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dd568c3 Did you think you could stop me? I'll burn the world down to save her. love daemon-black-pov katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
4def286 Me and Katy look adorkable in extraterrestrial highway shirts. You would just look stupid. You can thank me later. humor origin luc katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
a8ca337 "Kat tipped her head back, meeting my stare. Her throat worked on her next words. "I think I might love you." Air punched out of my lungs. I held her tight, and I knew right then I would burn down the whole universe for her if I had to. I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything." daemon-black-pov onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
9b30fd7 "Cupping my cheeks, he exhaled a soft groan, and his lips scorched mine as he deepened the kiss until we both were breathless from its intensity. Daemon moved as close as he could with the chair between us. Gripping his arms, I held onto him, wanting him closer. The chair prevented all but our lips and hands from touching. Frustrating. , I ordered restlessly. It trembled under my foot, and then the heavy oak chair slid out from under me, dodging our leaning bodies. Unprepared for the sudden void, Daemon lurched forward, and I was unable to carry the unexpected weight. I collapsed backward, bringing Daemon along with me. The full contact of his body, flush against mine, sent my senses into chaotic overdrive. His tongue swept over mine as his fingers splayed across my cheeks. His hand slid down my side, gripping my hip as he urged me closer. The kisses slowed and his chest rose as he drank me in. With one last lingering exploration, he lifted his head and smiled down at me. My heart skipped a beat as he hovered over me with an expression that tugged deep in my chest. He moved his finger back up, along my cheek, trailing an invisible path to my chin. "I didn't move that chair, Kitten." "I know." "I'm assuming you didn't like where it was?" "It was in your way," I said. My hands were still curled around his arms. "I can see that." Daemon smoothed a fingertip over the curve of my bottom lip before taking my hand, pulling me up." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
459143d "Daemon was suddenly in front of me. I took an involuntary step back. "Do you think I didn't enjoy kissing you? That I haven't thought about it every second since then? And I know you have. Just admit it." In the pit of my stomach, tight coils thrummed. "What is the point of this?" "Have you?" "Oh, for crap's sake, yes, I have. I do! Do you want me to write it down for you? Send you an e-mail or a text? Will that make you feel better?" Daemon arched a brow. "You don't need to be sarcastic." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
1096381 Daemon Black could be as prickly as a hedgehog having a really bad day, but underneath all that spindly armor, he was sweet, protective, and incredibly selfless. lux-series katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d8c0532 "Do you... feel anything around me?" "Other than what I felt this morning when I saw how good you looked in those jeans?" "Daemon." I sighed, trying to disregard the girl in my that screamed, "I'm being serious." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d327adc Daemon: Ever hear the saying you catch more lions with honey than vinegar? Katy: I think it's 'catch more bees' and not lions. Daemon: Whatever. jennifer-l-armentrout origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d89642b "Infuriated, I scrambled over him, even more furious when I saw the humored glint in his eyes. "God you tick me off." "Well at least I got you--" "Don't even finish that statement!" the-lux-series jennifer-armentrout katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
53e7487 "I tried to push down my anger. One thing I hated more than Daemon's douche-nozzle side was him telling me what to do. "You don't own me, Daemon." "It's not about ownership, you little nut." "Nut?" I glared at him. "I wouldn't call me names when I have a knife in my hand." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
5368e6e I'm game for anything with you, Daemon Black. jennifer-armentrout lux katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
ce2c5cd "I can help Katy," Blake wheezed. "Good enough for you?" "What?" I demanded, dropping my hands. "Yeah, see, you saying her name alone makes me want to kill you. So, no, not good enough for me." -- onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
2db1b00 "Surprise widened his eyes as he stepped back. "Caving in so easily?" "Caving in?" I laughed without feeling. "I just want you out of my face." Daemon chuckled deeply. "Keep telling yourself that, Kitten." "Keep using your ego steroids." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
4c4079c I thinks Its cute that you call my house Home. By the way, it Is my house. My name is on the deed. - Daemon Black daemon-black lux lux-series katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
943cbcc " Warmth spread down my neck. "It's actually, and not blah or whatever." onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
8930f1a Was I totally against the idea of having kids with Kat one day? Other than breaking out in hives at the thought of that, the idea wasn't too horrible. Of course, I wanted the white picket fence bullshit...if it occurred a good ten years from now, and the kids didn't have weird bowl haircuts and couldn't Jedi mind-screw people. lux-series katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
3bf4148 "My heart- dammit-- my heart stopped in my chest as I stared at them. He had me by the throat because he had my whole world in his hands. I said one word I thought I'd never utter to the bastard. "Please." I swallowed hard, but the words came out easier than I could've ever imagined. "Please don't hurt her." "You'd beg for a human who wouldn't do the same for you?" "I'd do anything for her." "And I would do anything for him." Kat gasped out." -- jennifer-armentrout lux katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
f30868d "Seriously, though, the bouncer won't be a problem. I think he liked me." - Daemon "W-w-What?" - Katy "I think he liked me, like, really liked me." - Daemon "Your ego knows no limit, you know that?." - Katy "You'll see. I know these kinds of things." - Daemon" daemon-black lux lux-series katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
daf6c6b I grinned at Daemon and held up a bulb that was so green it almost matched his eyes. I decided it was going to be bulb. onyx jennifer-l-armentrout lux katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
21e328d Breaking the cookie in two, he handed me the larger piece. I snatched it away, half tempted to throw it back in his face, but it was chocolate chip. So I ate it and loved it. katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
c56565f "He hasn't even eaten at Olive Garden, so I doubt he's a connoisseur of hotels." - Kat "No Olive Garden? Man, we've got to get that boy some endless breadsticks and salad. Travesty." - Daemon" daemon-black lux lux-series origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
46c74b0 but then again, they were like baby Einsteins on crack. humor origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
6b45645 To Daemon, my arrival was the beginning of the end. The apocalypse. Kat-mageddon. lux-series katy-swartz obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
4557b5c "More books." His eyes went wide. "You have, like, then books you just said you haven't read." "Doesn't mean I won't get more books." I smiled at is incredulous expression. "I haven't been able to read a lot lately, but I will, and then I won't be out of anything new to read." reading deamon-black onyx lux-series katy-swartz opal Jennifer L. Armentrout
5ce4c24 I love you Kat, Always Have. Always Will. katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
0744c0e Daemon kissed like he was staking a claim, but he already had me--all of me. My heart. My soul. My whole being. lux-series opposition katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
9441055 God, I loved Daemon. jennifer-armentrout lux opposition katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
bef3f86 "She giggled, then popped a lollipop back in her mouth. "Okay, before you tell me no, I already cleared it with Ash." I frowned. "Cleared what?" "Ash is throwing a little New Year's Eve party at her house. It's just going to be a few of us. Daemon is going." "Uh, I doubt Ash is okay with me going to her party." "No, she is." Dee pinged around the living room like a captured butterfly. "She promised she'd be cool with it. I think you're growing on her." "Like mold," I muttered." humor dee-black katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
553f1c9 "Anyway, I think you guys need to talk or...I don't know. Cave to your passions." I busted out laughing. "Oh my God, are you serious?" She grinned." katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
85faa23 "-?Kitten? -?Si? Sus ojos eran hermosos cuando se encontraron con los mios, luminosos y claros,y un largo momento se extendio entre nosotros. -Te amo." Daemon Black, Opposition." love daemon-black lux-series opposition fangirl katy-swartz kitten Jennifer L. Armentrout
008785b It was perfect. She was perfect. And I was the luckiest guy. lux-series opposition katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d22d9f0 Sin quitarme los ojos de encima, acerco aun mas su pupitre. - ?Sabes una cosa? - ?Que? - Que he entrado en tu blog. Ay, Dios. ?Como lo habia encontrado? Un momento; la pregunta que debia hacerme era la siguiente: ?por que lo habia encontrado? Mi blog no podia buscarse a traves de Google...Estaba flipando en colores. - Ya estas acosandome otra vez, ?no? ?Tengo que llamar a la poli para que te ponga una orden de alejamiento? - Ni en suenos, gatita - Sonrio - Ah, espera, que ya salgo en ellos, ?verdad? Puse los ojos en blanco. - Mas bien apareces en mis pesadillas, Daemon. (pag.154) - ?Me estas preguntando si me atraen las humanas? - dijo. El pelo le caia hacia delante en ondas. Unas gotitas de agua le recorrian los mechones y acababan salpicandome la mejilla - ?O si eres tu la que me atrae? Con las manos apoyadas en la roca, fue acercandose a mi lentamente. Muy pronto nos separaban solo unos milimetros...Sentia su respiracion como si fuera la mia, y cuando movio las caderas abri los ojos y ahogue un grito. Vaya que si funcionaba la cosa...Me despejo la duda de un plumazo. (pag. 240) - Si que es importante el helado - dije. - Es mi vida entera.- Dee tiro el monedero a Daemon, pero erro el objetivo - !Y tu me lo has quitado! (pag. 258 NUNCA TE METAS ENTRE DEE Y SU COMIDA, Y MENOS SI SE TRATA DE HELADO) - ?Lo estas pasando bien con...Ash? - ?Y tu con tu amiguito el pulpo? Me mordi el larbio. - Que simpatico eres, como siempre. ... - Estas...muy guapa, por cierto. Demasiado guapa para estar con ese idiota. Me sonroje y baje la vista. - ?Te has tomado algo? - Pues no, la verdad. ?Por que me lo preguntas, si puede saberse? - Porque nunca me dices nada agradable. - Touche. (pag. 303) - Recuerdame...que no te haga enfadar nunca mas !La leche! ?Eres agente secreto en tus ratos libres? ... Me recorrio la espalda con sus brazos y hundio una mano en los rizos que se me habian soltado del mono. - No me has hecho caso - susurro contra mi hombro. - Nunca te hago caso. (pag. 327) Daemon murmuro algo en un idioma desconocido. Era una lengua dulce y bonita. Magica. De otro planeta. Podria haberlo despertado, pero no lo hice sin saber demasiado bien por que. La emocion que sentia por el contacto con su piel era mas fuerte que todo lo demas. Daemon tenia una mano en el borde de mi camiseta, y los dedos encima del pedazo de piel que habia entre el borde de la camiseta y la cinturilla de los pantalones de pijama. La mano empezaba a abrirse paso por debajo de la camiseta, a traves de mi estomago, en la parte en que este empieza a descender. El pulso se me desboco. Me rozo las costillas con la punta de los dedos. Su cuerpo se movio y senti su rodilla contra mi. (pag. 338) O.O o_O OMG - Gatita - Ni aunque fueras el ultimo ser con aspecto humano sobre la faz de la Tierra ?Ahora lo entiendes? ?Capiche? ... - Ademnas, no me atraes nada - Mentira podrida - Pero vamos, nada de nada. Eres... De repente Daemon estaba delante de mi, a apenas un centimetro de mi rostro. - ?Que soy? - Ignorante -?Y que mas? - Prepotente, controlador...-...- Y un...cretino. - Venga ya, gatita, seguro que puedes hacerlo mejor - ... - Todavia no me creo que no te sientas atraida por mi. (pag. 360) - Seguro que hasta suenas conmigo - Bajo la vista hacia mis labios y senti que se despegaban - Seguro que escribes mi nombre en tus libretas, una y otra vez, rodeado por un corazoncito. Me rei. - En tus suenos, Daemon. Eres la ultima persona a la que... Daemon me beso (pag.361) Una sonrisa picara se le asomo a los labios. - ?Te das cuenta de que me encantan los retos? Me rei entre dientes y me volvi hacia la puerta mientras le dedicaba un gesto grosero con el dedo corazon. - Y a mi, Daemon; y a mi. (pag. 414) love daemon-and-katy daemon-black katy-swartz kitten obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
5b054ab "The other ones don't want to play with me." There were more of him? Dear God... The doctor turned, smiling at the boy. "Is it because you're not sharing your toys?" Kat choked on what sounded like a near-hysterical laugh. Micah's eyes slid to the doctor. "Sharing is not how you assert dominance." What. The. Holy. Hell." micah katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
6c63a7f You made me happy. And I still care about you. Okay? You mean something to me--something I can't really even put into words because everything seems too lame in comparison. I've always wanted you, even when I hated you. I want you even though you drive me freaking insane. love-confession katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
41a26e4 - Nunca vuelvas a llamarme asi - le espete. - Es mejor que llarmarle <> a alguien, ?no? - Salio por la puerta - Que visita tan estimulante. La recordare mucho tiempo. Aquello ya era suficiente. - ?Sabes que? Tienes toda la razon. Mira que llamarte tarado...Esa es una palabra que no te define bien - le dije sonriendo - <> te pega mas. - Conque <>, ?eh? - repitio - Eres un encanto. Levante el dedo corazon. (pag.20) Eran mas de la una, pero parecia que Daemon acabara de levantarse. Llevaba los tejanos arrugados y el pelo enmaranado. Hablaba con alguien por telefono mientras se pasaba la mano por la mandibula. - ?Tu hermano no tiene camisetas o que? - le pregunte mientras cogia la pala. - Me temo que no. No las lleva ni en invierno. Siempre va por ahi medio desnudo - refunfuno - Es bastante incomodo tener que verlo asi todo el dia, ensenando tanta...carne !Que grima! A ella le daria grima, pero a alteraba bastante. Me puse a cavar hoyos en lugares estrategicos mientras notaba que se me secaba la garganta. Tenia una cara perfecta, un cuerpo de ensueno y una mala leche espectacular. Las tres reglas de oro de cualquier tio macizo, vaya. (pag. 39) - Tienes una cabecita bastante sucia, gatita. Pestanee. <> - ?Que has dicho? - Que tienes la cabeza sucia - repitio en voz baja. Sabia que Dee no podia oirle -, llena de tierra. ?Que creias que queria decir? - Nada -...Tener a Daemon tan cerca no me reconfortaba en absoluto - Es normal ensuciarse cuando plantas. Los labios le temblaron un instante. - Hay muchas maneras de ensuciarse. Aunque no tengo la intencion de mostrartelas. (pag.46) - Me da a mi que te has mojado tu mas que el coche. Nunca pense que lavar un coche pudiera ser tan complicado pero, despues de observarte durante los ultimos quince minutos, creo que deberian convertirlo en deporte olimpico. - ?Estabas observandome? - Que grima. Y que morbo. !No! de morboso, nada. (pag.51) - Pues si ?Y tu siempre te quedas mirando a los tios cuando llamas a su puerta para preguntar por una direccion? - ?Siempre abres la puerta medio desnudo? - Pues si. Y no has respondido a mi pregunta. ?Siempre pegas esos repasos? Las mejillas me ardian. (pag.53) - Hasta manana a medio dia, gatita. - Te odio - resople. - El sentimiento es mutuo - Me miro por encima del hombro - Me juego veinte pavos a que llevas banador y no biquini. Era insufrible. (Pag. 62) - ?Que no confia en mi? ?Y que tiene que confiarme, tu virtud? Se le escapo otra carcajada y tardo unos momentos en poder contestar. - Pues claro; no le gustan las chicas guapas que estan coladitas por mi. - ?Que? - ... - Estas de broma, ?no? - ?A que parte te refieres? - pregunto- - !A todas! - Venga ya. No me digas que no sabes que eres guapa. ?No te lo ha dicho ningun chico antes? (pag.90) - Creo que estas condenada a estar conmigo un rato mas. - Seguro que parezco un gato remojado. - Estas bien. La lluvia te favorece. Frunci el ceno. - Ya me estas mintiendo otra vez. Senti que su cuerpo se movia junto al mio y, sin mediar palabra, me rozo la barbilla con los dedos y me atrajo hacia el. En sus labios se dibujo una sonrisa torcida. - No te miento; te lo dijo en serio. (pag.101) - Bueno...Ya llego el innombrable. A Dee le dio un ataque de risa que hizo que toda la cafeteria nos mirara. - !Me parto! Me hundi en la butaca. Desde la manana en que Dee y el me habian preparado el desayuno, me habia evitado y a mi me daba igual. ... Seguramente Daemon era fisicamente el hombre mas perfecto que jamas habia visto - su cara haria las delicias de cualquier retratista -, pero a la vez tenia bastantes papeletas para ser el cretino mas grande sobre la faz de la Tierra. (pag.145) katy-and-daemon katy-swartz kitten obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout
4e7f40d I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring, what a year from now is going to be like. Hell, we may end up killing each other over something stupid next week. It's a possibility. But all I do know is what I feel for you isn't going anywhere. feelings daemon-pov happenstance daemon-black not-knowing katy-and-daemon katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
fcec19d "One of the things I love about you is how protective you are, but it also drives me crazy. You can't protect me forever." Oh, I could so do that." love katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
b68938f Inclino su cabeza besando las lagrimas hasta que atrapo cada una de ellas con su aliento. Entonces sus labios alcanzaron los mios y el espacio desaparecio. El mundo entero desaparecio por aquellos preciosos momentos. onyx katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout