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d82be27 This land was Mexican once, was Indian always and is. And will be again. land méxico texas Gloria E. Anzaldúa
76719d0 These paintings say Mexico is an ancient thing that will still go on forever telling its own story in slabs of color leaves and fruits and proud naked Indians in a history without shame. Their great city of Tenochtitlan is still here beneath our shoes and history was always just like today full of markets and wanting. méxico Barbara Kingsolver
f887b8f Bent double, groaning with the weight, an old lame Indian was carrying on his back, by means of a strap looped over his forehead, another poor Indian, yet older and more decrepit than himself. He carried the older man and his crutches, trembling in every limb under this weight of the past, he carried both their burdens. indian méxico Malcolm Lowry
9f368d3 "Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, [...] came to teach [the ancient inhabitants of Mexico] the benefits of settled agriculture and the skills necessary to build temples. Although this deity is frequently depicted as a serpent, he is more often shown in human form--the serpent being his symbol and his alter ego--and is usually described as "a tall bearded white man" ... "a mysterious person ... a white man with a strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes and a flowing beard." Indeed, [...] the attributes and life history of Quetzalcoatl are so human that it is not improbable that he may have been an actual historical character ... the memory of whose benefactions lingered after his death, and whose personality was eventually deified. The same could very well be said of Oannes--and just like Oannes at the head of the Apkallu (likewise depicted as prominently bearded) it seems that Quetzalcoatl traveled with his own brotherhood of sages and magicians. We learn that they arrived in Mexico "from across the sea in a boat that moved by itself without paddles," and that Quetzalcoatl was regarded as having been "the founder of cities, the framer of laws and the teacher of the calendar." apkallu archeology civilization méxico quetzalcoatl teach Graham Hancock
f0114c0 Vine a Comala porque me dijeron que aca vivia mi padre, un tal Pedro Paramo ... méxico pedro-paramo Juan Rulfo
a8c8cc7 El problema con los criollos, y hasta en mayor grado con las criollas, es que estan convencidos de que merecen una mejor vida de la que tienen. La mente criolla esta convencida de que bajo la corteza del craneo porta un diamante que alguien tendria que descubrir, pulir y poner en un cojin rojo, para que los demas se admiren, se pasmen, se den cuenta de lo que siempre se habian perdido. mexicans méxico Valeria Luiselli
88008a4 He wasn't a patient. I expect someone cured him. You cure a lot of people in this country, don't you, with bullets? medicine méxico Graham Greene
64d95b1 -Hace calof aqui- dije. -Si, y esto no es nada- me contesto el otro. Calmese. Ya lo sentira mas fuerte cuando lleguemos a Comala. Aquello esta sobre las brasas de la tierra, en la mera boca del infierno. Con decirle que muchos de los que alli se mueren, al llegar al infierno regresan por su cobija. hell infierno muerte méxico Juan Rulfo
d543137 Que dormia, acurrucada, metiendose dentro de el, perdida en la nada al sentir que se quebraba su carne, que se abria como un surco abierto por un clavo ardoroso, luego tibio, luego dulce dando golpes duros contra su carne blanda; sumiendose mas, hasta el gemido. death ghost love méxico Juan Rulfo
108b276 Siesta is sweet when the light is gold, and when the vivid, young face on the pillow looks into yours, beside her, inches away, and smiles the woman-smile older than time, her exhalations warm against your mouth, as with slow fingers she traces your brows, lips, and the shape of cheek and jaw. There is nothing more es-stock. It has all been unfastened, all turned loose, with a guile that was so sweetly planned it could not be denied, even had there been any thought of denying it. Elena, you are the Mexican afternoons forever. méxico romance John D. MacDonald
5f1de45 Cerrando los ojos, volviendo la cabeza, escuchando. Oh que viento solitario. Mexico es un pais raro. Todo selvas y desiertos y extensiones solitarias y aqui y alli un pueblo pequeno como este, con unaa pocas luces encendidas que puedes apagar con un castaneo de los dedos. méxico Ray Bradbury
08e53c9 Ponerse un huipil era toda una iniciacion, al hacerlo uno repetia diariamente el viaje interior hacie el exterior. Al meter la cabeza por el orificio del huipil, uno transitaba entre el mundo de suenos que esta reflejado en el bordado hacia la vida que aparece en cuanto uno saca la cabeza.Ese despertar a la realidad es un acto ritual matutino que recuerda dia a dia el significado del nacimiento.Los huipiles la mantienen a una con la cabeza en el centro, cubierta por delante, por detras y por los costados. Esta cruz que forma la tela bordada del huipil significa estar plantada en el centro del universo. Alumbrada por el sol y arropada por los cuatro vientos, los cuatro rumbos, los cuatro elemntos. méxico tradición Laura Esquivel
5e6f9d6 She worked there for several months as a slave in a Mexican family until they sold her to a wealthy Hispanic man from Santa Fe, N.M. He also purchased another young captive Apache woman from New Mexico to accompany them. Both women were loaded onto an oxcart bound for Santa Fe in a journey that could take at least three months. history méxico native-american santa-fe southwest tribe true-stories women Noel Marie Fletcher
a42c9b3 The giant beech next door intends to shiver off every hair of its pelt. historical-fiction kingsolver lacuna méxico Barbara Kingsolver
6808730 Hace calor aqui- dije. -Si, y esto no es nada- me contesto el otro. Calmese. Ya lo sentira mas fuerte cuando lleguemos a Comala. Aquello esta sobre las brasas de la tierra, en la mera boca del infierno. Con decirle que muchos de los que alli se mueren, al llegar al infierno regresan por su cobija. muerte méxico vida Juan Rulfo