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c3a4bfb I once spoke to someone who had survived the genocide in Rwanda, and she said to me that there was now nobody left on the face of the earth, either friend or relative, . No one who remembered her girlhood and her early mischief and family lore; no sibling or boon companion who could tease her about that first romance; no lover or pal with whom to reminisce. All her birthdays, exam results, illnesses, friendships, kinships--gone. She went on living, but with a as her diary and calendar and notebook. I think of this every time I hear of the callow ambition to 'make a new start' or to be 'born again': Do those who talk this way truly wish for the slate to be wiped? Genocide means not just mass killing, to the level of extermination, but mass obliteration to the verge of extinction. You wish to have one more reflection on what it is to have been made the object of a 'clean' sweep? Try Vladimir Nabokov's microcosmic miniature story 'Signs and Symbols,' which is about angst and misery in general but also succeeds in placing it in what might be termed a starkly individual perspective. The album of the distraught family contains a faded study of Aunt Rosa, a fussy, angular, wild-eyed old lady, who had lived in a tremulous world of bad news, bankruptcies, train accidents, cancerous growths--until the Germans put her to death, together with all the people she had worried about. anonymity born-again clean-slate extinction family genocide germans misery nabokov nazis rwanda rwandan-genocide short-stories signs-and-symbols survivors Christopher Hitchens
e1f905a "My faceless neighbor spoke up: "Don't be deluded. Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve." I exploded: "What do you care what he said? Would you want us to consider him a prophet? His cold eyes stared at me. At last he said, wearily: "I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people." genocide germany history hitler holocaust jews Elie Wiesel
0168bc6 If I look at the mass I will never act. activism apathy genocide helplessness inspirational power Mother Teresa
51d872a When all this is over, people will try to blame the Germans alone, and the Germans will try to blame the Nazis alone, and the Nazis will try to blame Hitler alone. They will make him bear the sins of the world. But it's not true. You suspected what was happening, and so did I. It was already too late over a year ago. I caused a reporter to lose his job because you told me to. He was deported. The day I did that I made my little contribution to civilization, the only one that matters. civilization cowardice denunciation deportation evil genocide guilt hitler knowledge nazis personal-responsibility responsibility willful-ignorance Iain Pears
f35c66d The West's post-Holocaust pledge that genocide would never again be tolerated proved to be hollow, and for all the fine sentiments inspired by the memory of Auschwitz, the problem remains that denouncing evil is a far cry from doing good. apathy auschewitz evil genocide good hitler hollow holocaust indifference rwanda sentiment south-sudan sudan talk tolerance west Philip Gourevitch
0bcac6f In all my travels, I've never seen a country's population more determined to forgive, and to build and succeed than in Rwanda. forgiveness genocide rwanda Rick Warren
b76f94b The history of interactions among disparate peoples is what shaped the modern world through conquest, epidemics and genocide. Those collisions created reverberations that have still not died down after many centuries, and that are actively continuing in some of the world's most troubled areas. epidemics genocide history interaction peoples war Jared Diamond
4dcb552 So, whenever the subject of Iraq came up, as it did keep on doing through the Clinton years, I had no excuse for not knowing the following things: I knew that its one-party, one-leader state machine was modeled on the precedents of both National Socialism and Stalinism, to say nothing of Al Capone. I knew that its police force was searching for psychopathic killers and sadistic serial murderers, not in order to arrest them but to them. I knew that its vast patrimony of oil wealth, far from being 'nationalized,' had been privatized for the use of one family, and was being squandered on hideous ostentation at home and militarism abroad. (Post-Kuwait inspections by the United Nations had uncovered a huge nuclear-reactor site that had not even been known about by the international community.) I had seen with my own eyes the evidence of a serious breach of the Genocide Convention on Iraqi soil, and I had also seen with my own eyes the evidence that it had been carried out in part with the use of weapons of mass destruction. I was, if you like, the prisoner of this knowledge. I certainly did not have the option of un-knowing it. ba-ath-party ba-athist-iraq bill-clinton crime-family fascism genocide genocide-convention invasion-of-kuwait iraq iraq-war kuwait militarism national-socialism nationalisation nuclear-reactor-technology oil privatisation psychopaths serial-killers stalinism united-nations wmd Christopher Hitchens
2b234bd (On the beginning of the mid-1990s' genocidal war in Rwanda:) Within six weeks, an estimated 800,000 Tutsi, representing about three-quarters of the Tutsi then remaining in Rwanda, or 11% of Rwanda's total population, had been killed. genocide rwanda tutsi war Jared Diamond
6298c9c "[Pope] Clement waved his hands in irritation as if to dismiss the very idea. "The world is crumbling into ruin. Armies are marching. Men and women are dying everywhere, in huge numbers. Fields are abandoned and towns deserted. The wrath of the Lord is upon us and He may be intending to destroy the whole of creation. People are without leaders and direction. They want to be given a reason for this, so they can be reassured, so they will return to their prayers and their obiediences. All this is going on, and you are concerned about the safety of two Jews?" civilization decay end-of-the-world genocide god-s-wrath jews mankind panic papal-authority plague pope punishment ruin scapegoats turmoil victimization victims Iain Pears
702b062 What people still do not like to admit is that there were two crimes in the form of one. Just as the destruction of Jewry was the necessary condition for the rise and expansion of Nazism, so . I first noticed this point when reading an essay by the late Ernest Gellner, who at the end of the war had warned Eastern Europeans that collective punishment of Germans would put them under Stalin's tutelage indefinitely. They would always feel the guilty need for an ally against potential German revenge. eastern-european ernest-gellner ethnic-cleansing genocide germans holocaust jews nazism poland revenge stalin stalinism war world-war-ii Christopher Hitchens
216713b Here commences a new dominion acquired with a title by divine right. Ships are sent with the first opportunity; the natives driven out or destroyed; their princes tortured to discover their gold; a free license given to all acts of inhumanity and lust, the earth reeking with the blood of its inhabitants: and this execrable crew of butchers, employed in so pious an expedition, is a modern colony, sent to convert and civilize an idolatrous and barbarous people! conversion convert divine-command-theory divine-right genocide horrors-of-religion killing murder religious-violence Jonathan Swift
7a44d20 The poison that is war does not free us from the ethics of responsibility. There are times when we must take this poison - just as a person with cancer accepts chemotherapy to live. We can not succumb to despair. Force is and I suspect always will be part of the human condition. There are times when the force wielded by one immoral faction must be countered by a faction that, while never moral, is perhaps less immoral. We in the industrialized world bear responsibility for the world's genocides because we had the power to intervene and did not. We stood by and watched the slaughter in Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Rwanda where a million people died. The blood for the victims of Srebrenica- a designated UN safe area in Bosnia- is on our hands. The generation before mine watched, with much the same passivity, the genocides of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Greece, and the Ukraine. These slaughters were, as in, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's book Chronical of a Death Foretold, often announced in advance genocide morality morals violence war Chris Hedges
78f69c7 Srebrenica was officially 'protected' not just by UN mandate but by a 400-strong peacekeeping contingent of armed Dutch soldiers. But when Mladic's men arrived the Dutch battalion laid down its arms and offered no resistance whatsoever as Serbian troops combed the Muslim community, systematically separating men and boys from the rest. The next day, after Mladic had given his 'word of honor as an officer' that the men would not be harmed, his soldiers marched the Muslim males, including boys as young as thirteen, out into the fields around Srebrenica. In the course of the next four days nearly all of them--7,400--were killed. The Dutch soldiers returned safely home to Holland. genocide srebrenica Tony Judt
0369e87 After years of working with missionaries, I am tempted to conclude that their endeavors merely prolong a dying race's agonies for ten or twenty years. The merciful plowman shoots a trusty horse grown too old for service. As philanthropists, might it not be our duty to likewise ameliorate the savages' sufferings by hastening their extinction? Think of your Red Indians, Adam, think on the treaties you Americans abrogate & renege on, time & time & time again. More humane, surely & more honest, just to knock the savages on the head & get it over with? genocide indigenous-peoples justification justifying-genocide justifying-murder missionaries oppressors racism David Mitchell
2ebf360 The spectre of an absolute menace that requires absolute eradication binds leader and people in a hermetic utopian embrace, and the individual - always an annoyance to totality - ceases to exist. genocide idealism individual individuality leaders racism totalitarinism Philip Gourevitch
2da1ee6 "In 2000, interior minister [of France] Jean-Pierre Chevenement said Europe should become a place of race-mixing (metissage) and that governments should make efforts to persuade Europeans to accept this. In 2007, both candidates in the French presidential election took the same view. Socialist Segolene Royale, said that "miscegenation is an opportunity for France," adding that she would encourage immigration and would be "president of a France that is mixed-race and proud of it." Nicolas Sarkozy, the conservative candidate who won the election, said he was proud of "a France that understands that creation comes from mixing, from openness, and from coming together--I'm not afraid of the word--from miscegenation." It is common to project contemporary views upon the past. George Washington University professor Amitai Etzioni has written that people who marry across racial lines are "accepting the core American value of openness and living up to its tenets." Andrew Sullivan, former editor of The New Republic has written that "miscegenation has always been the ultimate solution to America's racial divisions." These two got it wrong. For most of American history, miscegenation was the ultimate nightmare for whites. That whites should now see it as the ultimate solution to racial conflict is a sign not only of how radically our thinking has changed but also of how stubborn racial conflict turned out to be. Civil rights laws were supposed to usher in a new era of racial harmony. To propose now that the only solution to racial enmity is to eliminate race itself through intermarriage is to admit that different races cannot live together in peace. Of course, widespread miscegenation would not eliminate race; it would eliminate whites. Whites are no more than 17 percent of the world's population and are having perhaps seven percent of the world's children. No one is proposing large-scale intermarriage for Africa or Asia. Nor would mixing eliminate discrimination. Blacks, South Americans, and Asians discriminate among themselves on the basis of skin tone even when they are the same race. Thomas Jefferson looked forward to the day when whites would people the Americas from north to south. Today such a view would be universally scorned because it would mean the displacement of other populations, but the revolution in thinking among today's whites leaves no grounds to argue against their own displacement through immigration or disappearance through intermarriage. Whites may have a sentimental attachment to the notion of a white America, but if races are interchangeable that attachment is irrational. If the only legitimate group sentiment for whites is guilt, perhaps it is only right that they should retreat gracefully before the advances of peoples they have wronged. There could hardly be more striking proof not only of how the thinking of whites has changed but how different it is from that of every other racial group. All non-whites celebrate their growing numbers and influence--just as whites once did. Whites--not only in America but around the world--cheerfully contemplate their disappearance as a distinct people." genocide government immigration miscegenation race segregation suicide Jared Taylor
2bb63e2 "If people believe the government is giving them AIDS and blowing up levees, and that white-owned companies are trying to sterilize them, they would be lacking in normal human emotions if they did not--to put it bluntly--hate the people they believed responsible. Indeed, vigorous expressions of hatred go back to at least the time of W.E.B. Du Bois, who once wrote, "It takes extraordinary training, gift and opportunity to make the average white man anything but an overbearing hog, but the most ordinary Negro is an instinctive gentleman." On another occasion he expressed himself in verse: 'I hate them, Oh! I hate them well, I hate them, Christ! As I hate hell! If I were God, I'd sound their knell This day!' Such sentiments are still common. Amiri Baraka, originally known as LeRoi Jones, is one of America's most famous and well-regarded black poets, but his work is brimming with anti-white vitriol. These lines are from "Black Dada Nihilismus:" 'Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers' throats.' Here are more of his lines: 'You cant steal nothin from a white man, he's already stole it he owes you anything you want, even his life. All the stores will open up if you will say the magic words. The magic words are: Up against the wall motherfucker this is a stick up!' In "Leroy" he wrote: "When I die, the consciousness I carry I will to black people. May they pick me apart and take the useful parts, the sweet meat of my feelings. And leave the bitter bullshit rotten white parts alone." When he was asked by a white woman what white people could do to help the race problem, he replied, "You can help by dying. You are a cancer. You can help the world's people with your death." In July, 2002, Mr. Baraka was appointed poet laureate of New Jersey. The celebrated black author James Baldwin once said: "[T]here is, I should think, no Negro living in America who has not felt, briefly or for long periods, . . . simple, naked and unanswerable hatred; who has not wanted to smash any white face he may encounter in a day, to violate, out of motives of the cruelest vengeance, their women, to break the bodies of all white people and bring them low." Toni Morrison is a highly-regarded black author who has won the Nobel Prize. "With very few exceptions," she has written, "I feel that White people will betray me; that in the final analysis they'll give me up." Author Randall Robinson concluded after years of activism that "in the autumn of my life, I am left regarding white people, before knowing them individually, with irreducible mistrust and dull dislike." He wrote that it gave him pleasure when his dying father slapped a white nurse, telling her not "to put her white hands on him." Leonard Jeffries is the chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York and is famous for his hatred of whites. Once in answer to the question, "What kind of world do you want to leave to your children?" he replied, "A world in which there aren't any white people." -- genocide hate race Jared Taylor