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801599d They're professionals at this in Russia, so no matter how many Jell-O shots or Jager shooters you might have downed at college mixers, no matter how good a drinker you might think you are, don't forget that the Russians - any Russian - can drink you under the table. drinking drunk liquor russia russian vodka Anthony Bourdain
953dace But man is a fickle and disreputable creature and perhaps, like a chess-player, is interested in the process of attaining his goal rather than the goal itself. fiction russian russian-literature Fyodor Dostoyevsky
f52cc96 That is the way we decided to talk, free and easy, two young men discussing a boxing match. That was the only way to talk. You couldn't let too much truth seep into your conversation, you couldn't admit with your mouth what your eyes had seen. If you opened the door even a centimeter, you would smell the rot outside and hear the screams. You did not open the door. You kept your mind on the tasks of the day, the hunt for food and water and something to burn, and you saved the rest for the end of the war. history inspirational jewish jews pessimism russia russian story world-war-ii ww2 David Benioff
1549e17 Because everyone is guilty for everyone else. For all the 'wee ones,' because there are little children and big children. All people are 'wee ones.' And I'll go for all of them, because there must be someone who will go for all of them. inspirational russian sacrifice Fyodor Dostoyevsky
73a562b "Now life is given in exchange for pain and fear, and that's the basis of the whole deception. Now man is still not what he should be. There will e a new man, happy and proud. Whoever doesn't care whether he lives or doesn't live, he himself will be God. And that other God will no longer be.' death demons dostoyevsky fyodor-dostoyevsky god russia russian russian-lit russian-literature suicide Fyodor Dostoyevsky
acdcee7 Your slave and enemy, D.Karamazov classic russian Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4902ae7 Anzhol'ras, stoiavshii s ruzh'em v ruke na grebne zagrazhdeniia, podnial svoe prekrasnoe strogoe litso. Anzhol'ras, kak izvestno, byl iz porody spartantsev i puritan. On umer by pri Fermopilakh vmeste s Leonidom i szheg by Drokhedu vmeste s Kromvelem. - Granter! - kriknul on. - Poidi kuda-nibud', prospis'. Zdes' mesto op'ianeniiu, a ne p'ianstvu. Ne pozor' barrikadu. Eti gnevnye slova proizveli na Grantera neobychainoe vpechatlenie. Emu slovno vyplesnu-li stakan kholodnoi vody v litso. On, kazalos', srazu protrezvilsia, sel, oblokotilsia na stol vozle okna, s nevyrazimoi krotost'iu vzglianul na Anzhol'rasa i skazal: - Pozvol' mne pospat' zdes'. - Stupai dlia etogo v drugoe mesto! - kriknul Anzhol'ras. No Granter, ne svodia s nego nezhnogo i mutnogo vzgliada, progovoril: - Pozvol' mne tut pospat', poka ia ne umru. Anzhol'ras prezritel'no vzglianul na nego. - Granter! Ty nesposoben ni verit', ni dumat', ni khotet', ni zhit', ni umirat'. - Vot ty uvidish', - ser'ezno skazal Granter. On probormotal eshche neskol'ko nevniatnykh slov, potom ego golova tiazhelo upala na stol, i mgnovenie spustia on uzhe spal, chto dovol'no obychno dlia vtoroi stadii op'ianeniia, k kotoromu ego rezko i bezzhalostno podtolknul Anzhol'ras. grantaire russian Victor Hugo
bdb4ce6 When I was growing up, my mom used to tell my sister and me about a leprechaun with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But she never mentioned a Russian Neanderthal with a bag of diamonds at the end of a bloody trail in a train station killer mafia russian James Patterson
8346aec "Uvi, tozi ,,diven ruski ezik", koito mi se struvashe, che vse me ochakva niak'de, ts'fti kato viarna prolet zad zalostena zdravo vrata, za koiato ot tolkova godini s'm pazil kliucha, se okaza nes'shchestvuvashch i zad tazi vrata niama nishcho osven ov'gleni p'nove i esenna beznadezhdna dalnina, a kliuch't v r'kata mi prilicha po-skoro na shperts. (...) Dvizheniiata na tialoto, grimasite, peizazhite, mornite, d'rveta, aromatite, d'zhdovete, stapiashchite se i prelivashchite se otten'tsi na prirodata, vsichko nezhno-choveshko (kolkoto i da e chudno!), a s'shcho i vsichko m'zhkarsko, grubo, sochno-tsinichno izliza na ruski ne po-zle, ako ne i po-dobre, otkolkoto na angliiski; no tolkova pris'shchite na angliiskiia izt'ncheni nedoml'vki, poeziiata na mis'lta, mignovenata iskra mezhdu s'vsem otvlechenite poniatiia, roivaneto na ednosrichni epiteti, vsichko tova, a s'shcho i vsichko, shcho se otnasia do tekhnikata, modite, sporta, estestvenite nauki i protivoestestvenite strasti -- na ruski izglezhda d'rveno, mnogoslovno i chesto otvratitelno v smis'l na stil i rit'm. Tozi raznoboi otraziava osnovnata razlika v istorichesko otnoshenie mezhdu zeleniia ruski literaturen ezik i zreliia kato razpuknala se smokinia angliiski: mezhdu genialniia, no oshche nedostat'chno obrazovan, a poniakoga dosta lishen ot vkus mladezh i mastitiia genii, koito s'chetava zapasite ot p'stro znanie s p'lnata svoboda na dukha. Svobodata na dukha! Tsialoto dikhanie na chovechestvoto se vmestva v tova s'chetanie ot dumi." -- language russian translating Vladimir Nabokov
7594a6b "In de loop van de vijf, zes jaar dat ik in Rusland verbleef, ben ik een paar keer door diverse organisaties en individuen gedood dan wel doodverklaard. morbid russian Jaroslav Hašek
080b5e9 Oh, he understood very well that for the meek soul of a simple Russian, exhausted by grief and hardship and, above all, by constant injustice and sin, his own or the world's, there was no stronger need than to find a holy shrine or a saint to prostrate himself before and to worship. russian saint soul worship Fyodor Dostoyevsky
4f2b79d The unattainable was most desireable. The already attained was dull. goals-and-plans potemkin potemkin-catherine-the-great russian Eleanor Herman
602efcd At the time of the Russian emancipation, about 20 percent of the Russian population lived in serfdom. In the United States at this time, about 10 percent of the population lived in slavery. russian slavery united-states Nick Tosches