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7b56bc7 "He gave her a smile that wasn't really a smile at all. "Eh, it wouldn't be so bad. I wouldn't have to study for the SATs or get a summer job or figure out my major. I can drink Elderflower wine all day, dance all through the night, and sleep on a bower of roses." Hazel made a face. "I'm pretty sure there are some colleges where you can do that. I bet there are some colleges where you can major in that." hazel jack sat Holly Black
64eca02 Ovo je Fritz: beskoristan je, kao sto vidis. Posve neodgovoran. No, s druge strane, Fritz se samo igrao pripovjedaca. Da je pravi majstor poput urara, znao bi kako svaki cin ima svoju posljedicu. Iza svakog tik slijedi tak. Iza recenice - Bio jednom... - mora slijediti prica, inace ce slijediti nesto drugo, a to moze biti puno opasnije od price. dječja horor priča sat satni-mehanizam urar Philip Pullman