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4928991 "How long have you been standing there?" "Just long enough to see you give Daemon the middle finger." "He deserved it." daemon funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
09849c2 "I didn't tell you this because I'm sure you would've changed your mind about the dress." "What?" I frowned. "Does it make my butt look big?" She laughed. "No. You looked stunning in it." "Then what's the deal?" Her smile turned downright mischievous. "Oh, you know, just that the color red is Daemon's favorite." dee katy sneaky Jennifer L. Armentrout
e4311eb "I have the feeling we just made a deal with the devil, and he's going to come back and want our first-born child or something." Daemon waggled his brows. "You want kids? Because you know, practice makes--" "Shut up." I shook my head and started walking." funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
ff7f9f6 "Oh, yeah." Carissa nodded. "They were googley-eyed in class on Friday. It was pretty steamy, the whole 'I'm screwing you with my eyes' thing they had going on." I choked on my drink. "That was not what we were doing. We were talking!" -- daemon katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
6aed8fc "And this is why you don't want me to be friends with Dee, because you were afraid that I'd find out the truth?" "That, and you're a human. Humans are weak. They bring us nothing but trouble." My eyes narrowed. "We aren't weak. And you're on our planet. How about a little respect, buddy." Amusement flickered in his emerald eyes. "Point taken." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
701ee35 I bet you think things through, right? Accept candy from strangers and get into vans with a sign that reads free Kittens? katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
8cf2780 I was feeling the height of bitchiness. katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
6f49677 "You haven't locked yourself in any rooms or rocked in any corners, right?" I rolled my eyes and began walking again. "No Daemon, but thanks for making sure I'm mentally sound and all." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
933c4bb "Not in this lifetime, buddy," I said finally. "Resistance is futile, Kitten." "So is your charm." "We'll see." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
9dbd65c "Embarrassed someone would see you and think you're capable of reading?" "I do have a reputation to maintain." "And what a lovely reputation that is." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
ed97569 "Look at the time." I tipped my chin toward the clock. "It's past midnight. It's January second. You lost." For several moments he stared at the clock like it was an Arum he was about to blast into the next county and then his eyes found mine. Daemon smiled. "No. I didn't lose. I still won." katy sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
e88eb53 But no matter where I went, what I was running from would still be with me--Kat. She wasn't just back in the house, in that bed. She was with me now, inside me. And there was no outrunning that. daemon-s-pov katy obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
20201d0 I understood books. I did not understand boys--especially alien boys. boys katy onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
96b3638 "Crossing the room, he stopped infront of me. "I'm not going to bite." "That's good." "Unless you want me to," He said with a devilish grin." bite-me daemon katy lux onyx teaser Jennifer L. Armentrout
247b63d I couldn't stop staring at his mouth when he spoke. I bet he knew how to kiss. Perfect kisses too, ones that weren't wet and gross, but the kind that curled toes. I needed to stop looking at him in general. hot katy romance Jennifer L. Armentrout
e47e312 I didn't want to spoil the mood. This was probably the longest Daemon and I had ever spoken without some statement earning him the finger. funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
3ef8a69 "We can't lose you," she said after a few moments of awkward as hell silence. "You have to understand that we aren't doing this because we don't care about Kat. We're doing this because we love you." "But I love her," I said without hesitation. Dee's eyes widened, probably since it was the first time she'd herd me say it out loud, well, about anyone other than my family. I wished I had said it more often, especially to Kat. Funny how that kind of shit always turns out in the end. While you're deep in something, you never say or do what you need to. It's always after the fact, when it's too late that you realize what you've should've said or done/ It couldn't be too late. I knew that. The fact that I was still alive was testament to that. Like Dee said, though, there were worse things than death." dee katy talking Jennifer L. Armentrout
2edf82c "There was a pause, then his lips stretched into a smile. "You're right." Hell froze over. Pigs were flying. "Come again?" "You're right. I should have checked in at some point. I'm sorry." The world was flat. I didn't know what to say. According to Daemon, he was right about 99 percent of the time. Wow." daemon katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
85399f7 You know what they say about boys next door... daemon katy romance Jennifer L. Armentrout
b3ab52e "Honestly, as much as I love my brother, I'm not sure how I feel about him hanging out in your bedroom." He reached out with a muscular arm and used his fingers to brush a few strands of hair off my cheek, tucking them behind my ear. I shivered, and he smiled. "I feel like I need to mark my territory." "Shut up." "Oh, I love it when you get all bossy-pants. It's sexy." funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
49dd997 "I'm not leaving, Kitten. You're going to do this." My mouth opened as did the door behind us. Stomach dropping, I turned to see Mom standing there in all her fuzzy-bunny pajama glory. Oh, for the love of God." bonus-points daemon embarrassing funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
16f42ad "I love you, Katy. Always have. Always will," he said, voice thick and hoarse with panic. "I will come back for you. I will-" The emergency doors sealed shut with a soft thud. "I love you," I said, but Daemon...Daemon was gone." katy opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
7170484 I needed to get a grip. Or a camera to memorialize this moment, because I bet I could make a money from a video of him. I could make a fortune... As long as he didn't open his mouth. katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
148e7f7 "I'm sure I look like a drowned cat." "You look fine. The wet look works for you." I scowled. "Now I know you're lying." daemon funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
4de0489 "Daemon!" Dee called from the kitchen. "I need your help!" "We should go see what she's doing before she destroys your kitchen." He rubbed his hands down his face. "It's possible." dee disaster funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
3304c41 Oh no I know that look. What are you thinking? That this is the most ridiculous declaration of attraction I've ever heard daemon declarations-of-love katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
7a870c2 "At least I don't look like a Christmas tree." "You look like the star atop the tree." compliment daemon heartwarming katy sweet Jennifer L. Armentrout
e9e306c "Some powers come more easily to others, but Matthew rocks at reading energies." "What?" I set my fork back down. "Our biology teacher is an alien? Holy crap...all I can think of is that movie The Faculty." Dee choked on her orange juice. "We don't snatch bodies." I hoped not." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
749b0de "You're kind of dirty, Kitten." I blinked. Deny. Deny. Deny. "What did you say?" -- katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
4e24d3d "Is this what you do with your spare time?" he asked me, ignoring his sister. "What--are you deciding to talk to me now?" Smiling tightly, I grabbed a handful of mulch and dumped it. Rinse and repeat. "Yeah, it's kind of a hobby. What's yours? Kicking puppies?" humour katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
313a1ba "Dee loves it here. Before you came, she spent most of her days here." To Daemon, my arrival was the beginning of the end. The apocalypse. Kat-mageddon. "You know, I'm not going to get your sister in trouble." "We'll see." daemon funny katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
c3f3fc4 Humping my leg like a dog in heat every time I'm around you doesn't prove you like me, Daemon.' Daemon clamped his mouth shut, and I could tell he was fighting back laughter. 'Actually, that's how I show people I like them. katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
f72a802 I checked out your blog.' Oh. Dear. Baby. Jesus. How did he find it? Wait. More importantly was the fact he HAD found it. Was my blog now googleable? That was awesomesauce with an extra heaping of sauce. katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
b90aee9 "I think it's obvious if you're wanted here or not." "Daemon," hissed Dee, her cheeks red. She turned to me, tears in her eyes. "He's not being serious." "Are you being serious, Daemon?" Ash turned in his lap, head cocked to the side. My heart was already pounding in my chest when his eyes met mine. His were sheltered. "Actually I was being serious." He leaned over the table, staring up at me through thick lashes. "You're not wanted here." Dee spoke again, but I was beyond hearing. My face felt like it was on fire. People around us were starting to stare. One of the Thompson boys was smirking while the other looked as though he wanted to crawl underneath the table for me. The rest of the kids at the table were staring at their plates. One of them snickered. I'd never been more humiliated in my life." daemon dee embarrassed humiliated hurt katy mean Jennifer L. Armentrout
19c646f I spun and jogged around the SUV. Climbing in I readjusted the seat from Godzilla setting to Normal so my feet could reach the pedals. katy monologue Jennifer L. Armentrout
02be144 He immediately started charming my mom until she was nothing but a gooey puddle in the middle of the foyer. He loved her new haircut.She got one?I guessed her hair did look different.Like she'd washed it or something.Daemon told her that the diamond earrings were beautiful.The rug below the steps was really nice.And that leftover scent of mystery dinner--because I still hadn't figured out what she fed me--smelled divine.He admired nurses worldwide,and by that point,I couldn't keep my eye rolls to a minimum. Daemon was ridiculous. katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
7ace53a "I think reading is sexy." Daemon smiled at himself. My brows inched up my forehead. "Do you now?" "Oh, yes, and you know what else I think is sexy?" he leaned forward so his entire face filled the picture and nodded his head toward me. "Bloggers like this. Hot." Rolling my eyes, I smacked his arm." katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
2a89e56 Sporks are only used in the most dire situations. katy life-saving sporks Jennifer L. Armentrout
035fe65 There was something soul-burningly about being on the brink of losing control, tumbling over into the unknown, and I wanted to fall and never resurface. --Jennifer L. Armentrout katy losing-control onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
07a8c69 "The kid curled his fingers inward, like he was motioning them to come play with him, and in a total Magneto way, the guns flew from the officers' hands, zinging toward the kid. They, too, stopped in midair and lit up in vibrant shades of blue. A second later the guns were dust. Kat's hands dug into my back. "Holy..." "Shit," I finished." katy origin Jennifer L. Armentrout
93262db Touching him, kissing him, was like having a fever all over again. I was on fire. My body burned. The world burned. Sparks flew. Against his mouth, I moaned. There was a POP! and CRACK! The smell of burned plastic filled the cubicle. We pulled apart, breathing heavily. Over his shoulder I saw thin strips of smoke wafting from the top of the ancient monitor. Good God, was this going to happen every time we kissed? katy library Jennifer L. Armentrout
264c1f3 "Seriously? Kissing her right now is what we need to be doing when we have pissed-off aliens on us?" "Kissing her is always the right thing to do." daemon-black jennifer-l-armentrout katy lux lux-series opposition Jennifer L. Armentrout
e1e9750 -... Pero ?sabes en que pense todo el dia ayer? un pensamiento que no me puedo evitar no importa cuan disgustado estoy contigo. -No. -Que tengo suerte porque la persona que no puedo sacar de mi cabeza, la persona que significa mas para mi de lo que puedo soportar aun esta viva, ella esta todavia alli, y esa eres tu. daemon-black español katy love Jennifer L. Armentrout
106e13f "?Que paso con ese tipo? Actuo como si me odiara o algo." "No te odia, solo no confia en ti" "?Confiar que? ?Tu virtud?" katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
ca0bde8 I thought I was going to lose you before...before I had you. katy katy-and-daemon love Jennifer L. Armentrout
53d4cea "Sometimes..." I stared at him, blinking back wetness. "Sometimes you say the most amazing things." "And I do love the sight of my hands on your ass, too." -- daemon-black jennifer-l-armentrout jla katy lux lux-series opposition Jennifer L. Armentrout
5735df3 !Dulces bebes extraterrestres! katy kitten onyx Jennifer L. Armentrout
79bf14e I watched her until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I then counted each breath she took until I could no longer remember what the last number was. And when that happened, I repeated her name, over and over again, until it was the last thing I thought before I slipped into oblivion. jennifer-l-armentrout jla katy lux lux-series origin Jennifer L. Armentrout