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a51d279 "Farah looked freaked out until Tawny hugged her and the tension faded from her face. A minute later, the table cloth lifted and Bailey appeared with beer bottles in her hands. "I figured you'd need booze to deal with the boredom of hiding." "I can't drink," Farah said. "I'm off the pill and trying to get knocked up." "I am knocked up. I also don't like that brand of beer." Handing the beers to Tawny, Bailey nodded. "Be back in a sec." A minute later, Bailey returned with two cans of Coke for Farah and me. "So what are we talking about?" Bailey asked. "Men needing to protect their women," I explained. "Lame. Talk about something I can join in on. What's your sister like? Is she hotter than me?" "Yes." "I hate her and you should tell her to watch out. If I see her, that pretty face is dead meat." Grinning, I cuddled up with her as the table shook from fighting bodies knocking against it. "You're having a baby?" she asked, wrapping her arms around me. "Everyone is getting married or having babies." "Raven isn't," I said as Farah peeked out from under the table cloth to check on Cooper. She smiled and returned to her spot. "Judd and Aaron have stripped Mac down and are shoving him out the door." Tawny laughed. "Judd finally got to punish Mac for letting me touch his arm months ago. Good for him." Laughing, I leaned my head against Bailey. "Raven has bad taste in men. Going out with her will be great for you. If Raven likes someone, you'll know he's a loser. So she'll distract all the shitty guys from you." "Huh. And she's hot, so she'll draw guys to us. I think she might be my new best friend," Bailey said, taking a swig. 'Don't be jealous. I just need a man because all of the kissing and fucking and marrying and baby making you guys keep doing. I can't be the only one alone and Vaughn doesn't count because he'll be dead in a few months and shouldn't be dating anyway." We all frowned at Bailey who shrugged. "Those Devils fuck are going to kill him or he'll try to kill them and get killed. Why do you think they call him Dead Man Walking?" "You're bumming me out," I told her while finishing my soda. "I wish Aaron was here." "As you wish," Aaron said, leaning down. "Look at you pretty girls hiding under here." "We're not hiding," I said, crawling out. "We're planning our attack. You know, just in case you couldn't handle things." When Aaron grinned, I noticed blood on his lip. "You're hurt." "You should see the other guys." Glancing around, I noticed Mac's friend was propped up on the pool table and the other guys were throwing pretzels and peanuts at him. In the corner, Kirk and Jodi sat as if on their porch drinking lemonade and admiring the sunset. "My hero," I said, caressing the cobra. "Are you talking to me or the tattoo?" "Both, baby. Always both." fighting-men bailey tawny farah Bijou Hunter
b0cd75f "Bailey sat on the edge of the couch and fed Maddy grapes. The very swollen mommy-to-be initially complained about being fed like a pet. Eventually, she gave in and enjoyed the attention. Not to be outdone, Sawyer turned a fan towards Maddy and was painting her nails. I watched them baby her and wondered about when I would be that big and uncomfortable. "I'm in no hurry to have a baby," Tawny said, maybe for the tenth time since arriving. "Not in any hurry at all." Farah grinned from where she was cutting carrots into little perfect sticks for dipping. "Coop is obsessed with getting me pregnant. First, his little brother is about to have a baby then his best friend. I swear whenever we're alone, he's inside me," she said then her smile grew. "It's awesome." "Huh," Tawny muttered. "Judd is in me all the time too and not because he's trying to plant his flag or lay his seed or whatever." "Jealous?" Farah asked and Tawny fake glared at her. "Sometimes, my sister irritates me too," I said and they both laughed. "I'm going to brush the baby's hair," Bailey announced to no one in particular. "When she's old enough, I'm going to put those little barrettes in her hair and make her wear headbands and turn her into a doll. Then when she cries, I'm giving her back to Maddy." "Yeah for me," Maddy whispered with her eyes closed. "Are you suffering?" Bailey asked. "Like should I do more for you to ease away the horror of how huge you've become?" Opening her eyes a crack, Maddy muttered, "Stop charming me." Bailey grinned. "Seriously, you look pretty miserable today." "I've been having those Braxton Hicks contractions since yesterday." "Is that bad?" Sawyer asked, looking up from her meticulous work on Maddy's toes. "Is it like hemorrhoids?" When we laughed, Sawyer beamed, even though she likely had no idea what was funny. "They're like practice contractions," Maddy explained. "They don't hurt much, but they're uncomfortable." Bailey frowned. "How do you know all this stuff?" "I read a book." "Yeah, I did that once. Not a fan." "You guys don't have to hang out here," Maddy said. "The guys are out having fun and you're pampering me. You could go to the movies if you want." "No," Bailey said quickly. "I need to be super nice because I had a dream that being nice will lead to a handsome awesome guy who is the fucker. I want that guy. He belongs to me and I'm sick of waiting, so shut up and let me be nice to you." "Sure," Maddy said, sighing. "This is nice, but I'm going to have to pee soon." "Do you need me to carry you?" Bailey asked. "Maybe. Ask me in a few minutes." sawyer tawny farah maddy lark Bijou Hunter
d14cf78 "Skye snorted. "Parents are so lame sometimes. Mine think I'm a virgin. They also think I'd never drink beer because I'm a calorie freak. No one is that much of a calorie freak." Frowning as she yanked me along, I wondered about the calories in those tacos. Skye must have sensed my concerns because she snorted again. "The freshman fifteen is expected. If we don't pack on a little weight, people will think we're full of ourselves. Those girls over there," she said, waving her hand in the direction of a bevy of pretty sorority girls. "They're obsessed with being hot. Unfortunately, while you can snag a man by being hot, you can't keep him. To keep them, you have to be confident and I am. I'm just confident enough to pack on a few pounds from eating tacos. I'm a keeper" keeper skye farah Bijou Hunter
8e838ee "What?" Judd growled and I had to admit Tawny was right about him sounding like a dog when he did that. Turning around, I noticed two of Cooper's club guys standing behind us. "What's your deal, O'Keefe?" one guy asked while the other avoided Judd's hateful gaze. When no one responded, the big bald guy looked me up and down. "She's tiny. How does fucking even work?" Aaron shifted next to me, now looking as hostile as Judd. "Back off, Mac." "Just curious. I've never fucked a tiny chick." "You shouldn't talk about a man's girl that way especially when she's carrying his kid," Cooper warned, clearly wanting to jump in, but holding back so not to emasculate Aaron. Farah said guys in the club were testing Cooper lately because they sensed weakness in his leadership. I couldn't imagine anyone looking at Cooper without fearing his wrath. Even if they didn't fear Cooper, they ought to fear his enforcers. After all, Judd was glaring at Mac like waiting for any reason to attack. Sensing a back story to this pissing match, I knew Mac was about to say something nasty even before he opened his mouth. "I hear chicks get big tits when they're knocked up. Certainly can't hurt with this one." Why Mac was starting shit didn't matter. Aaron threw the punch and the bar immediately exploded into violence. Judd was waiting for a reason to attack while Cooper and Vaughn were always up for a fight. Aaron hit Mac again as the bigger guy stumbled back. I thought of grabbing a chair and helping my man, but Tawny pulled me away. Soon, we were hiding under a table where Farah crouched with wide eyes. "Aaron needs to stake his claim and protect his woman," Tawny said, cuddled next to Farah. "If you help him, it's like you're cutting off his balls and tossing them in your purse. Immature or not, these guys need to be men or they get insecure. Can't have that." cooper farah judd-and-tawny mac-the-asshole pissing-match immature Bijou Hunter