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2f95c01 I want to marry you because I'm with you, Kat. I will be in love with you. That's not going to change today or two weeks from now. I will be just as in love with you in twenty years as I am today. jennifer-l-armentrout lux origin Jennifer L. Armentrout
ac77aa5 That's the funny thing about trying to escape. You never really can. Maybe temporarily, but not completely. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
a8ca337 "Kat tipped her head back, meeting my stare. Her throat worked on her next words. "I think I might love you." Air punched out of my lungs. I held her tight, and I knew right then I would burn down the whole universe for her if I had to. I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything." daemon-black-pov onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
9b30fd7 "Cupping my cheeks, he exhaled a soft groan, and his lips scorched mine as he deepened the kiss until we both were breathless from its intensity. Daemon moved as close as he could with the chair between us. Gripping his arms, I held onto him, wanting him closer. The chair prevented all but our lips and hands from touching. Frustrating. , I ordered restlessly. It trembled under my foot, and then the heavy oak chair slid out from under me, dodging our leaning bodies. Unprepared for the sudden void, Daemon lurched forward, and I was unable to carry the unexpected weight. I collapsed backward, bringing Daemon along with me. The full contact of his body, flush against mine, sent my senses into chaotic overdrive. His tongue swept over mine as his fingers splayed across my cheeks. His hand slid down my side, gripping my hip as he urged me closer. The kisses slowed and his chest rose as he drank me in. With one last lingering exploration, he lifted his head and smiled down at me. My heart skipped a beat as he hovered over me with an expression that tugged deep in my chest. He moved his finger back up, along my cheek, trailing an invisible path to my chin. "I didn't move that chair, Kitten." "I know." "I'm assuming you didn't like where it was?" "It was in your way," I said. My hands were still curled around his arms. "I can see that." Daemon smoothed a fingertip over the curve of my bottom lip before taking my hand, pulling me up." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
459143d "Daemon was suddenly in front of me. I took an involuntary step back. "Do you think I didn't enjoy kissing you? That I haven't thought about it every second since then? And I know you have. Just admit it." In the pit of my stomach, tight coils thrummed. "What is the point of this?" "Have you?" "Oh, for crap's sake, yes, I have. I do! Do you want me to write it down for you? Send you an e-mail or a text? Will that make you feel better?" Daemon arched a brow. "You don't need to be sarcastic." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
693c2ea "How much snow are they calling for?" "Somewhere between a lot and holy fuck." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
4c41c00 Never in my life had I been more frustrated. Go figure it wouldn't be with a human but a freaking alien. At least I now knew that the male species were asses no matter what planet they hailed from. jennifer-l-armentrout obsession Jennifer L. Armentrout
e264f40 "Are you two you know?" Jacob pointed at us. " " I didn't get a chance to answer. Cam spun me around and kissed me, right there between the two buildings. It was no friendly peck on the lips. When our tongues touched, my bag slipped off my arm and hit the frosted ground. "Holy crap," Jacob muttered. "I think they're going to make babies." funny jacob-massen j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam jacob lol Jennifer L. Armentrout
276aa51 "Without thinking, I moved again, reaching out and touching the hand resting near my thigh. Call it an experiment, but I wanted to see what would happen Seth's head whipped in my direction. "What are you doing?" "Nothing." And nothing was what happened. Confused, I wrapped my fingers around his. "Doesn't look like nothing," His eyes narrowed on me. "I guess so." Giving up on my impromptu test, I lifted my hand. "Shouldn't you be--" Whatever I was about to say died on my lips. Incredibly fast, Seth grabbed my hand and threaded his fingers through mine. "Is this what you wanted?" he asked, ever so casually. It happened. Being so close to him this time, I could see where the markings came from. The thick veins in his hand were the first to darken, branching out before spreading up his arm. Mesmerized, I watched the inky tats cover every piece of exposed skin. Before my eyes, they shifted away from his veins, swirling around his skin. Breaking off into different designs as he--we--continued to hold hands." jennifer-l-armentrout half-blood Jennifer L. Armentrout
d8c0532 "Do you... feel anything around me?" "Other than what I felt this morning when I saw how good you looked in those jeans?" "Daemon." I sighed, trying to disregard the girl in my that screamed, "I'm being serious." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d327adc Daemon: Ever hear the saying you catch more lions with honey than vinegar? Katy: I think it's 'catch more bees' and not lions. Daemon: Whatever. jennifer-l-armentrout origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
19ec125 Gods were like possums. You could go your whole life without seeing one, but once you found one of them, you found the whole freaky family. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
545f587 "My jaw dropped open. "Holy crows..." "There's a couple of eagles mixed in there," Luke commented. "And a few hawks," Aiden added. I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Holy birds of prey! Is that better?" "Much," Aiden murmured." covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout alex sentinel luke Jennifer L. Armentrout
53e7487 "I tried to push down my anger. One thing I hated more than Daemon's douche-nozzle side was him telling me what to do. "You don't own me, Daemon." "It's not about ownership, you little nut." "Nut?" I glared at him. "I wouldn't call me names when I have a knife in my hand." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
12c8ec6 "Oh, that flipped my bitch switch from meh to pure "I'm going to cut a bitch" rage." covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout alex sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
ce2c5cd "I can help Katy," Blake wheezed. "Good enough for you?" "What?" I demanded, dropping my hands. "Yeah, see, you saying her name alone makes me want to kill you. So, no, not good enough for me." -- onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
2a38563 "How you've always felt?" "I've loved you my entire life," he said, eyes locked on mine. "And I would love you for the rest of my life if you'd let me, Syd." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
2db1b00 "Surprise widened his eyes as he stepped back. "Caving in so easily?" "Caving in?" I laughed without feeling. "I just want you out of my face." Daemon chuckled deeply. "Keep telling yourself that, Kitten." "Keep using your ego steroids." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
a31162e "There's always tomorrow." I followed him. "Tomorrow's not going to change anything." "We'll see." "There's nothing to see. You're wasting your time." "When it concerns you, it's never a waste of my time," he replied." aww j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam cute sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
ca04272 I texted back: A few minutes passed while I stared at my phone. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam texting Jennifer L. Armentrout
943cbcc " Warmth spread down my neck. "It's actually, and not blah or whatever." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
9440957 "Kyler half-jumped half-threw himself toward my open window. I was wussy. Closing my eyes, I balled my hands up near my chest and let out a little shriek. There was a sound of flesh hitting wood and my eyes flew open. He came through the open window, landing on his feet like a damn cat. He stumbled though and banged into my desk, causing books and my computer to shake. He held his hands out to his sides and looked around slowly before his gaze settled on me. "I am awesome." I could barely breathe. "Yeah." A knock sounded on my bedroom door a second before it opened. Dad popped his head in, eyes wide. "I'm just making sure he made it up here alive." I nodded and Kyler flashed a grin. "I'm in one piece." "That's good to see." Dad started to close the door, but stopped. "Next time, use the front door, Kyler." "Yes, sir," Kyler said." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
aeaca2c "Then I guess I'll just have to try biting again" "You wanna try?" He leaned the curve of my cheek. "Let me suggest more appropriate places. I have this piercing." white-hot-kiss jennifer-l-armentrout kayla roth Jennifer L. Armentrout
daf6c6b I grinned at Daemon and held up a bulb that was so green it almost matched his eyes. I decided it was going to be bulb. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
b7c9927 Karma was a bitch and a half. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
82ca825 Hey, I'm kidding. And I'm also curious why'd you do that. The sun rises and sets out of Aiden's ass, according to you. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout alex sentinel seth Jennifer L. Armentrout
cbd7c28 It was a Friday night, she was at a club, and a good-looking man was currently giving her the I-want-to-take-you-home-and-I-hope-I-last-longer-than-five-minutes look... and she was thinking about pie, a young adult book, and feeding her cat. She was so turning into the cat lady at twenty-seven. Sweet. tempting-the-player jennifer-l-armentrout J. Lynn
28e087c "Okay. This was good. This was heading somewhere I'd-- "I want to strangle you," she said, her voice hoarse. All right, that wasn't good. Not at all. "You have no idea how badly I want to kick you right now," she added. And that was worse. This wasn't-- "I love you," she said, and she swallowed. "I've loved you since you pushed me down on the playground. I swear-- I've loved you since then." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
9dcdaed "Don't you want to know what cookies is a code word for?" "No! Good God, no!" funny code-word cookie jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cookies cam haha Jennifer L. Armentrout
8c59bcd Okay. I'll admit, I slept or doodled through most of my classes. I have no idea who you're talking about. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
4354135 I will regret being with you, Syd. Never. And I wish I could go back and relive those hours. I wish I could go back in time, and instead of hooking up with some chick, I'd man up and tell you how I really felt for you, how I've felt for you. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
8e717ba "You drive me fucking insane sometimes." I drove myself fucking insane." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam insane Jennifer L. Armentrout
188ba3a Sorry. Sorry. Don't hit. Bitches be scary when they hit. lmfao j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you jacob haha lol hit Jennifer L. Armentrout
53dc608 "Fuck," he said, sliding his hands down to my thighs. "You're making this very hard to be the good guy you said I was last night." "I'm not drunk." He pressed his forehead to mine, chuckling softly. "Yeah, I can see that and while the idea of taking you right now, against the wall, is enough to make me lose control, I want you to know that I'm serious. You're not a hook up. You're not a friend with benefits. You're more than that to me." I closed my eyes, breathing heavily. "Well, that was...really sort of perfect." true-love j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
27f0e69 You're not doing this by yourself. Hell to the mother fucking no. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam Jennifer L. Armentrout
1dfb8e8 I had no idea what time it was, but I felt boneless and it would take an act of God to get me out of this bed. Or chocolate. funny j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
07b7dc5 "What?" She burrowed closer, tucking her fingers against the collar of my shirt. Throwing my arm around her waist, I took what felt like the first real breath in weeks. "If I had a Mogwai, I'd totally feed it after midnight. That Mohawk gremlin was a badass." jennifer-l-armentrout lux-series origin Jennifer l. Armentrout
94f04bc Instead he was staring at me like he was seconds away from getting up and storming across the bar and telling me I was up past my bedtime. He wouldn't dare. Kyler's eyes narrowed. He would. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
6539518 An arm snaked around my waist, pulling me to a stop. For the first time in my life I was literally stuck between two boys. Huh. And here I thought it would be more fun than this. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
775e966 What I needed was to lose myself in a good book, one with tons of sex and angst, complete with an unbelievable happily-ever-after that made me love and hate the book at the same time. j-lynn kyler-quinn sydney-bell jennifer-l-armentrout J. Lynn
ae2f7d0 And I was normally a pretty emotional person. In any given day, I experienced a hundred different things like I was trying ice cream flavors. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
ed3334b "Why me?" I blurted out, and then closed my eyes briefly. "Okay. Don't answer that." The food arrived just thenYi thank GodYi and the conversation was deterred...for about two minutes. "I'm going to answer that question," Cam said, peering at me through his lashes. I wanted to face-plant my stuffed chicken. "You don't have to." "No, I think I do." funny j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam Jennifer L. Armentrout
26c4c72 "Now about these jeans..." "What about them?" He winked, and damn if he didn't look good doing it. "They've got to go." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
2f3b768 Sometimes words weren't enough-- they couldn't cover the feeling. This was one of those times. So I closed the distance and kissed her, putting everything I felt for her, every promise I made her, into that one kiss. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
366288e "I'll accept your apology on one condition." He folded his arms across his chest. "Anything?" "You trust me." I cocked my head to the side. "I trust you, Cam." "No, you don't." He walked over to my small table and pulled out a chair. "Have a seat." Sitting down, I tugged the hem of his shirt down as he headed back to the stove, putting the tiny skillet over the burner. "If you trusted me, you wouldn't have reacted the way you did," he simply said, cracking an egg. "And that's not me judging you or any of that kind of shit. You got to trust me that I'm not going to be an ass or freak out over that kind of stuff. You have to trust that I care enough about you." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam caring sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
2e98066 "I'd still be nice to you if you were ugly." "Okay." A wicked grin slipped over his full lips. He bent his head down and whispered, "I just wouldn't offer you any cookies." I folded my arms and tried to ignore the close proximity of our faces. "I'm starting to think cookies is a code word for something else." "Maybe it is." He tugged on my bag again as he took a confident step back, forcing me down another step. "And just think about it. If cookie was a code word, whatever it symbolizes, it's been in your mouth, sweetheart." hott jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cookies cam Jennifer L. Armentrout
fd43e62 I think he was worried about pushing things too far for the time being since I was obviously rocking a first-class ticket to certifiable insanity. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
a551f4a "You're standing by yourself talking about tits?" Kyler asked from behind me. I gave a little shriek and spun around. "God..." A sexy half-grin appeared. "I need to keep a better eye on you, if that's what you talk about when you're alone." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
c34d980 "Luc blinked innocently. That little fuck. "I gave you a piece of opal and a Luxen to nom-nom on." jennifer-l-armentrout luc obsession Jennifer L. Armentrout
8b7c849 "B-b-but who will I have cleaning marathons with?" "Casey. I'll be there in spirit." "She's not neurotic and cranky like you." "You'll miss that, ay?" "Hell yes, I'll miss that! When you're obsessive and pissy, you tell those floors who's boss. They won't shine like that when Casey scrubs them. And don't get me started on our Covenant Series discussions. The girl thinks Alex should pick Seth. Seth, Em. How can I clean with someone who isn't Team Aiden? It's like...madness. Madness on Earth. The fucking apocalypse--" "Whitney," I chuckled, squeezing her tighter, "I assure you, you'll survive. The second she starts running her mouth about Aiden, just spray her with bleach. That'll teach her a lesson." -Emma and Whitney" friendship covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout alex book-lovers seth pure half-blood Rachael Wade
56018ae "Which brings me to the point of this call." Thank God, baby Jesus, and the Holy Ghost." -- j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you lol Jennifer L. Armentrout
92ce68b It was so quiet you could hear a fly run into a wall. Everyone was staring at me like I'd just pulled up my shirt and asked for some beads. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
741cae4 "She doesn't play nice with others" Sadi huffed out. "So I'm in the process of adjusting her attitude" "And I'm in the process of getting ready to cut out your heart, bitch" kat jennifer-l-armentrout lux-series opposition Jennifer L. Armentrout
e2f1cde "Easy for you to say. You're the one who got plowed. I was doing the plowing." Cam's mouth opened. Oh my God, did I really just say that? I had." funny jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam haha lol Jennifer L. Armentrout
8ef18c4 "What else do I deserve?" One side of his lips tipped up. "Everything, baby, you deserve everything." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
66aa4f7 "That was so Resident Evil," Luke said, his eyes wide. "Awesome" I cracked a grin, a little breathless. "It was kind of Alice awesome, wasn't it?" covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel luke Jennifer L. Armentrout
a346764 "It's alright. I mean, sex can be messy sometimes and these things happen and... I really need to stop talking." Kyler chuckled deeply and then he kissed the tip of my nose. "Have I told you how adorable you are?" Adorable? I'd been aiming for sexy or hot. I shrugged one shoulder. "You're fucking adorable." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
4872ca7 but Kyler...yeah, he put the 'oo' in swoon. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout sydney Jennifer L. Armentrout
b1ff5ff My body knew what to do, what it , even though my brain was firing off so many warnings I felt like Homeland Security during a Code Red. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam J. Lynn
8cd1934 Sorry, but all I can think about are those people who were stranded in the snow and had to eat one another. j-lynn kyler-quinn sydney-bell jennifer-l-armentrout J. Lynn
6834c93 "I love you," he said, and he kissed me again. Feral. Possessive. I gasped out, "I love you too." -- j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
2f12a5b Then Kyler kissed me, and I stopped thinking about words and languages, because there was nothing beyond how smooth and firm his lips felt against mine. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
264c1f3 "Seriously? Kissing her right now is what we need to be doing when we have pissed-off aliens on us?" "Kissing her is always the right thing to do." daemon-black jennifer-l-armentrout lux lux-series katy opposition Jennifer L. Armentrout
23471f4 "I think so. I want a hamburger and a hot dog." I paused. "And ice cream in one of those waffle cones. And-- and I want to see the big kitties." jennifer-l-armentrout zoo pure Jennifer L. Armentrout
6279855 Supposedly has been on a two-day bender, and today is the first day the guy has been sober. So whatever went down obviously didn't end with a Disney happily-ever-after. All I have to say is that you need to tell me what is up and it better include some rated-R stuff. j-lynn kyler-quinn sydney-bell jennifer-l-armentrout J. Lynn
53d4cea "Sometimes..." I stared at him, blinking back wetness. "Sometimes you say the most amazing things." "And I do love the sight of my hands on your ass, too." -- daemon-black jennifer-l-armentrout jla lux lux-series katy opposition Jennifer L. Armentrout
d377f27 "I don't regret saying something," I said as he pulled down the street. He glanced at me."Well, I regret not punching him in the face." My lips twitched."Sorry. I couldn't let that happen." "I'm sure I'll get another opportunity," He muttered, squinting out the windshield." punches the-dead-list jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
79bf14e I watched her until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I then counted each breath she took until I could no longer remember what the last number was. And when that happened, I repeated her name, over and over again, until it was the last thing I thought before I slipped into oblivion. jennifer-l-armentrout jla lux lux-series katy origin Jennifer L. Armentrout