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f2c732c He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you. eugenides love marriage royalty Megan Whalen Turner
b5bc2ba He whines, he complains, he ducks out of the most obvious responsibility. He is vain, petty and maddening, but he doesn't ever quit. eugenides perseverance Megan Whalen Turner
551d972 "She reached out and touched the king's face, cupping his cheek in her hand. "Just a nightmare," he said, his voice still rough. The queen's voice was cool. "How embarrassing," she said, looking at his maimed arm. The king looked up then, and followed her gaze. If it was embarrassing to wake like a child screaming from a nightmare, how much more embarrassing to be the reason your husband woke screaming. A quick smile visited the king's face. "Ouch," he said, referring to more than the pain in his side. "Ouch," he said again as the queen gathered him into her arms." eugenides Megan Whalen Turner
b980a37 "I want you to steal something." I smiled. "Do you want the king's seal? I can get it for you." "If I were you," said the magus, "I'd stop bragging about that." His voice grated. My smile grew. The gold ring with the engraved ruby had been in his safekeeping when I had stolen it away." eugenides gen magus the-thief Megan Whalen Turner
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29f8fe7 Anyone who can steal the king's seal ring can manage the locks on his record room. eugenides gen sounis the-thief Megan Whalen Turner
f6d4230 The window opened in the same direction as the king's, and there, summer-bright and framed by the darkness of the stairwell, was the same view. Costis passed it, and then went back up the stairs to look again. There were only the roofs of the lower part of the palace and the town and the city walls. Beyond those were the hills on the far side of the Tustis Valley and the faded blue sky above them. It wasn't what the king saw that was important, it was what he couldn't see when he sat at the window with his face turned toward Eddis. eugenides homesickness the-king-of-attolia Megan Whalen Turner
b3d23b7 "Lilies, I rule, heads, you do," he [the King] said, and threw the coin into the air. "Lilies, you rule, heads, you throw again," said Attolia. The coin dropped. Eugenides looked at it and then showed it to her. "No need," he said. The coin sat in his palm, obverse, showing the lilies of Attolia. He flipped it again and again and again. Each time it landed showing the lilies. ... (Relius) He wanted to dismiss the coin toss as slight of hand. Any circus performer could control the drop of a coin, but he'd been puzzled. The queen had been undismayed; she had seemed almost vindicated in her manner. It had been the King who was more disturbed with each toss of the coin. He'd looked almost sick, Relius thought, by the time he put the coin away. ... Walking away along the arcade that lay perpendicular to the one where Relius lurked, the king pulled the coin from his pocket. He looked at the gold stater in sudden disgust and pitched it hard between the columns of the arcade into the shrubbery." eugenides relius Megan Whalen Turner
6ff03ab Costis flinched and looked away from this compensation to the king's handicap, only to find himself looking into the king's face instead. Eugenides matched Costis look for look, his expression grave, his eyes like pools of darkness deeper than Costis could penetrate. For a moment Costis could see, not so much what was hidden but that there were things hidden that the king did not choose to reveal. Things that were not for Costis to see. There was no understanding him, but Costis knew he would march into hell for this fathomless king. eugenides Megan Whalen Turner
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c7c44d4 It made Costis wonder for the first time just how much the stoic man really wants to hide when he unsuccessfully pretends not to be in pain. eugenides king-of-attolia the-queen-s-thief Megan Whalen Turner
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73901f9 Segun mi experiencia, las emociones no pueden describirse con una sola palabra. <>, <>, <>, esos terminos no me dicen nada. La mejor prueba de que el lenguaje es patriarcal quiza sea que simplifica demasiado los sentimientos. Me gustaria tener a mi disposicion emociones hibridas, complejas, construcciones germanicas encadenadas, como <>. O esta otra: <>. Me gustaria mostrar la relacion entre <> y <>. Me gustaria hablar de <>, asi como de <>. Nunca he encontrado palabras adecuadas para describir mi propia vida, y ahora que ya he entrado en mi historia es cuando mas las necesito. Ya no me puedo quedar sentado a ver lo que pasa. A partir de ahora, todo lo que cuente estara tenido de la experiencia subjetiva de formar parte de los acontecimientos. Aqui es donde mi historia se divide, se escinde, sufre una meiosis. Noto mas el peso del mundo, ahora que formo parte de el. emociones eugenides middlesex pulitzer sentimientos Jeffrey Eugenides
723d555 -Mi meta en la vida es llegar a ser un adjetivo -dijo-. Que la gente vaya por ahi diciendo: <>, o <>. -Bankheadiano suena bien -dijo Madeleine. -Es mejor que bankheadesco. -O bankheadino. -La terminacion en <> es horrible la mires por donde la mires. Hay joyciano, shakesperiano, faulkneriano. Pero en <>. ?Quien hay por ahi que sea algo terminado en <>? -?Thoma Mannino? -Kafesco -dijo-. !Pynchonesco! Mira, Pynchon es ya un adjetivo. Gaddis. ?Como seria para Gaddis? ?Gaddiesco? ?Gaddisio? -No, con Gaddis no se puede hacer --dijo Madeleine. -No -dijo Leonard- Ha tenido mala suerte, Gaddis. ?Te gusta Gaddis? -Lei un poco de Los reconocimientos -dijo Madeleine. Doblaron Planet Street y subieron por la pendiente. -Belloviano -dijo Leonard-. Es superbonito cuando se cambia alguna letra. Con nabokoviano no pasa: Nabokov ya tiene la <>. Y Chejov tambien: chejoviano. Los rusos lo tienen facil. !Tolstoiano! El tal Tolstoi era un adjetivo a la espera de formarse. -No te olvides del tolstoianismo -dijo Madeleine. -!Dios mio! -dijo Leonard-. !Un nombre! Jamas habia sonado con llegar a ser un nombre. -?Que significaria bankheadiano? Leonard se quedo pensativo unos segundos. -De o relativo a Leonard Bankhead (norteamericano, nacido en 1959). Caracterizado por una introspeccion o inquietud excesiva. Sombrio, depresivo. Vease caso perdido. Madeleine reia. Leonard se detuvo y la cogio del brazo, mirandola con seriedad. -Te estoy llevando a mi casa -dijo. -?Que? -Todo este tiempo que llevamos andando. Te he estado llevando hacia mi casa. Eso es lo que hago normalmente, al parecer. Es vergonzoso. Vergonzoso. No quiero que sea asi. No contigo. Asi que te lo estoy diciendo. -Ya me lo habia figurado, que ibamos a tu casa. -?Si? -Te lo iba a decir. Cuando estuvieramos mas cerca. -Ya estamos cerca. -No puedo subir. -Por favor. -No. Esta noche no. -Hannaesco -dijo Leonard-. Testarudo. Dado a posturas inamovibles. -Hannaesco -dijo Madeleine-. Peligroso. Algo con lo que no se juega. -Quedo advertido. Se quedaron de pie, mirandose, en el frio y la oscuridad de Planet Street. Leonard saco las manos de los bolsillos para encajarse la melena detras de las orejas. -Puede que suba solo un minuto -dijo Madeleine. anagrama eugenides snob trama-nupcial Jeffrey Eugenides
4e6f184 Desde temprana edad eran conscientes del escaso valor que el mundo daba a los libros, de manera que no perdian el tiempo con ellos. Mientras que yo, incluso ahora, persisto en creer que esos signos negros trazados en papel blanco son de la mayor importancia, y que si continuo escribiendo lograre atrapar el arco iris de la conciencia y guardarlo en un tarro. escritura eugenides libros middlesex pulitzer Jeffrey Eugenides