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86a6f2a "I do love you." He said it suddenly, raising his head so his black eyes could meet her startled green ones. "I mean it, Shea. I do not just need you, I love you. I know everything about you, I have been in your head, shared your memories, shared your dreams and your ideas. I know you think I need you and that is why I am with you, but it is much more than that. I love you." He grinned unexpectedly, traced her lower lip with the tip of a finger. "What is more, I know you love me. You hide it from yourself, but I found it in a little corner, tucked away in your mind." Shea stared up at the teasing smile on his face, then pushed at the solid wall of his chest. "You're making that up." Jacques moved off her, then reached down to pull her to her feet. His clothes were scattered everywhere, and he made no move to retrieve them. Shea's shirt was still hanging open, and her jeans were down around her ankles. Blushing, she pulled them up. His hands stayed hers, preventing her from fastening them. "Do not bother, Shea. The pools are just ahead." He walked a few feet, then looked back over his shoulder. "I did not make it up, and I know you are staring at my backside." Shea tossed her mane of red hair so that it flew in all directions. "Any woman in her right mind would stare at your particular backside, so you don't need to add that to your arrogant list of virtues. And stay out of my mind unless you're invited." She was staring, but she couldn't help it. He was so beautifully masculine. Jacques reached behind him and captured her hand, lacing their fingers together. "But I find the most interesting things in your mind, my love. Things you do not have any intention of telling me." love jacques-and-shea staring Christine Feehan
cb78fee "Through the open doorway suddenly stepped a small woman, long ebony hair braided intricately, huge blue eyes flashing at Mikhail. As Byron shouldered his way inside behind her, she gave him a friendly smile and stood on her toes to brush his chin with a kiss. Mikhail stiffened, then immediately wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. "Carpathian women do not do that kind of thing," he reprimanded her. She tilted her chin at him, in no way intimidated. "That's because Carpathian males have such a territorial mentality-- you know, a beat-their-chest, swing-from-the-trees sort of thing." She turned her head to look at the couple lying on the floor. Her indrawn breath was audible. "Jacques." She whispered his name, tears in her voice and in her blue eyes. "It really is you." Eluding Mikhail's outstretched, detaining hand, she ran to him. Gregori persuaded softly. Jacques' gaze was fastened on the woman's face, the red flames receding from his eyes as she approached. "I'm Raven, Jacques. Don't you remember me? Mikhail, your brother, is my lifemate." Raven dropped to her knees beside the couple. "Thank God you're alive. I can't believe how lucky we are. Who did this to you? Who took you from us?" Shea felt the ripple of awareness in her mind. Jacques' shock. His curiosity. He recognized those tear-filled blue eyes. Shea caught a glimpse, a fragment of memory, the woman bending over him, her hands clamped to his throat, pressing soil and saliva into a pumping wound. Shea held her breath, waiting. Jacques' silent cry of despair echoed in her head. She forced herself to move, found his hand with hers, silently supporting him as she regarded the woman kneeling beside her. Shea reprimanded deliberately. In the midst of Jacques' pain and agony, his possessive fury and maniacal madness, something seemed to melt the ice-cold core of murderous resolve. The urge to smile at that feminine, edgy tone came out of nowhere. Something snarling to be set free retreated, and the tension in him eased visibly. Jacques asked innocently. Shea's green eyes touched his face, and warmth spread further inside him. And the beast was temporarily leashed. "Is this your lifemate, Jacques?" Raven asked softly. Shea looked at her then, this woman who had been a part of Jacques' life. "I'm Shea O'Halloran." Her voice was husky and ragged. "Jacques has been unable to use his voice since I found him." Raven touched Shea's bruised throat with gentle fingers. "Someone had better tell me what happened here." Her blue eyes were studying the dark smudges closely. "Help her to the bed," Gregori interceded, distracting Raven from her study. he sent to Mikhail." you-owe-me-one mikhail-and-raven jacques-and-shea gregori byron Christine Feehan
f39f050 "She went to move around Jacques, strongly objecting to the label. She did have a name. She was a person. She had a feeling they all thought her the hysterical type. She certainly hadn't managed to show them her normal calm self. Jacques stepped backward and his arm swept behind him to pin her against the wall. He never took his eyes from the trio before them. He knew he was unstable, still fighting to hold on to reason when his every instinct was to attack. He trusted none of them and would not allow Shea to be put in any danger. Shea retaliated with a hard pinch. She was not going to cower behind her wild man like some seventeenth-century heroine fainting with the vapors. So she was surrounded by a few vampires. Big deal. Jacques sounded amused. , she warned him silently. "Well, for heaven's sake." Shea sounded exasperated as she addressed the group. "We're all civilized, aren't we?" She shoved at Jacques' broad back. "Aren't we?" "Absolutely." Raven stepped forward, ignoring Mikhail's restraining hand. "At least the women are. The men around here haven't quite graduated from the swinging-through-trees stage yet." cavemen mikhail-and-raven jacques-and-shea civilized Christine Feehan
6c3f354 " She shook her head. "You keep getting mixed up. I'm supposed to be protecting you. I'm your doctor." She lifted her head, green eyes searching his face. "You've never lived with a woman? You must have had sex." "I don't understand. Without a lifemate, Carpathians feel nothing?" Color flooded her face. "You feel desire when you're with me. I may not be experienced, but I do have medical training." His fingers tightened around hers, his breath warm along her knuckles. His black eyes, worn with suffering, fastened on her green ones. She didn't want to touch that. She murmured his name softly, brushed a kiss against his temple almost without knowing it. " madness beast jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
81a5713 " "So if we were apart I might stop wanting to be around you?" she teased. "If I had known it was that simple, I would have sat outside most of the time." He caressed her silky hair. he broke off the thought abruptly. But not before Shea caught the echo of the primitive, territorial male. Her eyebrows shot up. Sometimes he reminded her more of a wild animal than a man. "Less of this stuff. It offends my independent nature." independent-nature jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
f36ecbb The amusement was soft and caressing, wrapping her up in strong arms. Suddenly she stopped and held herself perfectly still. Shea relaxed visibly. She was not squeamish about very many things, but bats were creatures that were on the earth to remain a safe distance away from her. Miles away. Bats were one of those things she could stare up at in the night sky and think how interesting and wonderful they were, as long as they stayed high above her and nowhere close. Her nose wrinkled. The sounds she was trying to ignore were getting louder. Her heart began to pound in alarm. The walls of the passageway were so narrow, she had no way to move fast. All at once she felt trapped, as if she was suffocating. She did her best to sound firm and matter-of-fact, not at all as if she were seconds from screaming her head off. She turned her head cautiously to keep from scraping her face on the jutting surfaces. His fingers circled her wrist like a vise. She was sweetly reasonable. cave jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
3a8152c "I will not expose you to these men." "Give it a rest, Jacques. I mean it. We're in this thing together. I hate to brag and put you at an obvious disadvantage, but I can take more of the sun than you." His hand caressed the nape of her neck. "That doesn't mean I will allow you to be exposed to danger." Shea burst out laughing. "Just being with you is dangerous, you idiot. dangerous." She shook back her hair, her chin lifting a bit defiantly. "In any case, I can feel the vampire and you cannot. Neither, it seems, could Byron. Maybe the others won't be able to either. You need me." Reluctantly Jacques was allowing her to pull him toward the cave entrance. "Why do I never win an argument with you? I cannot allow you to be in danger, yet we are walking into the dawn and facing brutal killers when we are at our lowest strength. In the afternoon, Shea, we will be completely vulnerable, at their mercy, at the mercy of the sun. Both of us will be." "Then we'll just have to be in a safe place by then. Contact the others, Jacques, tell them what's going on." "I think you just want to get out of this cave. You would rather face a vampire and human killers than a few little bats." He tugged at her wild mane of hair. She flashed him a grin over her shoulder. "You've got that right. And don't you ever turn into a bat." She shuddered. "Or a rat." "We could get kinky and see how bats and rats make love," he suggested in a whisper, warm breath against her neck. "You are a sick man, Jacques. Very, very sick." The passage was narrowing again, taking her breath. At least Jacques was complying, even if he was grousing a bit." never-win sick-sick-man jacques-and-shea haha dangerous Christine Feehan
f928c2c "Bring her back, Mikhail. Go after her. Guide her back. This is too dangerous for her. Even with my connection to her, she is trapped," Gregori said. "We are dealing with more than just any vampire. This one is skilled in the black arts and the use of herbs and power stones. I know what he has done and how he is doing it." Mikhail pulled Raven tightly against him, his black eyes hard with mental strain. Raven blinked, looked around her, seemed surprised to find herself in the rain. Her hand went to her temple in a gesture of pain. "Stop staring at me. I feel like some kind of freak show." She sounded hurt, hid her face on Mikhail's chest. His arms circled her, drew her into the shelter of his body, his head bent lovingly toward hers. It was such an intimate gesture, Shea had to turn away. To her dismay, she found the healer studying her. Shea moved closer to Jacques, unconsciously seeking protection from the scrutiny. "You need nourishment." The healer spoke gently. "When I'm hungry, I'll eat," Shea told him haughtily. "You don't need to worry about all of us. I know how to care for myself." The silvery eyes slashed through the lie. "Your hunger radiates from you, and your weakness could place all of us in jeopardy." He turned his powerful stare on Raven. Raven squirmed visibly. "Oh, shut up, Gregori," she snapped, her blue eyes flashing fire at him. A faint smile curved his mouth, failing to light his eyes. "I did not speak." "You spoke volumes, and you know it." Her chin went up belligerently. "Your male sense of superiority is enough to make a woman want to scream. Honestly, Gregori, all that cold logic makes a person crazy." She allowed Mikhail to lead her onto the porch. "Logic works, unlike emotional women," Gregori returned unruffled. "Your first duty is to protect your child. Our first duty must be to protect you." His silver gaze clearly censured Mikhail." mikhail-and-raven jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
ce0bf47 "I am Gregori, Jacques." Gregori's voice was power itself, yet soft and soothing. "A healer for our people." Shea was lying across Jacques, her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed. She groaned-- a low, husky sound that added fuel to Jacques' rage. His fingers brushed the dark smudges along her swollen throat, and he turned a murderous gaze on Mikhail. "Leave us alone." Her voice was barely a whisper, hoarse and raw. She did not open her eyes or try to move. "I can help him," Gregori persisted, using his same compelling tone. The woman was so obviously the key to reaching Jacques. It was in the way he held her, the protective posture of his body, the way his eyes moved possessively, even tenderly, over her face. His hands were continually caressing her, stroking her hair, her skin. At the underlying command in Gregori's beautiful voice, her long eyelashes lifted, and she studied his face. He was savagely beautiful, a blend of elegance and untamed beast. He looked more dangerous than the other two strangers did. Shea made an effort to swallow, but it hurt. "You look like an ax murderer to me." Mikhail's soft laughter echoed in Gregori's head. Gregori deliberately reminded him of the quarter of a century difference in their ages." axe-murderer mikhail jacques-and-shea gregori brains Christine Feehan
69750ba "Gregori glided closer to the couple, his graceful elegance failing to conceal the rippling strength of his muscles and the power emanating from his body. He looked totally confident, relaxed, completely fearless. The soft rumbling in Jacques' throat increased; his fingers tightened possessively, crushing bones and tendon in Shea's upper arm. Gregori stopped moving immediately. "I am sorry, woman, I know you are weak, but you will have to move to the other side of him or he will not allow me to help," Gregori instructed calmly. Mikhail scoffed. "You could have brought Raven along," Gregori chided softly, aloud. "You bring her along on every other dangerous thing she should not be involved in." That was a clear reprimand. "You might have brought her where she could actually do some good." bunny-rabbit mikhail jacques-and-shea gregori Christine Feehan
c09ba4c "Shea blinked back tears, found his wrist with trembling fingers, the lightest contact, a connection between them. "We make such a perfect pair, Jacques. At least one of us should be stable, don't you think?" He brought her hand to the warmth of his mouth. "You came for me, from thousands of miles away. You came for me." She managed a smile. "A few years late." Something eased in the vicinity of his heart. He knew there was no escape for either of them. He might not understand fully, but he knew he had bound them irrevocably together for all time. "Is there not a saying, 'Better late than never'?" His thumb feathered over her wrist, found her pulse." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
881c8b1 "Very gently Jacques lowered her feet to the ground, retaining possession of her waist to help her trembling legs hold her up. Shea raised a hand to push back her rain-slick hair. He caught her fingers and raised her palm to his mouth. "You are the most beautiful sight I have ever seen." She smiled, shook her head at him. "You're crazy, you know that? This is one of the most magnificent lightning storms I've ever seen, and I didn't even notice until now." He grinned at her suggestively, rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Says something." "Exactly," she agreed. "You're crazy, and I must be, too." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
cf61ac2 "Hunted what?" Shea held her breath, afraid of what he might say. "Beautiful women, little one, and I was the one who found you after all." His white teeth gleamed at her, a definite leer. "Don't put me off like that." She had already taken advantage, sliding easily into his mind and picking out the pictures of danger and revulsion. Fear even. Not so much of their adversary, but of themselves turning into the very thing they sought to destroy. Jacques, unprepared for her entrance into his mind, had been confident he could keep the grimmer side of their existence watered down for her. Shea had always been reluctant to enter his mind; it hadn't occurred to him that she would do so whenever she wanted. His expression was so rueful that Shea burst out laughing. "Where I grew up, that's called being caught with your pants down." He looked down at his body, glistening with the rain. His grin was self-mocking, his black eyes amused. "Literally." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
6293546 "No one will ever harm you. Not ever. They may attempt to do so, but they will not survive." He took a deep breath before his confession. "I was not aware that you were not Carpathian. I was not capable of knowing much at all at that time. I inadvertently converted you. I would like to say I am sorry, but in truth, I am not. I did not know what I was doing, and I hope I would have done it differently had I known better, but you are my life, Shea. There is no existence for me without you. I would have nothing to live for except revenge, and I would become the undead. I do not want to be vampire, preying on humans and Carpathians alike. You are my salvation." She pushed him away from her. The rain swept over her face as she lifted emerald eyes filled with laughter to his. "That's it? That's your big apology? I can see you're not going to be a candy-and-flowers man." She set off quickly. "Don't talk to me, you uncivilized maniac. I don't even want to hear the sound of your voice." Jacques forced back the smile that seemed so ready to curve his hard mouth. Shea had a way of making even dangerous situations seem a game where laughter was always close at hand. She managed to find ways to make his madness, the terrible, unforgivable way he had treated her at their first meeting, seem casual. "Can I put my arm around you?" Even while his eyes scanned, they held a gleam of merriment. "You're talking. I said don't talk to me." Shea tried sticking her nose in the air, but it felt ridiculous, and she dissolved into undignified giggles. His arm curved around her slender waist and locked her under his shoulder. "I am sorry. I did not mean to speak when you asked me not to. Turn here. I'm going to have to carry you up." "Don't talk. You always get your way when you talk." She walked with him a few more yards and stopped, staring up a sheer cliff face that seemed to go up forever. There had been no division between the forest and the rock face to warn her. "Up what? Not that." up-what-not-that you-are-my-salvation jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
7ca0040 "His palm cupped her face, moved lovingly to her slender neck, his thumb feathering over her soft skin. He ached with love for her. "I promise to be careful." "Really careful," she insisted. He found the hard edges of his mouth turning up. "Really careful," he clarified." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
22d3105 "Shea reached up to trail her fingertips over his neck. The massage was suggestive and reassuring at the same time. He reacted by crushing her to him, his mouth hard and dominating as he captured hers. He kissed her possessively, his body as demanding as his mouth. "I need you right now, Shea. My body is going up in flames, and I hurt like hell. We have to be alone soon or I might die." Her laughter was muffled against his chest. "No one has ever died because they wanted to make love." But she wasn't sure. Her own body was burning and begging for the connection to his. Gregori suddenly materialized, made a soft, sighing noise, and sent them a clear frown. Like guilty children they broke apart." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan
2e1a824 " His voice was a sinful caress, enticing, insistent. "I think you can manage all by yourself," she answered, refusing to look into his dark, hypnotic eyes. Instead, she shut off her computer and the generator and locked the door. He sounded very earnest, innocent, hopeful. Shea found herself smiling as she poured him another unit of blood. She was beginning to think the devil himself had shown up at her doorstep. Jacques was temptation incarnate. "I removed a stake from your heart just a couple of nights ago, and you have a major wound there. If I move around while I sleep, I could easily bump into you and start it bleeding again. You wouldn't want that, would you?" He took the container from her hand, his fingers curling around the glass precisely over the spot where her fingers had been. He did things like that, intimate things that sent butterfly wings brushing deep within her. "Were you a playboy before they buried you?" she asked him, tossing a mischievous grin over her shoulder. Shea checked her gun to make certain it was clean and loaded. "You need to drink that, Jacques, not just hold it. And then go back to sleep. The more rest you get, the faster you'll heal." Again his voice was temptation itself. "Drink, Jacques." She tried to sound stern, but it was impossible when he was looking so desperate for her company. She couldn't help but shake her head. "You're outrageous." He made an attempt to raise the glass to his mouth, but his arm wobbled. "Am I supposed to believe you?" She laughed aloud but crossed to his side." jacques-and-shea Christine Feehan