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63f1c1f " do you feel about me?" "I think it's pretty obvious." "Let's just say I need a detailed account." His lashes lifted and his eyes met mine. "I can do that for you." "Okay." I leaned toward him. "I never once stopped thinking about you when you were taken away. Four years. All I could hope was that you were in a good place. Never expected you to walk into school. Didn't even allow myself to dream about that. And then you did, and seeing you blew me away. You were just like I remembered, but different. The hints of the girl I saw in you when we were younger were now right in front of me. The moment you said my name--the moment you hugged me I knew." Rider reached between us, folding his hand around mine. "I knew I'd fall in love with you and I did. I love you, Mallory." My lips parted on an inhale. "What?" "I love you, and not the kind of love we had for each other when we were younger, you know? Paige knows that. So does Hector. So did Jayden. I love you." feelings love mallory-dodge rider-stark i-love-you Jennifer L. Armentrout
23ecbc0 "I don't want like this," I whispered as I looked away, and once I said it, I didn't even want to take the words back. A weird sensation hit me, almost relief. That didn't make sense. Or did it? "I don't like who I am." My gaze returned to his, and the concern was still there, filling his hazel eyes and thinning out his mouth. Tears crawled up the back of my throat. Humiliating actually, to admit something so intimate like that, but now I wasn't the only one who knew this about myself. It wasn't my secret. "It's okay. You're not going to feel that way forever." Rider smoothed his thumb along my jaw. I closed my eyes, wanting to believe him. Needing to. He kept his voice low as he spoke. "Nothing lasts forever, Mouse." mallory-dodge rider-stark who-i-am forever tears mouse Jennifer L. Armentrout
302c39c "I like you, Mallory. And God knows you deserve a hell of a lot better than me." He dipped his chin, laughing as he thrust his hand through his hair. "God. I suck at this. Can we just forget--" I snapped out of it. "You like me?" His gaze flew to mine. "Yeah, I do. And I know I've been with Paige and I'm not going to pretend that meant nothing, but it's not how I feel for you. Not remotely like how I feel for you. And it's not because of our past--because of you and I knowing each other for so long," he said, and the words kept coming out in a rush. "At first, I thought that was why--this attraction I have to you. I thought it was because of everything we'd shared. And then the night I came to your place and you fixed me up, I thought it was just this physical thing." Pink raced across his cheeks. "And it is most definitely a physical thing, but it wasn't just that. I think part of me knew that from the very first time you said my name." Now my pulse was pounding. He liked-liked me. Oh my God, this was unexpected. This was totally unplanned. It was an infinite, vast sea of unknown. "I know you deserve better, but I want to be better. I want to be for you." past mallory-dodge rider-stark better like Jennifer L. Armentrout
60b2a2e "You've given up on yourself before anyone else has a chance to." Silence greeted me. I could feel Rider's stare on me. Several moments passed. "That's bullshit, and kind of priceless coming from you. You gave up on me yesterday." I started to defend myself, but I couldn't. I swallowed hard. "I know. You're right about that, but I'm also right." "And how's that?" Challenge hardened his tone. "Because I give up on myself on a daily basis," I admitted. My cheeks heated but I continued. "I know." He sucked in an audible breath. "Mallory..." I shook my head as I thought about all the conflicting emotions and needs and wants. "It's true. It's what I do. I don't mean to. Or maybe I do. It''s easier being scared of everything." " can that be?" His voice softened. "How can that be easier?" My smile was faint. Suddenly, I really wished I was at home, with my head under the blankets. "You can't fail when you don't really try, right? You'd know that." easier mallory-dodge rider-stark give-up try fail know Jennifer L. Armentrout
5b13858 "I want to back up to this whole caring about me thing," he said, surprising me as he made his way back to the canvas. "I know you care about me, Mallory." My heart started beating fast as he shook the can. "I care about you." He knelt halfway down. A second passed and he moved his arm, spraying on the canvas. "And I think this was missing something." Having no idea what he was doing or where he was going with this, I waited until he rose and stepped back, to the side. My lips parted on a soft gasp. Rider had spray-painted a heart between our names. I saw it with my own eyes: Angling toward me, his grin was sheepish. Boyish. "That was probably really corny, wasn't it?" My heart was doing overtime, thumping so fast I thought I might have a heart attack. "Or it was too much?" He tossed the can in a nearby trash can and slowly approached me. His cheeks were a vibrant pink." feelings heart corny spray-paint mallory-dodge rider-stark Jennifer L. Armentrout
d51c985 "People are assholes, Mouse. You already know that." He paused as he scooped some of my hair back, gently tossing the strands over my shoulder. "And there's nothing to be embarrassed about." I glanced over at him. Everything about his steady gaze and the serious press of his lips screamed earnest. But he was wrong. "It is...embarrassing." "Not if you don't let it be." His leg brushed mine as he turned in his seat, facing me. Our eyes met. "You have the power over that. People can say crap. They can think whatever they want, but you control how you feel about it." controlling-your-emotions mallory-dodge rider-stark embarrassing power Jennifer L. Armentrout
1781437 "You're right." A wicked little grin tugged at his lips. "I think we should celebrate." Pausing, he waggled his brows at me. "We have fifty minutes now. I only need, like, five of them." "Oh my God," I laughed, shoving at his shoulders. "You're terrible." "I'm not terrible." His eyes met mine, and the flutter was back, deeper and more dizzying. "I'm in love." Oh, gosh. My heart swelled like a balloon, and all I could do was stare at him for several seconds before I managed to whisper, "I love you, too." "I know." Rider lowered his mouth to mine, and the kiss scattered my thoughts." kiss love mallory-dodge rider-stark in-love i-love-you terrible Jennifer L. Armentrout
e628dd7 "Say something." I struggled to get the word out. "What?" "My name." I wasn't sure why he wanted me to say that, and I didn't know how it would feel to say it again after all this time, but I drew in a deep breath. "Rider." Another breath shuddered through me. "Rider Stark." His throat worked and, for a heartbeat, neither of us moved as a steamy breeze tossed strands of hair across my face. Then he dropped his notebook to the pavement. I was surprised it didn't burst into dust. His long-legged pace ate up the distance. One second there was several feet between us, and in the next breath he was right there in front of me. He was so much taller now. I barely reached his shoulders. And then his arms were around me. My heart exploded as those strong arms pulled me against his chest. There was a moment where I froze, and then my arms swept around his neck. I held on, squeezing my eyes shut as I inhaled the clean scent and the lingering trace of aftershave. This was him. His hugs were different now, stronger and tighter. He lifted me clear off my feet, one arm around my waist, the other hand buried deep in my hair, and my breasts were mushed against his surprisingly hard chest. Whoa. His hugs were most definitely different than they were when we were twelve. "Jesus, Mouse, you don't even know..." His voice was gruff and thick as he set me back on my feet, but he didn't let go. One arm stayed around my waist. His other hand fisted the ends of my hair. His chin grazed the top of my head as I slid my hands down his chest. "I never thought I'd see you again." I rested my forehead between my hands, feeling his heart beat fast. I could hear people around us, and I imagined some were probably staring, but I didn't care. Rider was warm and solid. Real. Alive." mallory-dodge rider-stark reunion touching name Jennifer L. Armentrout
829c2e8 "He can be..." Heat started to flow across my cheeks. "He can be very...protective." Jayden's eyes widened as his mouth opened slightly. The flush in my cheeks deepened as I pressed my lips together. "Huh. That's the first time I've heard you talk." He pushed off the locker, falling in step beside me. Shorter than his brother and Rider, he was still a couple of inches taller than me, so my neck appreciated not having to look up to see him. "Cool. I'm quiet, too." I arched a brow. He laughed. "Okay. I'm not quiet. I'm sure if you Wikipedia'd my ass, I would show up as the opposite of quiet. But that's okay. You and I would get along like lime and tequila. You can make up for my nonstop talkin' and I can make up for your lack of talkin'." He nudged my arm with his. "We're a perfect team!" mallory-dodge rider-stark team opposites talk quiet Jennifer L. Armentrout
f1b9451 "Jayden went for my fries, ignoring Anna's narrowed gaze. "Thanks, babe." "You two know each other?" Jo gestured between Jayden and me with her fork. Before I could nod, he dropped an arm over my shoulders. "She's my bae." I grinned. Keira sighed. "I hate that word. Do you know what it really means?" "Poop," I answered without thinking. "In Danish." My eyes widened. Holy crap. I'd spoken without hesitation at lunch! Holy crap! No one recognized my internal freak-out over it, but I couldn't believe it. I sat there and spoke with no problem. I needed to give myself a cookie. Anna giggled. "Oh, man. I know. I know. Still think it's a cute word." Across from her, Keira rolled her eyes. "It literally means shit." "Mallory the shit, though." bae danish poop jayden-luna mallory-dodge keira shit translation Jennifer L. Armentrout
8cdf00b "I don't want you involved in any of that." "Because you care about me?" "Of course." I narrowed my eyes. "I don't want to worry about you getting hurt." He stepped in and his other hand settled just above my hip. "Because you want to be with me?" "Yes." That word was easy to speak. Rider smiled then and the right dimple appeared. "You want to be my girlfriend." I opened my mouth and then I laughed. It sounded strange after the seriousness of our conversation, but the statement was sweet and silly. His cheeks pinked. "Not sure how I feel about that laugh," he teased. "But I do love the sound of it." My breath caught at the word. Love. Oh, gosh, was that what was happening here? "So do you? Want to be my girlfriend?" he asked, and then chuckled. "Probably should've brought this up before I kissed you, but I want...I want to see where this goes, Mallory. I feel like we got a second chance, you know? I've been thinking that since I sat down in speech and saw you sitting there. We have a second chance. And who gets second chances?" I searched his gaze, feeling a rightness deep in my chest. I had thought the same thing before, about second chances. "I don't want to pass that up." care mallory-dodge rider-stark second-chance girlfriend Jennifer L. Armentrout
2d92505 "There were a thousand things I could've said to him in that moment. I didn't know why, out of everything, I said what I did. "Jayden told me once, after the day in the garage, that he looked up to you and Hector. I...I just thought you should know that was real." The skin around his eyes and mouth tightened. I did something else I didn't really think about. I stretched up once more and kissed his cheek. I felt his sharp inhale, and with one last look at him, I turned." jayden-luna mallory-dodge rider-stark Jennifer L. Armentrout
7e2fe49 "You're breaking my heart." At the sound of Rider's voice, I wheeled around, clutching my bag to my side. First thing I noticed was the faded Ravens emblem stretched over his broad chest, and then I forced my eyes up. The slight scruff along his jaw was gone. Nothing but smooth skin today. No notebook. Hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, a familiar, crooked grin pulled at Rider's lips, causing the dimple in his right cheek to pop. He stepped forward, and my heart did a backflip as he dipped his chin. I felt his warm breath on the side of my cheek as he spoke. "You didn't respond to my text last night," he said, and there was a light, teasing tone I didn't remember from before. "I thought maybe you didn't realize it was me, but that would mean someone else would be texting you good-night and calling you Mouse. I'm not sure how I feel about that." mallory-dodge rider-stark text tease mouse Jennifer L. Armentrout
8cdb186 "I ate lunch with Keira today. Second day in a row," I told him, then winced at how stupid that sounded. Rider's grin turned into a full smile, transforming his handsome face into the kind of masculine beauty that was like a punch to the chest. "That's really good, Mallory." His voice dropped as he reached over, curving his hand over my arm. There was a near electric rush from his touch. "I'm proud of you. For real." Giddiness surrounded my heart as I stared at his large hand, darker than my own. He knew how big that was, and I didn't feel so idiotic. He got it. He got me. And that meant the entire universe to me." mallory-dodge rider-stark keira praise proud understand Jennifer L. Armentrout
da42760 "What does... mean?" Rider blinked and his lips slowly parted. Surprise splashed across his face. Yeah, I'd spoken in front of Hector. I felt sort of giddy. Might've only been a handful of words, but it was the first time I spoke to him. It was the first time I'd spoken to anyone in front of Rider since we crossed paths again. He'd never been around when Jayden had. Biting down on my lip to stop from grinning, I dared a peek at Hector. His light green eyes were wide, then he smiled broadly. "Means, uh, baby girl." "Oh," I whispered, feeling my cheeks heat. That was kind of nice. "It also means something he doesn't need to be calling you," Rider added, and my gaze darted back to him. Hector chuckled, and when I glanced at him, he was grinning. One arm was flung over the back of his seat. "My bad," he murmured, but nothing about the way he looked suggested he felt any guilt. My lips twitched into a small grin. Rider cocked his head to the side. "Uh-huh." spanish hector-luna mallory-dodge rider-stark translate talk Jennifer L. Armentrout
90becb7 "I'm supposed to meet Ainsley for lunch and then...we're hanging out." He was silent for a moment and then shoved his hands into his pockets. "Cool." His gaze flipped up and over me. I turned slightly, spying Hector's car coming down the center aisle. "I'd like to meet her." Wait. What? He wanted to meet Ainsley? Rider bit down on his lower lip. "So, you know, I'm sort of inviting myself along." He really wanted to meet my best friend? His head tilted to the side. "And if you think that's not cool, this is about to get real awkward." mallory-dodge rider-stark awkward hoping invite meet Jennifer L. Armentrout