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d47db03 "After a while Mary said, "Zsadist?" "Yeah?" "What are those markings?" His frowned and flicked his eyes over to her, thinking, as if she didn't know? But then . . . well, she had been a human. Maybe she didn't. "They're slave bands. I was . . . a slave." "Did it hurt when they were put on you?" "Yes." "Did the same person who cut your face give them to you?" "No, my owner's did that. My owner . . . she put the bands on me. He was the one who cut my face." "How long were you a slave?" "A hundred years." "How did you get free?" "Phury. Phury got me out. That's how he lost his leg." "Were you hurt while you were a slave?" Z swallowed hard. "Yes." "Do you still think about it?" "Yes." He looked down at his hands, which suddenly were in pain for some reason. Oh, right. He'd made two fists and was squeezing them so tightly his fingers were about to snap off at the knuckles. "Does slavery still happen?" "No. Wrath outlawed it. As a mating gift to me and Bella." "What kind of slave were you?" Zsadist shut his eyes. Ah, yes, the question he didn't want to answer. For a while it was all he could do to force himself to stay in the chair. But then, in a falsely level voice, he said, "I was a blood slave. I was used by a female for blood." The quiet after he spoke bore down on him, a tangible weight. "Zsadist? Can I put my hand on your back?" His head did something that was evidently a nod, because Mary's gentle palm came down lightly on his shoulder blade. She moved it in a slow, easy circle. "Those are the right answers," she said. "All of them." He had to blink fast as the fire in the furnace's window became blurry. "You think?" he said hoarsely. "No. I know." nalla zsadist mary therapy J.R. Ward
b3c5082 "Are you holding her?" Wrath asked. There was a pause. "As soon as I get this bow tied in the back--hold on, girlie. Okay, up you go. She's in a pink dress that Cormia made her by hand. I hate pink. I like it on her, though--but keep that to yourself." Wrath flexed his hands. "What's it like?" "Not totally hating pink? Pretty fuck--ehrm, frickin' emasculating." "Yeah." "Do not tell me Lassiter's been metrosexualizing even you. I heard he talked Manello into going for a pedicure with him--but I'm praying that's just gossip." -Wrath & Zsadist" nalla zsadist wrath gossip pink J.R. Ward
98a1d9a "Abruptly, the sea of people parted . . . and then there they were. Bella, with Nalla in her arms, Z standing beside his girls. Beth broke down all over again as the female came forward. God, it was impossible not to remember how Nalla had started this, putting into motion the need that had become undeniable. Bella was tearing up, too, as she stopped. "We just want to say yay!" At that moment, Nalla reached out to Beth, a gummy smile on her face, pure joy radiating out. No turning that down, nope, not at all. Beth took the little girl out of her mother's arms and positioned her on her chest, capturing one of the pinwheeling hands and giving kisses, kisses, kisses. "You ready to be a big . . ." Beth glanced at Z and then her husband. ". . . a big sister?" Yes, Beth thought. Because that's what the Brotherhood and their families were. Close as siblings, tighter than blood because they were chosen. "Yes, she is," Bella said as she wiped under her eyes and looked back at Z. "She is so ready." "My brother." Z shoved out his palm, his scarred face in a half smile, his yellow eyes warm. "Congratulations." Instead of shaking anything, Wrath shoved that ultrasound picture into his Brother's face. "Do you see him? See my son? He's big, right, Beth?" She kissed Nalla's supersoft hair. "Yes." "Big and healthy, right?" Beth laughed some more. "Big and healthy. Absolutely perfect." "Perfect!" Wrath bellowed. "And this is a doctor saying it--I mean, she went to medical school." Even Z started laughing at that point. Beth gave Nalla back to her parents. "And Dr. Sam told me she's delivered over fifteen thousand babies over the course of her career--" "See!" Wrath yelled. "She knows these things. My son is perfect! Where's the champagne? Fritz! Get the fucking champagne!" family bella beth nalla zsadist wrath pride J.R. Ward