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79f3714 Fear not the path of Truth for the lack of People walking on it. bobby rfk robert-francis-kennedy inspirational kennedy Robert F. Kennedy
d1f457c I see men assassinated around me every day. I walk through rooms of the dead, streets of the dead, cities of the dead; men without eyes, men without voices; men with manufactured feelings and standard reactions; men with newspaper brains, television souls and high school ideas. Kennedy himself was 9/10ths the way around the clock or he wouldn't have accepted such an enervating and enfeebling job -- meaning President of the United States of America. How can I be concerned with the murder of one man when almost all men, plus females, are taken from cribs as babies and almost immediately thrown into the masher? kennedy class assassination Charles Bukowski
bd618a3 President Kennedy's eloquence was designed to make men think; President Johnson's hammer blows are designed to make men act. politics lbj lyndon-b-johnson kennedy Robert A. Caro
4faa525 It is not clear who will bring to the Whitehouse those useful commodities of vivid language, a sense of history and most important - a sense of humour, but Johnson himself will provide many other attributes. He is effective precisely because he is so determined, industrious, personal and even humourless, particularly in dealing with Congress. (...) Kennedy had a detached and even donnish willingness to grant a merit in the other fellow's argument. Johnson is not so inclined to retreat and grants nothing in an argument, not even equal time. Ask not what you have done for Lyndon Johnson, but what you have done for him lately. This may not be the most attractive quality of the new administration but it works. The lovers of style are not too happy with the new administration, but the lovers of substance are not complaining. politics lbj lyndon-b-johnson style-substance kennedy Robert A. Caro