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f9dcbbd If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch, Could I join two hearts as well? earth hearts love manga orihime-inoue quote rain sky Tite Kubo
efaa603 But even when the moon looks like it's's actually never changing shape. Don't ever forget that. manga moon nana Ai Yazawa
40313de "Don't just give up, Hachiko. manga nana Ai Yazawa
face5e6 People are only what they think of themselves. manga nana reira Ai Yazawa
ec940a8 "Hey, Nana... people's feelings change easily... what you see is a house of cards... manga nana Ai Yazawa
2f2387d "Shigure: "Lemme guess; you lost your temper and yelled at her again, right? You know, you shouldn't do that if you're just going to regret it. Not too bright, now is it?" Kyo: "Save your breath. I'm just not meant to get along with other people. Period. End of story." Shigure: "Oh sure, some people just aren't. But you're not one of them. You lack experience, that's all. For example, I'm sure you could smash this table to bits with your bare hands. But I'm equally sure you could punch the table without breaking it. And why is that? Because I know your training has taught you to control your fists... at least I should hope so, after four months of fighting bears and-" Kyo: "I didn't fight bears!" Shigure: "My point is, it takes just as much training to get along with people. Only, training by yourself in the mountains won't do you any good. You need to surround yourself with others. As you get to know them, of course you take the chance that you'll end up hurting them, or they'll end up hurting you. One of those things might very well happen. That's the only way we learn... about others, and about ourselves. You're a black-belt in martial arts, but I'd guess you still a white-belt in social skills. Someday, you're going to meet someone that truly wants to be your friend, and you, theirs. But it if you don't keep training, you won't be ready when that happens." Kyo: "It'll never happen, anyways!" Shigure: "Uh-uh! Never say never." Kyo: "Ok, fine. Maybe if I meet someone with brain-damage... or something." Shigure: "That's the spirit!" humor kyo manga natsuki-takaya shigure Natsuki Takaya
1e62661 "Ayame: "Yuki, let's deepen the bond between us brothers!" Yuki: "Before you can do that I'll drown you in the deepest part of that lake." fruits-basket humor manga natsuki-takaya yuki Natsuki Takaya
4d76a9e BE QUIET!!...What do you want...? I was in the middle of saying something nice... humor manga Tite Kubo
469f9c0 "Kaede: I know this, ungrateful dog. In order to find the sacred jewel shards, Kagome's spirtual power is essential. Yet ye made her upset with your words an sent her running home InuYasha: That was her idea! she chose to go home! She said: "I'm going home! You jerk!" inuyasha kaede kagome manga Rumiko Takahashi
cb4dace You just noticed? You're slow... humor manga weird Tite Kubo
0b8eea8 What people consider precious is different for everybody. manga nana Ai Yazawa
49b094e I know that. What's your point? manga weird Tite Kubo
5ec6d23 "Tohru: "Call a doctor, or a vet, or something! Mr. Postman! It's terrible! You see?! They're animals!" Mailman: "Well, uh, yes, they certainly are. Here's your mail." Tohru: "No, no, we've got to do something!" (Shigure in dog form grabs the letter.) Mailman: "I wish my dog was as smart. Good day!" humor manga natsuki-takaya tohru tohru-honda Natsuki Takaya
4bd6709 "Just tell me what's so irritating."(katsu) That's none of your damn business!"(kyok) Maybe not. But I'm curious."(katsu) It's EVERYTHING you prick! God, you're annoying! It's everything,okay?! Them! And them! And them! And YOU! Everyone and everything!I HATE YOUR GODDAMN GUTS! You just...You all treat people like garbage. But you're all just as bad! Leave me alone. I wish everyone would just...go. Get out of my life. I'd be better off with DIE! DIE! GO TO HELL! YOU DISAPPEAR! YOU FALL APART!"(kyok) Really? I think you WANT them to care. You want them to look at you, don't you? All those people. You want them to need you. You want listen to you. To understand somehow. You want them to accept you. I think.... you want them to love you.You know something? I'm like that, too."(katsu) ... Wh-why? Why did I....turn this?"(kyok) You're asking me?"(katsu) That's what..That's what I wanna know. Why? Why...did I..?!"(kyok) "I'm miserable. I feel so alone!"(kyok) -Katsuya and Kyoko Honda" basket disappear fruits honda katsuya kyoko lonely manga sad Natsuki Takaya
79a5c3a "Yuki: "What can I learn from a stupid cat like you? You didn't even know that Jason isn't really a bear. He's a character in a horror film." fruits-basket horror humor jason-voorhees kyo manga natsuki-takaya yuki Natsuki Takaya
ef9c6c7 "The things that stress me out haven't changed. But I don't wanna lose anything. life manga nana Ai Yazawa
3961cf1 "Shigure: "That's lovely. She's so... how shall I say it? By putting it into words I'm afraid the nobility of it all would only be obscured." Yuki: "Of what?" Shigure: "You know, she's so spunky!" Kyo: "You sick bastard!" humor kyo manga natsuki-takaya shigure yuki Natsuki Takaya
f782e59 "Truth only exists for those who cling to it. "Sosuke Aizen" -- cling kubo manga tite truth Tite Kubo
d3cf71a "Why does that kid think so highly of himself?" "Kids that think they're so smart.They're everywhere! Destroy is self-esteem!" "Yes...I really do think highly of myself.People like me should get a taste of the ups and downs of life! Sorry I'm so envious.I will reflect upon this. Please don't be angry. "" "There, I said it now. Are you satisfied?" ........ "Bye bye!" -random people and Hiro-chan " basket beat chan envious fruit heaven him hiro humor manga Natsuki Takaya
bb52ccc "Miroku: Kagome, are you worrying about me? bear child inuyasha kagome manga miroku my rumiko takahashi Rumiko Takahashi
03c9d26 I detested you, at the moment of my death... My soul cannot move beyond that... As long as you live, I cannot rest! -Kikyo to Kagome inuyasha kagome kikyo manga rumiko takahashi Rumiko Takahashi
517fc58 "He reached into the bag and drew out an odd array of manga, ripped paperbacks of books both classic and modern, and a small stack of crumpled magazines. "See, I even brought some things to read aloud. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so there's a bit of everything." holly-black manga reader the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown Holly Black
9f324aa Tackle life with as much energy as Goku! I'll try to do the same! dragon-ball-z inspirational manga Akira Toriyama
0d73dd1 It sounds cool to say you are going to fight with a pen not a sword but violence with words is still violence .. josei journalism manga reality-quotes romance swords words Yayoi Ogawa
c722737 "I must have dislocated my pelvis!" -Rurouni" kenshin manga nobuhiro rurouni watsuki nobuhiro watsuki
3f4880c Inu-Yasha: Is it my imagination, or have you been a little prickly lately? Sango: It's your imagination! humor manga Rumiko Takahashi
2ce8492 In the world of old memories, there's room for visitors manga rurouni-kenshin samurai shounen Nobuhiro Watsuki
ab36035 i' don't really understand people who are in love . it's difficult to display your emotions. emotions-quotes love manga Ai Yazawa
a24a093 Ultimately...we're all alone in this world from-the-treetop manga musashi Takehiko Inoue
df9dbe2 LOLLIPOP DOLLS IS like some weird little girl's hunting lodge. The heads and faces of every Japanese cartoon character and monster are hung on the walls like trophies. Their plastic guts are in model kits on the shelves and their skins are draped on padded hangers in long rows of animal prints and Little Bo Peep frills. When I turn around, there's a platoon of twelve-year-old Cutie Honey types staring up at me, letting me know that I'm extremely not welcome. It's Village of the Damned with ankle socks. manga Richard Kadrey
fbd051c If a Tokyoite knows anything about Nakano, it's likely to be Nakano Broadway, a shopping mall with several floors devoted to Japanese comics (manga) and animation (anime). It is geek central. I found most of it incomprehensible, but I did enjoy browsing at Junkworld, which sells useful electronic discards, like old working digital cameras for $5 and assorted connectors and dongles and sound cards. In the 1980's, when William Gibson was padding around the streets of Tokyo and inventing the world of , Japan was the place where the future had already arrived, where you could find electronic toys that wouldn't hit American shelves for years, if ever. For a variety of reasons (blogs and online shopping, advances in international shipping, the fact that the coolest mobile phones are now designed in Silicon Valley and Seoul), this is no longer true. While it's still fun to go to Akihabara at night and shop all seven floors of a neon-lit electronics superstore, you won't bring home any objects of nerdy wet dreams. electronics japan manga nakano Matthew Amster-Burton
0384492 You're always with me. But that must also be some version of you that i made up inside my head from-the-treetop manga musashi Takehiko Inoue
573e1c9 in this world there probably isn't anyone whom you can dislike from the heart! japanese manga Ai Yazawa
0368b63 I want to live with you someday. I don't need a reply. That's just how i feel. It's, i finally have the freedom to feel that way. chapter-301 manga musashi Takehiko Inoue