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eec6566 I will not tell you our love story, because-like all real love stories-it will die with us,as it should. die love-story John Green
0aaf91f For she had eyes and chose me. eyes looks love love-story lovers William Shakespeare
f7f0067 ... it's a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return. blessings catholic-author falling-in-love inspirational inspirational-love inspirational-romance love love-story romance true-love E.A. Bucchianeri
0d7ec00 Lepaskanlah. Maka besok lusa, jika dia cinta sejatimu, dia pasti akan kembali dengan cara mengagumkan. Ada saja takdir hebat yang tercipta untuk kita. Jika dia tidak kembali, maka sederhana jadinya, itu bukan cinta sejatimu. Hei, kisah-kisah cinta di dalam buku itu, di dongeng-dongeng cinta, atau hikayat orang tua, itu semua ada penulisnya inspirational love love-story Tere Liye
9dcce7f "You see," she concluded miserably, "when I can call like that to him across space--I belong to him. He doesn't love me--he never will--but I belong to him." destiny emily love love-story lovers soulmate soulmates space teddy-kent L.M. Montgomery
3e13bde Either give me your hand, or end it now, and put us both out of our misery heartbreak love-story Judith McNaught
a6f8feb He's flint, you're tinder. flame jude love-story lust power taryn the-cruel-prince Holly Black
1f42ac3 Promises from Lo are like bars at 2 a.m.--empty. childhood-friends college-romance love-story Krista Ritchie
f4cff9c Journeys end in lovers meeting, Every wise man's son doth know. destination destiny journeys love love-story lovers wisdom William Shakespeare
dcc4274 For [erotically intelligent couples], love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure, and commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time. Marriage is not the end of romance, it is the beginning. They know that they have years in which to deepen their connection, to experiment, to regress, and even to fail. They see their relationship as something alive and ongoing, not a fait accompli. It's a story that they are writing together, one with many chapters, and neither partner knows how it will end. There's always a place they haven't gone yet, always something about the other still to be discovered. love love-story marriage marriage-advice relationships romance time Esther Perel
6aa39a8 Cheekbones that cut like ice and eyes like liquid scotch. Loren Hale is an alcoholic beverage and he doesn't even know it. college-romance loren-hale love-story writing Krista Ritchie
4d8a5ae "What's going to happen," he breathes, "is that I'm going to carry you through this door. I'm going to draw out every single moment until you're exhausted. And I'm going to move so slow that three months ago will feel like yesterday. And tomorrow will feel like today, and no one in this fucking universe will be able to say your name without saying mine." childhood-friends college-romance love-story Krista Ritchie
ecc27d7 Lily Calloway...all this time, your superpower has been loving me. love-story superheroes Krista Ritchie
ecd9633 You can run from the truth. You can run and hide from the truth. You can deny and avoid the truth. But you cannot destroy the truth. Nor can you make the lie true. You must know that love will always uncover the truth. love-at-first-sight love-hurts love-quotes love-story lovely lovequotes lover lovers music poet poetry-love rare-images-of-love realistic-poetry realistic-poetry-quotes tags-cinderella tags-delano-johnson tags-fantasy tags-love Delano Johnson
8f19f74 I'm remarrying you, Lil. Fuck, I'd remarry you a hundred times until it stuck. childhood-friends college-romance love-story Krista Ritchie
6d28959 Fine. Such a stupid word really. It feels empty and weightless. It's the kind of word you use to hide the truth. childhood-friends college-romance love-story Krista Ritchie
3c00430 "Don't do this to us." He warned, his voice hoarse with angry desperation as he realize he was losing her. "You're letting eleven years of mistrust color everything you've discovered I've done"." heartbreak love-story Judith McNaught
c769c89 "Don't do this to us." He warned, his voice hoarse with angry desperation as he realize he was losing her. "You're letting eleven years of mistrust color everything you've discovered I've done"." -- heartbreak love-story Judith McNaught
a80d828 I realized it was like looking into the sun--you shouldn't do it, because you'd turn your face away and be blind to everything else. love-story lovers Jodi Picoult
f7b2d3b the unexpected moment [is] always sweeter. love-story quote romance the-viscount-who-loved-me true Julia Quinn
d7e1bbb There was no reason for Bella Swan to cross paths with me. She would be avoided like the plague she was. edward-cullen love love-story midnight-sun twilight-saga Stephenie Meyer
8eb9679 She was seriously in love, but she never made demands. love-story lovers Haruki Murakami
b1498a7 Nobody with any real sense of humor *can* write a love story. . . . Shakespeare is the exception that proves the rule. (90-91) love-story romance shakespeare writing L.M. Montgomery
ca55970 I've been thinking about that proof I spoke of last time - that you're where you're supposed to be. And it occurred to me, can you prove you'd be better off somewhere else? If you'd have left the state, your relationship would have ended still. Maybe you'd have even blamed yourself, not knowing that it was doomed because of him, either way. Instead, you're here. You got dumped, skipped class, and met the best econ tutor at the university! Who knows, maybe I'll make you fall in love with economics. funny life love love-story Tammara Webber
e121c2c I was perfectly happy in my boring life before you came along. love-story Elizabeth Gilbert
a465664 And just like that, something inside shifted very subtly, so that all the empty spaces in him suddenly disappeared, so that his breath timed to hers, so that his blood sang. This is why there was music, he realized. There were some feelings that just didn't have words big enough to describe them. love-story Jodi Picoult
8bce8d8 I love you always. Time is nothing. love-story time-travel Audrey Niffenegger
f9fe455 I'd like to have a good long talk with you once you've calmed down. Please call me soon. Happy Birthday. love-story lovers sadness tears Haruki Murakami
c28ca94 wjwdk fy Hyty ymthl ly kl 'ml wHlm tmnyt tHqyqh , wmhm yHdth ln fy lmstqbl , fsykwn kl ywm ymr `lyn m`an hw '`Zm ywm fy Hytn , wsykwn qlby dy'man mlkan lk life love-story novel Nicholas Sparks
73a7d10 You can`t change destinies already written, that only happens in fairy tales. hope love-story Katie McGarry
e40aa34 I love you and I will until the end of time.And just as she said the words, two bright stars drifted past them overhead and disappeared into the night sky together... love love-story lovequote lovequotes Danielle Steel
70df737 It was juvenile, he knew, this need to assign blame, but everyone had a right to childish emotions from time to time, didn't they? love-story romance truthful Julia Quinn
df94f3f It feels like forever, like he's lived through the same things as me, like our lives ran parallel for years until last week, when they finally intersected and fused. love-at-first-sight love-story lovers relationship romance Barbara Delinsky
aa31137 Nights without work I spent with whisky and books. love-story lovers sadness tears Haruki Murakami
d4168a0 "I don't know, it's stupid being 20," she said. "I'm just not ready. It feels weird. Like somebody's pushing me from behind." love-story lovers Haruki Murakami
9bc4792 Everyone has their love story. Everyone. It may have been a fiasco, it may have fizzled out, it may never even have got going, it may have been all in the mind, that doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes, it makes it more real. Sometimes, you see a couple, and they seem bored witless with one another, and you can't imagine them having anything in common, or why they're still living together. But it's not just habit or complacency or convention or anything like that. It's because once, they had their love story. Everyone does. It's the only story. julian-barnes love love-story meaningful relationships the-only-story true-love unrequited-love validation Julian Barnes
1588628 Susan had pointed out that everyone has their love story. Even if it was a fiasco, even if it fizzled out, never got going, had all been in the mind to begin with: that didn't make it any the less real. And it was the only story. love love-story the-only-story unrequited-love Julian Barnes
52cfffd "You should do that more often," he said. "Laugh, I mean." "I know." But that sounded sad, and she didn't want to be sad, so she added, "I don't often get to torture grown men, though." "Really?" he murmured. "I would think you do it all the time." She looked at him. "When you walk into a room," he said softly, "the air changes." -- julia-quinn love-story romance Julia Quinn
ae506b1 Being friends is different from being lovers. It's a sea change. friendship love love-story lovequotes lovers relationships romance women women-s-fiction women-writers Barbara Delinsky
98f7481 Every man wants love, if he can get past the fear of exposure. love love-quotes love-story romance Barbara Delinsky
f7f595f I desperately want to talk to her now. I want to ask her who it was who so deftly crafted and shaped the legend that was our love. love-story Dan Simmons
fde45fa They teach you, as children, that you might go to heaven. They never teach you that heaven might come to you. heaven hope inspirational love-story Mitch Albom
2b3375c I don't have a love life. I have a like life.' Mamie smiled. She thought how nice that might be, to be peacefully free from love... love-life love-story Lorrie Moore
6a07bf5 It was strange, this toxic little vein, strange to stand above it, looking down at night, in a dangerous neighborhood, as if they were in love and entitled to such adventures. entitled-in-love love-story toxic Lorrie Moore
0bffcc7 I realized my sorrow, the regret of a restless, doomed spirit, rang in my voice. For the first time I wondered if my fate was to helplessly watch violence until I became as mad as the men who committed the murders. love-story paranormal-romance suspense Christina Dodd
1e8854f How could Mark be halfway across the world when she would have sworn he'd been in this room with her only seconds ago? love-story Teresa Medeiros
1e592e9 One can be too ingenious in trying to search out the truth. Sometimes one must simply respect its veiled face. Of course this is a love story. ambiguity iris-murdoch love-story mysterious the-sea-the-sea truth unknowable Iris Murdoch
873141d "So you know you're a ghost?" I looked at my hands; they were transparent and glowed faintly. "Can you think of another explanation?" love-story paranormal suspense Christina Dodd
5c38245 "So you know you're a ghost?" I looked at my hands; they were transparent and glowed faintly. "Can you think of another explanation?" -- love-story romantic-suspense Christina Dodd
542575f We don't know when the first star exploded, or when the sun caught on fire. We don't know when the sun will stop burning and turn cold and dark, though we know it will. In between the fire and the cold, life beginning and ending, Laura, sometime after being born and before dying, plays a game and talks to a sister who has never existed, while Frank tells a little girl named Whitney a story about the life and death of a dog, a story that he sometimes believes while telling it. In the cities of the Sonoran Desert, the sunshine follows you into the shade. When you drink water anywhere, however pure the water, you're drinking the piss of dinosaurs. The volume of water in this world has never varied. Nothing comes or goes, increases or decreases. On a speck of dust in what they call the universe, David and Frank search for Laura, and Laura searches for David and Frank. La Llorona searches for her children. Whitney wants to not be sad. All of them search for love. love-story noir serial-killer suspense Barry Graham
77143dc "Areila walked like she had somewhere to go. I stood by the fountain and watched her pass, but I didn't speak. It was the lady's prerogative to pretend she didn't see me. She got to the edge of the park; I swear, her foot hovered right over the line, when she turned with military precision and marched back. She stopped in front of me and said, "Hello." love-story suspense-romance Christina Dodd