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9ad823b Relegated as he was to a corner and as though sheltered behind the billiard table, the soldiers, their eyes fixed upon Enjolras, had not even noticed Grantaire, and the sergeant was preparing to repeat the order: 'Take aim!' when suddenly they heard a powerful voice cry out beside them, 'Vive la Republique! Count me in.' Grantaire was on his feet. The immense glare of the whole combat he had missed and in which he had not been, appeared in the flashing eyes of the transfigured drunkard. He repeated, 'Vive la Republique!' crossed the room firmly, and took his place in front of the muskets beside Enjolras. 'Two at one shot,' he said. And, turning toward Enjolras gently, he said to him, 'Will you permit it?' Enjolras shook his hand with a smile. The smile had not finished before the report was heard. Enjolras, pierced by eight bullets, remained backed up against the wall is if the bullets had nailed him there. Except that his head was tilted. Grantaire, struck down, collapsed at his feet. inspirational enjolras grantaire revolution Victor Hugo
fe0f7ed "What about me?' said Grantaire. 'I'm here.' 'You?' 'Yes, me.' 'You? Rally Republicans! You? In defence of principles, fire up hearts that have grown cold!' 'Why not?' 'Are you capable of being good for something?' 'I have the vague ambition to be,' said Grantaire. 'You don't believe in anything.' 'I believe in you.' 'Grantaire, will you do me a favour?' 'Anything. Polish your boots.' 'Well, don't meddle in our affairs. Go and sleep off the effects of your absinthe.' 'You're heartless, Enjolras.' 'As if you'd be the man to send to the Maine gate! As if you were capable of it!' 'I'm capable of going down Rue des Gres, crossing Place St-Michel, heading off along Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, taking Rue de Vaugirard, passing the Carmelite convent, turning into Rue d'Assas, proceeding to Rue du Cherche-Midi, leaving the Military Court behind me, wending my way along Rue des Vieilles-Tuileries, striding across the boulevard, following Chaussee du Maine, walking through the toll-gate and going into Richefeu's. I'm capable of that. My shoes are capable of that.' 'Do you know them at all, those comrades who meet at Richefeu's?' 'Not very well. But we're on friendly terms.' 'What will you say to them?' 'I'll talk to them about Robespierre, of course! And about Danton. About principles.' 'You?' 'Yes, me. But I'm not being given the credit I deserve. When I put my mind to it, I'm terrific. I've read Prudhomme, I'm familiar with the Social Contract, I know by heart my constitution of the year II. "The liberty of the citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins." Do you take me for a brute beast? I have in my drawer an old promissory note from the time of the Revolution. The rights of man, the sovereignty of the people, for God's sake! I'm even a bit of an Hebertist. I can keep coming out with some wonderful things, watch in hand, for a whole six hours by the clock.' 'Be serious,' said Enjolras. 'I mean it,' replied Grantaire. Enjolras thought for a few moments, and with the gesture of a man who had come to a decision, 'Grantaire,' he said gravely, 'I agree to try you out. You'll go to the Maine toll-gate.' Grantaire lived in furnished lodgings very close to Cafe Musain. He went out, and came back five minutes later. He had gone home to put on a Robespierre-style waistcoat. 'Red,' he said as he came in, gazing intently at Enjolras. Then, with an energetic pat of his hand, he pressed the two scarlet lapels of the waistcoat to his chest. And stepping close to Enjolras he said in his ear, 'Don't worry.' He resolutely jammed on his hat, and off he went." enjolras grantaire Victor Hugo
0b23022 Grantaire, earthbound in doubt, loved to watch Enjolras soaring in the upper air of faith. He needed Enjolras. Without being fully aware of it, or seeking to account for it himself, he was charmed by that chaste, upright, inflexible and candid nature. enjolras grantaire les-mis Victor Hugo
8bb9bfc One might almost say that affinities begin with the letters of the alphabet. In that sequence, O and P are inseparable. You might just as well say O and P as Orestes and Pylades. A true satellite of Enjolras, Grantaire lived within this circle of young men. He dwelt among them, only with them was he happy, he followed them everywhere. His pleasure was to watch these figures come and go in a wine-induced haze. They put up with him because of his good humour. In his belief, Enjolras looked down on this sceptic; and in his sobriety, on this drunkard. He spared him a little lordly pity. Grantaire was an unwanted Pylades. Always snubbed by Enjolras, spurned, rebuffed and back again for more, he said of Enjolras, 'What marmoreal magnificence'. love grantaire devotion Victor Hugo
b1083e7 I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example. grantaire useless Victor Hugo
4902ae7 Anzhol'ras, stoiavshii s ruzh'em v ruke na grebne zagrazhdeniia, podnial svoe prekrasnoe strogoe litso. Anzhol'ras, kak izvestno, byl iz porody spartantsev i puritan. On umer by pri Fermopilakh vmeste s Leonidom i szheg by Drokhedu vmeste s Kromvelem. - Granter! - kriknul on. - Poidi kuda-nibud', prospis'. Zdes' mesto op'ianeniiu, a ne p'ianstvu. Ne pozor' barrikadu. Eti gnevnye slova proizveli na Grantera neobychainoe vpechatlenie. Emu slovno vyplesnu-li stakan kholodnoi vody v litso. On, kazalos', srazu protrezvilsia, sel, oblokotilsia na stol vozle okna, s nevyrazimoi krotost'iu vzglianul na Anzhol'rasa i skazal: - Pozvol' mne pospat' zdes'. - Stupai dlia etogo v drugoe mesto! - kriknul Anzhol'ras. No Granter, ne svodia s nego nezhnogo i mutnogo vzgliada, progovoril: - Pozvol' mne tut pospat', poka ia ne umru. Anzhol'ras prezritel'no vzglianul na nego. - Granter! Ty nesposoben ni verit', ni dumat', ni khotet', ni zhit', ni umirat'. - Vot ty uvidish', - ser'ezno skazal Granter. On probormotal eshche neskol'ko nevniatnykh slov, potom ego golova tiazhelo upala na stol, i mgnovenie spustia on uzhe spal, chto dovol'no obychno dlia vtoroi stadii op'ianeniia, k kotoromu ego rezko i bezzhalostno podtolknul Anzhol'ras. grantaire russian Victor Hugo