values build the foundation for your behavior. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
3fbe66c Navigating relationships within our own culture can be challenging enough. When diverse cultures are involved, however, a huge potential for misunderstanding, disrespect, miscommunication, and intolerance is present. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
36e184b "These qualities make a great impression on your boss, your teams, and your customers. You will be more respected, noticed, and appreciated in the process. As your own "CEO of Self," projecting this positive level of engagement furthers your own personal reputation and interests for healthy communication, networking, and positive first impressions. An added bonus is that YOU will receive great benefits from putting forth this type of effort. Whether it be self-esteem, new training, cooperation, experience, or a raise or bonus, the rewards are extensive and many." selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
7c76e38 When you have orientational awareness, your perceptions and impressions are based on location and proximity. Orientation may imply hierarchy, position, and prestige, or be the result of habits, traditions, and perceptions. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
4aec07e In America, when a man walks in front of a woman it may imply that they are not equals and he is exerting dominance over her, or being arrogant and rude. In a different culture, however, it may be presumed that he is someone worthy of profound respect and is protecting her by going first. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
ceb53d5 On a recent business trip, I reunited with a friend I had not seen in twenty years. After having a lovely lunch meeting, we came out of the restaurant to walk towards the parking lot. He automatically moved me to the inside of the sidewalk as he walked along the curbside. His orientational awareness illustrated a chivalrous gesture of protection and respect which impressed me greatly. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
6a213b5 Meeting someone for the first time has significance, but for some people, the awkwardness can be so great that they avoid a conversation altogether. The person who may be shy, introverted, or afraid of sounding stupid may just choose to remain silent rather than take the risk of engaging in embarrassing dialogue. healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
199e553 Mix, Mingle, Glow. Stretch beyond your own comfort zone to speak with, sit with, and start conversations with people whom you do not know. Take the initiative to help other people capture the spotlight and shine. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
5c908ee Contextual awareness represents a continuum of behaviors, which illustrates how and why groups of people unite or divide among cultures. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
02a3028 Being grounded in your lifelong culture and your personal perspective, you are comfortable with the way you see things and may believe it is the best and only way. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
b200117 Your first words will not only shape your first impression, they can create amazing connections, lead you to your dream job, or help you discover a new best friend--or accomplish exactly the opposite. healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
7c50f5c You can certainly take the easy road and use the predictable and boring defaults like: * How are you doing? * How about this weather? * What do you do for a living? * Hi. My name is _________. What's yours? * Blah, blah, blah, blah . . . Break out of the defaults you have been using for years. Shake it up. Make it fun. Make it memorable. Dive in with more engagement and interaction. Taking the initiative to be more creative will help you build a bridge to close the gap. healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8c846c5 How do you minimize the awkwardness in that moment? What are some of the conversations starters you've used to open, encourage, and support enjoyable and beneficial conversations? healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
da3dcce 10 Conversation Bridge Builders 1. Simply say hello with a smile. 2. Ask them what they love about their work. 3. Ask natural questions out of genuine curiosity. 4. Get a person talking about what's important to them. 5. Compliment something positive which you've noticed. 6. Engage them with questions which are easy to answer. 7. Introduce them to someone whom you think they'll enjoy meeting. 8. Ask them if they have any trips or vacations planned. 9. Look for something you may have in common so that the conversation begins with shared interests. 10. Think of questions that begin with how, what, when, why and where. healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
470dd05 14 Awesome Conversation Starters 1. What do you do for fun? Hobbies, recreation . . . 2. What are your super powers? Gifts, talents, strengths. 3. Good morning! It's great to see you! 4. What is your story? Tell me about yourself. 5. What brought you to __________? 6. Do you have anything special happening in your life (or your business)? 7. What's the best thing that's happened this week? 8. Are you living your life purpose or still searching for it? 9. What gives you passion and makes you happy to be alive? 10. Do you have any pets? 11. How do you know the host? 12. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 13. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? 14. What's next on your bucket list? healthy-conversation positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
982d202 Why is this disengagement epidemic becoming the new norm? A few reasons I have witnessed in speaking with companies across the country include . . . * Information overload * Distractions * Stress/overwhelmed * Apathy/detachment * Short attention span * Fear, worry, anxiety * Rapidly changing technology * Entitlement * Poor leadership * Preoccupation * Social media * Interruptions * Multitasking * Budget cuts * Exhaustion * Boredom * Conflict * Social insecurity * Lack of longevity These challenges not only create separation and work dysfunction, but we are seeing it happen in relationships and personal interactions. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
5ce2c9a When you are fully present and engaged in your workplace, you will demonstrate that you care about the success of your organization, are a team player, have a can-do attitude, and will go the extra mile to fulfill and exceed expectations. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
00c4ee4 When people can't give anything and are only there for themselves, why should others use their time and energy to get involved? There's no benefit. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
d2b2f86 As you use fun and humor to reduce tension and connect with laughter, light-heartedness will prevail. Exercising discretion and good judgment in your communication will leave your listener feeling like they have met a person of substance and style. emotional-intelligence employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c9748e6 11 Ways to Be More Engaged 1. Care about others. 2. Be 100 percent in the moment. 3. Keep focus on the person you are serving. 4. Try to get involved, engaged, and interactive. 5. Show interest in what matters to other people by listening, acknowledging, and responding. 6. Arrive in the moment anticipating creating a valuable interaction for yourself and others. 7. Move towards the things that inspire you and provide a sense of joy and connection. 8. Reconnect with the essence of yourself and be grounded in that essential relationship. 9. Maintain eye contact and deliver the non-verbal cues that you are fully with the other person. 10. Limit distractions-- close the door, silence your phone, hold calls, put tasks aside, etc. 11. Show up to the moment being your best and giving your best. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
5153339 Just be Nice. Nice--this little word has a big meaning. Use it generously. Being nice helps people feel emotionally safe, allowing for more authentic, trusting, and happy interactions. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
fabe000 Take the Initiative. Be proactive. If you want to rock your relationship results, it is going to take action, effort, initiative, and choosing to get in the game--so, step up, step out, and show up! selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes networking Susan C. Young
a0c04c4 To make a positive first impression, where is the best place to wear a nametag? Since we shake hands with our right hand, placing your nametag on the right side of your body will make it quickly visible for the best eye contact. Within a few inches of your collar bone and right shoulder will provide greater visibility even when you are sitting down. team-building networking-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
35212a6 "Business Cards "Do you attend events where business cards are exchanged in a networking environment? My friend Brian Haugen is a networking ninja. His gregarious personality and love for people have enabled him to easily win friends and influence people. He has a lot of tips, but one of his best is regarding how to best handle business cards. When I asked him for his thoughts on being an effective networker, he shared that there is an art to how to receive someone's business card with respect and interest. He continued by saying, "When someone hands you their card, take a moment to hold it, read it, repeat their name and then make a comment or ask a question. And make notes on their card to help you remember the exchange." This small action communicates you are genuinely interested and want to remember them." team-building networking-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
bfd7658 Too often when people hand us their cards, we quickly slip them into our pockets or purses without giving notice to what it says. Subliminally, it tells the other person that we don't care or are not interested. Take a moment to demonstrate your interest; this will help your newfound relationship be off to a good start. Small actions can make a significant impact! team-building networking-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
9befe4a "Have you ever met a new person and within seconds forgotten his or her name? It can be embarrassing, can't it? Many people will laugh, brush it off, and say, "I simply can't remember names!" But you should take remembering seriously." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
7b70cbf To remember people's names, use usual Imagery--Connect the name with a mental picture that will remind you of that person. If his name is Barry, think of berries. If her name is Cheri, imagine her drinking cherry punch. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
4fe2bf8 Growing up with well-educated parents and an older sister with her Master's Degree in English Language and Literature, I was left with little wiggle room as a child to use poor grammar. When I would inadvertently slip, I would be corrected in a matter of moments--excuse me, seconds! While it may have been irritating for a 10-year-old, I am eternally grateful as an adult that the grammar police kept me in line. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2df6106 As if these diverse characteristics weren't enough, bring them all into a social context where we must work, live, love, and engage with people different from ourselves--is it any wonder that communications can be challenging? networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
ebebb7a "Susan RoAne is the bestselling author of How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections in Person and Online. She is known worldwide as the Mingling Maven and is a respected expert, author, and keynote speaker on networking, connecting, and conversations. In her book, she shares the roadblocks and remedies to help people become savvy socializers and succeed at networking. She recently shared with me that putting labels on personality styles can sometimes create bias and limitations. She said, "We've spent so much time crystallizing our differences that it can be to our detriment. It is more important to simply engage with people on a respectful and authentic level." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
a038da2 Understanding Personality Styles Helps You: * Communicate more easily with others by understanding their perspectives. * Adapt your behavior to resonate with others. * Develop deeper levels of compassion, patience, and communication. * Deliver personalized customer service. * Build trust and rapport faster. * Nurture existing relationships. * Make more sales. * Feel more confident networking. * Realize that people behave the way they do for their reasons, not yours. * Appreciate the diversity of teammates, family members, friends, and work groups. * Unify your teams and get the best out of your people by focusing on their strengths, aligning their styles with their assigned positions, and knowing how to motivate and reward them. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8bee792 Sometimes it is better to refrain from engaging in conversation because making no impression is better than making a bad impression. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
9f5eacb "To remember people's names, "Write it Down! --Whether you write their name down on the back of a card, a receipt, a handout, or in a notebook, this simple act will help you remember." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
44468ed Understanding a wide range of personalities will help improve your communication, connection, and engagement not only at work, but in your relationships at home, in life, and in love. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2b203f3 "The concept is made even more fascinating when you consider it as a psychological spectrum. Imagine a sliding scale of personalities that range from being an "introvert" to an "extrovert" and placing "ambivert" smack dab in the middle. This linear scale illustrates a continuum of experiences, because these descriptions do not apply to every person at all times. We all have tendencies, preferences, and comfort zones that change according to the people we are surrounded by, the environment we find ourselves in, and our levels of confidence in the moment. Using the scale above, where do you typically fall in the spectrum?" employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
663810d "In his book, The Four Agreements, Miguel's Ruiz encourages us to "not take things personally; people behave for their reasons, not ours." Our personality differences and life experiences shape how we perceive, engage, react, and respond." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
16f3fa6 The synchronicity found in nature extends to the rhythm and patterns in our relationships; it explains how random events can come together to achieve harmony, flow, and order. Similarly, social synchronicity plays a large role in the art of constructive communication by helping us understand how social patterns can positively impact our relationships. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
521327c Knowing when to say something is as important as knowing what or what not to say. You may have the perfect message, but it can be negated by imperfect timing. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
83e022e "Being "out of sync" can be exasperating. Seek to synchronize to increase your chances for success and positive outcomes. Just because your timing is good for you does not mean it is a good time for another person." employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
1765660 Communication is the soul of all relationships. More than any other skill, it is the heartbeat of success in sales, marketing, marriage, business, friendship, communities, and beyond. selling-success positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b8c83b2 Years ago, one of my girlfriends and I were going on a road trip and our destination was four hours away. We started an amazing conversation as our trip began. We arrived four hours later, but it felt like we had been driving for only half an hour. Have you ever been so immersed in the free flow of conversation that it transcended time, space, and effort? That is the beauty of being in flow. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
4a95808 Although it may serve you well, any strength or skill which is overused can become a limitation when it forces you to constantly be moving and looking for the next best thing. Distractions, interruptions, and incessantly chasing after the next golden ring can become the norm. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
76266f8 Your tone demonstrates. . . * Energy * Volume * Sincerity * Confidence * Happiness * Sadness * Preoccupation * Anger * Efficiency * Empathy positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
d77542c Wearing Nametags- On Yourself The purpose of wearing nametags in the first place is for people to see your name. Otherwise, why bother? We have all seen nametag placements that range from proper to downright raunchy. People can get pretty creative about where they place them and it is not always appropriate. For this book, we will focus on the best practices. team-building networking-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
ace31e9 "To remember people's names, create a New Contact--Saving someone's name shortly after meeting will help you retain it longer. Whether it is on a piece of paper, your cell phone contacts, "friending" him on Facebook, or inviting him to join your LinkedIn network, adding the name to your contacts will make it easy to remember him for a long time into the future." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
a280068 To remember people's names, wash, rinse, repeat--Repeat a person's name upon introduction, throughout the conversation, and as you bid farewell. Try it both in your mind as well as out loud. Avoid nicknames unless otherwise invited. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f413162 "The Words You Think "Your thoughts lay the foundation for your life's experience. Are you utilizing your thoughts for your highest good or are they harmful to you and others? Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down? Notice the quality of your words and ask yourself these questions." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
6061d23 Without saying a word, your thoughts are being projected and are written all over you. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c4aac6c Your thoughts become your attitudes, which become your actions, which become your behavior, which become your habits, which become your lifestyle, and inevitably determine your outcomes. Utilize this circular truth by using positive thoughts to create positive outcomes. It is a choice you get to make every day. Choose wisely. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b277c0e "The directive we have so often heard, "Change your thoughts, change your life," is indeed based on the power of words. The key to your happiness, well-being, and interactions with others begins, continues, and concludes with the nature and quality of the words you hold in your mind as thoughts. Make them work for your highest good." networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
295d4dd Your words have the power to shape your thoughts, your opinions, your attitudes, your self-esteem, your goals, your self-image, how others perceive you, your reputation, your behavior, and more. Your words are incredibly powerful, whether they are being used for good or for bad. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
a2ad471 If you want to attract greater success, prosperity, health, and to enjoy more fulfilling relationships, craft your speech to affirm and manifest them. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
eba2679 Your written words show up in a variety of forms: * Emails, texts, and memos * Blogging and publishing * Your website and social media * Letters of correspondence * Advertising, marketing, and promotion networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
7588c30 Rather than using these pages for a boring English lesson, I will simply encourage you to become keenly aware and pay close attention to your articulation and grammar. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2dce81a It is not unusual for people to believe that their way is the best way--that they are right and everyone else is out-of-sync or mistaken. The divine irony is that since we are better at being ourselves, how can we expect others to be less like themselves to fulfill our expectations? We cannot change who we are wired to be and neither can others. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
b167004 Not everyone is going to like us or understand us. And that is okay. It may have nothing to do with us personally; but rather more about who they are and how they relate to the world. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
e8ca623 Eloquent speakers, communication experts, seasoned actors, and musicians all understand the transforming power of the pause. They know all too well that strategic silence and a well-placed whisper can speak louder than words in delivering a memorable presentation. It captures people's attention . . . creating eager anticipation for your next words. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3d697f1 I love to read. However, there have been times when certain books did not resonate with me because the timing was off kilter. Their lessons fell flat because their messages were not pertinent, relevant, or interesting to me at the time. Then, when I would re-read the same book years later, it could rock my world and change my life for the better. The message was more in alignment with where I was at that moment in time. With most anything, just because your timing may not be good now, does not mean it won't be better later. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
065e071 5 Reasons to Develop the Power of the Pause. It . . . 1. encourages your communication partner to express their thoughts without interruption. 2. provides a moment of silence to calm incessant talking. 3. allows time for your brain to catch up with our mouth. 4. provides your listener with space to process your message. 5. highlights important points for your message to have more impact. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
eb4ef3e Getting into Sync People feel the most comfortable with and gravitate more quickly to the people with whom they are the most alike. You will receive your best results by seeking first to understand and then to adjust your energy, movements, posture, words, gestures, and behaviors to synchronize with theirs. This alignment will build a sense of rapport and commonality which will help your conversations progress smoothly and more successfully. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
1b9e0d3 "Free Flowing Dialogue "Have you ever been engaged in a conversation which was so dynamic that you were both firing on all cylinders, in perfect harmony and at warp speed?" employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes public-speaking Susan C. Young
13e914b Becoming more socially aware involves greater understanding of the dynamics of social interactions to assure you achieve harmonious outcomes. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
0c8c4a7 Having a second set of eyes to review what you do is an effective practice. Sometimes you will be so close to your own work that your blinders will cause you to miss tiny details which can create huge errors, and reflect poorly on your intelligence and expertise. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
201f2b7 As a professional speaker and author, excellent grammar is crucial in my profession. Without the proper use of words and language, I would lose credibility and respect. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
7b8df8b UN-Impressives * Lying. * Bragging. * Gossiping. * Cursing and using foul language. * Making self-deprecating comments. * Regularly expressing worry and anxiety. * Criticizing and condemning people and situations. * Demonstrating a lack of emotional intelligence or compassion. networking-quotes employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
ebe0e51 "Labels have always represented limitation, conformity, and narrow-mindedness to me since the human personality is multi-faceted and continuously evolving. Perhaps that is why I am so intrigued by the concept and labels of "introvert" and "extrovert." Neither description accurately defines the state of my social interactions. What about yours?" employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
a6afd48 "As Americans, we typically move full steam ahead without much regard to mindfulness or thoughtful reflection, often to one's own detriment. Yet it is that same propensity for bold action which makes fulfilling the "American Dream" possible--where an immigrant can come to our country with nothing and achieve extraordinary things." -- positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes mindfulness Susan C. Young
bad7978 Although my sister, Liz, is socially engaging and very confident with people, she tends to more of an introvert. She generates energy from the inside, from center to circumference, and would rather have one-on-one conversations to connect quietly and deeply. I, on the other hand, am energized by walking into a room filled with three hundred strangers; I like to meet as many people as possible and walk out with new friends. After all that excitement, however, I am content to go home and curl up with a good book in complete silence. Is one of us right and the other one wrong? No. We are just different. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c195e70 Groundbreaking research at Cal Tech has now revealed that humans not only tend to synchronize their movements, such as clapping in unison or walking at the same pace, but they also synchronize their social interactions as well. employee-engagement hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles first-impressions-quotes speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
74ec7c1 Every time you speak, you are using your voice to connect with others, whether it is in-person, on the phone, or in a recorded message. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
cabb5c7 Is your voice value delivering the image you wish to convey? Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
e59b4dd "The way you deliver the words you say becomes your "vocal image. This "vocal image" can make or break your first impressions, impact your communication, and determine how people respond to you." positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
3667cf1 What can you do to ensure that your voice value translates into impression value? positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
c7438c5 Every professional voice coach worth their salt will bring you back to the importance of tone, pace, and pitch. While these concepts were introduced earlier in The Art of Body Language section, we can now elaborate and take a deeper dive into how you can use your voice to improve your communications. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
b6b0985 It is generally believed that nearly 40 percent of your first impression will be set from the tone of your voice. Your vocal thermometer can be more impactful than the actual words you use. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
a5401d9 Your tone of voice can be conveyed in both the words you speak and in the words you write. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young
3a43835 Your tone can represent the character of your business, the strength of your resolve, and express the depths of your convictions. positive-first-impression-quotes susanspeaks-com employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker customer-service-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes communication-skills Susan C. Young