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78bae98 There's always a moment when you start to fall out of love, whether it's with a person or an idea or a cause, even if it's one you only narrate to yourself years after the event: a tiny thing, a wrong word, a false note, which means that things can never be quite the same again. heartbreak love moment narrative Douglas Adams
ac352d6 Long ago, men went to sea, and women waited for them, standing on the edge of the water, scanning the horizon for the tiny ship. Now I wait for Henry. He vanishes unwillingly, without warning. I wait for him. Each moment that I wait feels like a year, an eternity. Each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. Through each moment I can see infinite moments lined up, waiting. Why has he gone where I cannot follow? lost-love moment Audrey Niffenegger
bff8e0e "Knees suddenly weak, she reached for his forearms to stabilize herself. "You came for me." He beamed, looking for all the world like a selfless, daring hero. "Don't sound so surprised." Dropping the cane, he pulled her into a crushing embrace that tore her away from Wolf and lifted her clean off the floor. "It turns out you are worth a lot of money on the black market." -- cress humor love moment thorne Marissa Meyer
efa31d2 "I get so god damn lonely and sad and filled with regrets some days. It overwhelms me as I'm sitting on the bus; watching the golden leaves from a window; a sudden burst of realisation in the middle of the night. I can't help it and I can't stop it. I'm alone as I've always been and sometimes it hurts.... but I'm learning to breathe deep through it and keep walking. I'm learning to make things nice for myself. To comfort my own heart when I wake up sad. To find small bits of friendship in a crowd full of strangers. To find a small moment of joy in a blue sky, in a trip somewhere not so far away, a long walk an early morning in December, or a handwritten letter to an old friend simply saying "I thought of you. I hope you're well." No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day. Build yourself a home. Take care of your body. Find something to work on. Something that makes you excited, something you want to learn. Get yourself some books and learn them by heart. Get to know the author, where he grew up, what books he read himself. Take yourself out for dinner. Dress up for no one but you and simply feel nice. it's a lovely feeling, to feel pretty. You don't need anyone to confirm it. anxiety-disorder being-happy books breath breathing bus december deep depression emotions feelings friendship gratitude growing-up happy heal healing heart joy learn learning letters life-quotes lonely lovely mental-health mental-wellness mindfulness minimalism moment night panic panic-attacks plan prose recovery regret sad sadness self-care sky trying well worries worrying Charlotte Eriksson
01d34c6 And she felt as though she had been there, on that bench, for an eternity. For an infinity of passion can be contained in one minute, like a crowd in a small space. moment passion Gustave Flaubert
123e274 It was so nice just to live in the moment, to enjoy holding him so closely, to pretend for a little while that they were merely two young people in love and nothing else. in-love life love moment pretend Melissa de la Cruz
36ead5a There were moments when it honestly seemed as if the world were conspiring against her. moment world Nicholas Sparks
b00daa1 Just watch this moment, without trying to change it at all. What is happening? What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? be let-it-be mindfulness moment Jon Kabat-Zinn
014a483 Every moment is a moment of decision, and every moment turns us inexorably in the direction of the rest of our lives. moment Mary Balogh
6baf0dc "Not the intense moment life man moment time T. S. Eliot
309d56c "Forget your voice, sing! Forget your feet, dance! awareness awareness-quotes be become beloved conscious consciousness consciousness-quotes dance enjoy feet forget hafez hafiz harmony inspirational kamand kamand-kojouri khayyam kojouri let-go letting-go-quotes life live living-in-the-now love lover moment music present rumi saadi sing song spiritual spirituality sufi surrender voice yourself Kamand Kojouri
182f6d1 He couldn't tell that this was one of those occasions a man never forgets: a small cicatrice had been made on the memory, a wound that would ache whenever certain things combined - the taste of gin at mid-day, the smell of flowers under a balcony, the clang of corrugated iron, an ugly bird flopping from perch to perch. forgetting memory moment Graham Greene
7ca9c95 Now I must live with the consequences of the choice I made. And I will not call it the wrong choice. That would be foolish and pointless. That choice led me to everything that has happened since, including this very moment, and the choices I make today or tomorrow or next week will lead me to the next and next present moments in my life. It is all a journey, Miss Jewell. I have come to understand that that is what life is all about-a journey and the courage and energy always to take the next step and the next without judgement about what was right and what was wrong. moment next Mary Balogh
470c8fa At any given moment in our lives, there are certain things that could have happened but didn't. The magic moments go unrecognized, and then suddenly, the hand of destiny changes everything. destiny lives moment Paulo Coelho
5f24754 Even the one moment that you thought was your eternity fades out and is forgotten and dies. eternity fades forgotten moment Jean Rhys
73a7e61 But Katie knew it was a sin, had known from the moment she made the decision to lie with Adam. However, the transgression wasn't making love without the sanction of marriage. It was that for the first time in her life, Katie had put herself first. Put her own wants and needs above everything and everyone else. everyone everything first-time had-known lie making-love marriage moment needs saction sin transgression wants without-marriage Jodi Picoult
6f00c47 What is our life: (Pause.) it's looking forward or it's looking back. And that's our life. That's it. Where is the moment? life moment past present David Mamet
8476f9d "How did you know? That she wasn't the one for him?" Now he's staring at his hands, slowing rubbing them together. "They just didn't have that . . . natural magic. You know? It never seemed easy." My voice grows tiny. "Do you think things have to be easy? For it to work?" Cricket's head shoots up, his eyes bulging as they grasp my meaning. "NO. I mean, yes, but . . . sometimes there are ... extenuating circumstances. That prevent it from being easy. For a while. But then people overcome those ...circumstances . . . and . . ." "So you believe in second chances?" I bite my lip. "Second, third, fourth. Whatever it takes. However long it takes. If the person is right," he adds. If the person is . . . Lola?" This time, he holds my gaze. "Only if the other person is Cricket." Chapter 27 Pg 273" lola moment Stephanie Perkins
4ae2e26 This is it. awareness moment Jon Kabat-Zinn
0ed7c01 "Is that a no?" I said. "No. I mean.." He struggled for the smile again. "I'm just waiting for the punch line. Something about making it date so I need to pay. Or you expecting flowers. Or.." He trailed off. "There isn't a punch line," I said. I rose onto my knees and inched over, in front of him. Then I stopped about a foot away. "No punch line, Daniel," I said. "I'm asking if you'll go out with me." He didn't answer. Just reched out, his hand sliding between my hair and face, pulling me toward him and.. And he kissed me. His lips touched mine, tentatively, still unsure, and I eased closer, my arms going around his neck. He kissed me for real then, a long kiss that I felt in the bottom of my soul, a click, some deep part of me saying, "Yes, this is it." Even when the kiss broke off, it didn't end. It was like coming to the surface for a quick gasp of air, then plunging back down again, finding that sweet spot again, and holding onto it for as long as we could. Finally it tapered off, and we were lying on the picnic blanket, side by side, his hand on my hip, kissing slower now, with more breaks for air. until I said, "We should have done that sooner." He smiled, a lazy half smile, and he just looked at me for a moment, our gazes locked, lying there in drowsy happiness, before he said, "I think now's just fine." And he kissed me again, slower and softer now, as we rested there, eyes half closed. "So, about Saturday, did you ask me?" he said after a minute, "Because I'm pretty sure that means yo're paying." "Nope. You were imaging it. Considering how you eat, the meal bill is all yours. But I will spring for the movie. And bring you flowers." He chuckled. "Will you?" "Yep, a dozen pink roses, which you'll have to carry all night or risk offending me." "And what happens if I offend you?" "You don't get any more of this." I leaned in and kissed him again. And we stayed out there, on the blanket, as the sun fell, talking and kissing mostly, just being together. We had a long road ahead of us, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. But I had everything I wanted-everything I needed-and I'd get through it just fine. We all would." moment Kelley Armstrong
a7f8cd8 The intense thereness of it-haecceity Sax had called it once, when John had asked him something about his religious beliefs-I believe in haecceity, Sax had said, in thisness, in here-and-nowness, in the particular individuality of every moment. That's why I want to know what is this? what is this? what is this? Now, remembering Sax's odd word and his odd religion, John finally understood him; because he was feeling the thisness of the moment like a rock in his hand, and it felt as if his entire life had been lived only to get him to this moment. feeling life moment Kim Stanley Robinson
892cbda She was my friend. Briefly, she was my lover. She was braver than I ever would have been in the moment of death. And I bet she was a hell of a shooting star. death friend hell lover moment shooting star John Scalzi
6dbf94d Sometimes, without effort, you live in the moment. You don't regret the past or worry about the future, and in that moment everything flashes before your eyes , a clear snapshot of what has to be done, and everything pauses. clarity clear dream future imagination kodak-moment life moment nostalgia past pause photography regret snapshot time worry Rebecca McNutt
205f59e Every hour, stop and ask: Am I really present in this moment? If not, what are my thoughts focused on? Doing this often will help you return to the present moment. moment present present-moment return thoughts Azim Jamal & Brian Tracy
03ad2e9 "It is not hard to live through a day, if you can live through a moment. What creates despair is the imagination, which pretends there is a future, and insists on predicting millions of moments, thousands of days, and so drains you that you cannot live the moment at hand. ("A Father's Story")" despair imagination moment Andre Dubus
7e394b3 I was very invested in love but it was just this long sex thing that could end at any moment because after all, it's about getting off. illusion investment love moment relationship sex Chuck Palahniuk
7bf8e7e One moment of incompetence can be fatal. incompetence moment Frank Herbert
5ba3ad7 I remember laughing at that moment, and I remember my son frowning at me in puzzlement. What I remember best of all, though, was the sudden certainty that the gods were with me, that they would fight for me, that my sword would be their sword. 'We're going to win,' I told my son. I felt as if Odin or Thor had touched me. I had never felt more alive and never felt more certain. I knew there would be no more mistakes and that this was no dream. I had come to Bebbanburg and Bebbanburg would be mine. bebbanburg best certainty fight frowning gods laughing me mine mistakes moment odin puzzlement remember son sudden swords thor touched were Bernard Cornwell
1ab3e06 The splendor of that moment, its transcendent glory and aliveness, haunted him. He could thrust it aside by day, but it poisoned his dreams by night, calling to him and pleading with him to unlock the chains he'd bound about it. aliveness berserker chain chains desire dreams glory haunt haunted haunting moment nightmare pleading rage splendor unlock yearn David Weber
2e3fd39 People scooped up these tabloids, devoured their gossip.. But now, for some reason, I found myself thinking about Morrie whenever I read anything silly or mindless. I kept picturing him there, in the house with the Japanese maple.. counting his breath, squeezing out every moment with his loved ones, while I spent so many hours on things that meant absolutely nothing to me personally. gossip ill life live love moment quality senseless Mitch Albom
de10719 It was strange: When you reduced even a fledgling love affair to its essentials - I loved her, she maybe loved me, I was foolish, I suffered - it became vacuous and trite, meaningless to anyone else. In the end, it's only the moments that we have, the kiss on the palm, the joint wonder at the furrowed texture of a fir trunk or at the infinitude of grains of sand in a dune. Only the moments. kiss life love moment time Susan Vreeland
d173a05 Then he commandeered the floor, shooting back and forth like some hot Latin lover. When he finished, everyone applauded. He could have stayed in that moment forever. dance emotion forever love moment Mitch Albom