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c2dfc75 Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting. But before we can radically reshape the world, we need to shop. margo paper-towns John Green
e786152 Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will... but then again, if you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all. Imagining isn't perfect. You can't get all the way inside someone else... But imagining being someone else, or the world being something else, is the only way in. It is the machine that kills the fascists margo quentin thoughts John Green
d0053f5 A Margo for each of us--and each more mirror than window. margo paper-towns John Green
10b6387 I like the strings. I always have. Because that's how it feels. But the strings make pain seem more fatal than it is, I think. We're not as frail as the strings would make us believe. And I like the grass, too. The grass got me to you, helped me to imagine you as an actual person. But we're not different sprouts from the same plant. I can't be you. You can't be me. You can imagine another well - but never quite perfectly, you know? life margo quentin strings John Green
46cf2d5 I'm a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to the words in the middle. (32) john-green margo paper-towns unfair John Green