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1b3dffa She probably should have been afraid of him, but he brought her such a sense of well-being that fearing him was impossible. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
eeea79c His smile was warm, impossible to ignore, and did something to her insides, making her feel happy. Happiness wasn't something she was used to feeling and it shocked her a little. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
6180552 "We're celebrating tonight," Ricco said, raising his glass. "To our Francesca. May she be followed by the right ones in a very timely manner." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e02ba46 Already he knew she was the one he wanted, and it had nothing to do with their shadows coming together. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
cd5ab46 There was always a trail, skin cells, a scent, thermal imaging, parts left behind that the riders called prints. Sometimes those proved helpful when tracking an individual, especially if they were fresh. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
9c53904 He didn't want to take over her life, he wanted her to surrender it to him. Invading her privacy was far different than her volunteering to tell him what was going on in her life. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
e844e4b You know me, gattina, you're just conditioned to think you can't trust anyone. He did that to you. Don't let him interfere with us. You have the right to live your life, Grace. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a5069e1 It wasn't about a women's weight, it was about who they were, if that brightness shone through their eyes and skin and hair. Ricco found beauty in art. Women were a form of art. All shapes and sizes. All body types. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9fde55f "Poetry in motion," she murmured under her breath. She'd heard that expression, but now she knew what it meant, how the words could come alive with a man moving." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9a9a555 "She cleared her throat. "I dont like that sort of thing." [...] "What sort of thing?" His gaze dropped to her mouth. Held there. [...] "The F-word sort of thing. She blurted it out, saying the first thing that came into her mind without thinking. His eyebrow shot up. She hadn't thought that anyone could do that. Shoot up one eyebrow. It was incredibly hot-at least on him. "The F-word?" He repeated. " Dolce core, you can't even say fuck, for fuck's sake." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
74d8551 He radiated calm, his energy peaceful, surrounding her in a cocoon of tranquility. He made her feel safe, wrapped up in their world together, even though she knew neither of them was. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
cfaa5ec He could do that. Make her forget, even if it was just for a few seconds. She couldn't stop the slow nod of assent. Relief swept through her and she put her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. She didn't have to think anymore. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a91131e It had been hard to tell him. Very hard. She'd learned not to trust anyone, but more importantly, she knew not to get close to anyone. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
84f1c51 She found him very hard to resist, and if she was truthful with herself, she wasn't trying that much. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
190e72d "He'd loved that she'd fought back, that she was no pushover. That wasn't what he wanted in a woman, but maybe it was just what he needed." " romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
f09b6a1 "Justice is served, " he said softly, and stepped into a long shadow." romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
9b48015 Once he was set on a task, once he made up his mind, he was relentless. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
bdf4f50 She could be soft and sensitive. He'd provide the armor for her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
26fdc76 "Are you certain she's the one?" Emme whispered. "Do you just know it, Vittorio?" In your soul, where you live, do you just know?" romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
10d0af9 He'd loved that she'd fought back, that she was no pushover. That wasn't wanted in a woman, but maybe it was just what he needed. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
f0d7aba And she lowered her eyes at the gentle reproach, for she had learned her lesson, even if there would be occasional, but only very occasional, relapses; for none of us is perfect, except, of course, the ones we love, the things of home, our much appreciated dogs and cats, our favourites of one sort or another. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Alexander McCall Smith
c4f1046 Her wild imagination immediately interpreted his statement as him claiming her, making her his, letting her know no matter what, he would stand for her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
574d800 She felt Stefano's body sitting next to her, yet he seemed to take up the room, surrounding her, in front of her, at her back. He was everywhere. Dangerous. Determined. Giving her a feeling of security. How he managed that she didn't know. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
4d6c48e She loved to see that smile, the way it transformed his face from rugged, dangerous, very masculine beauty to something much softer and approachable. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
670d47a There it was, again, that hurt in his eyes. Maybe hurt. Something. Sadness. That was it. She detested that look. He shouldn't ever feel unhappy. It was more than unhappy. Desolate, as if he was completely alone and she'd taken his last joy from him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
606e681 Say yes, Francesca. I didn't think it was possible to feel anything real for a woman. I just couldn't. I tried, but nothing was there. I knew I was capable of loving because I love my sister and brothers fiercely. With everything in me. But what a man feels for a woman, 'the' woman, eluded me until you. Until I saw you. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
a029ffc He had thought to hold a part of himself back until she made up her mind. Getting his heart broken wasn't on his list of things he wanted to experience. But the effect of her welcoming smile told him it was too late. He'd already fallen. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
7dba819 He was the devil, but she didn't care. On some level she even knew he was using her own body against her, pitting her innocence against his experience, but she didn't care about that, either. She wanted to leap into the fire with both feet, arms wide, eyes open. She knew his world might be something she would have a difficult time accepting, but he was worth it. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
dfcfd16 His thoughtful Grace. He liked that trait in her. Te stillness in her. She brought a sense of peace to her surroundings. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
910b427 You don't do violence, Francesca, not unless it's self-defense or in defense of our family. I won't have that on your soul. You're going to be my wife. The mother of my children. You're about love and softness. Not killing. Never that romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6496d2b "There you go, getting all protective on me. You're worried about me, aren't you?" His voice practically purred at her, a sensual mixture of possession, desire and something else - affection. "Dio, bambino, I love that." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5b28c13 "She looked down onto his face. So gorgeous. It wasn't just his beautiful, very masculine features, it was the way he was inside. "I'm in love with you. There isn't anything that you can tell me that is going to change that." romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
5442281 Since I've had to endure your ugliness my entire life, I'm immune to whatever venom you choose to spew. However, and you'd better hear me, Eloisa, I will not tolerate you doing the same thing to my woman. She's my choice. She's always going to be my choice. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
7ad1edf Grace had filled those lonely places, replacing them with laughter and conversation. She'd given him the purpose he needed there in his home to maintain his balance in a world of stark duty. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
8a5f7a7 She was...salvation. Everything good. She lit up a room just as she lit up his life. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
2117911 He'd always had his family, his brothers and sister, and they had formed a unit so strong, when he was younger, he hadn't thought he would ever need anyone else. Loneliness taught him otherwise. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
f57d5ea She took away sorrow and anger, replacing it with acceptance and love. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
8e4d4e5 The rider uses a technique, breaking the neck cleanly, so there is no suffering. That is why it is important not to allow it to be personal if at all possible. You always want the visit to be about justice, not revenge. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
d224cb3 "Are you absolutely certain that Grace is yours? She's not just a woman who would be suitable because she carries the genetic code we need? Francesca is my world. Your woman needs to be yours." "Grace is my Francesca, " Vittorio assured." romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
1190200 I'd like you to make an effort to share what you're feeling, good or bad, with me. I'll do the same. If we're honest with each other in our communication this will work for us. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
6e4c50d Looking into Ricco's eyes, she knew she was safe with him. She felt safe. More she felt free. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e33ce46 It was strange, that feeling of freedom, as if by tying her, he released her spirit--beaten down, so encased in the beliefs of others, what was right, what was wrong, what she was-- so that she could just be. Simply be. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5cf037a She had no idea she could feel so protected. So beautiful. So cherished. He made her feel all those things. She could give him his art- and it was beautiful. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
85ecee6 He was waiting and she had to answer. Take that last irrevocable step. [...] She'd do whatever was necessary, but it had to be the right thing, no mistakes. What she was doing was very, very dangerous, but she had no choice. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
63f8593 Fear wasn't the problem, she could deal with nerves, it was the excitement welling up in her that frightened her most. The unfamiliar emotion was too strong. Too needy. Too everything she was unprepared to deal with. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
c76578c She wanted a family. She loved that the Ferraros were so tight-knit, but she barely knew them. She didn't even really know what Stefano did for a living. There was just a little bit of fear when she was around them all. Power clung to them. They were their wealth so easily, like a second skin. More than that, they were a cloak of pure danger. When any of the Ferraros walked into a room, there was stunned silence- a collective gasp from any other occupants of the room. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
924323a Two F-bombs in under a second. He was more than furious. She had no choice but to lift her chin, but she kept her eyes childishly shut tight, afraid if she looked at him, she'd be lost. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
92985a9 Once he had told her he wanted her to stay, she'd been lost in the wonder of that. No one ever wanted her. No one. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
ad153f0 She didn't want to see the condemnation in his eyes, but she had to warn him. [...] She would lose everything. She would lose him. His family. This place. Her hideout. Most of all, she would lose an important ally. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
b6629ed He'd missed her. Really missed her. It was strange to think of a woman night and day, to worry about her and look forward to being with her. To inhale the scent of her and know you were home. To crave her body like an addiction and need the sound of her laughter and sight of her smile. He'd never had that before and now it seemed as natural to him as breathing. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
1ac065b It stems from hundreds of years ago, a law handed down in our family generations ago. The Saldi family in Sicily murdered the Ferraro family, killing as many members, men women and children, as they could. The decree that we don't all gathering one place was passed down by those surviving that massacre. It was a long time ago, just history really, but we still abide by that rule. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
13e3865 "Marry me, be my wife. Be my partner. Take the risk with me. I need you in a way I've never needed anything or anyone." He was giving himself up to her. He'd never felt more vulnerable. Never felt more terrified. "Every fucking word I said to you is the truth." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8a9133c "Where the fuck is your coat?" His voice was pitched low. Soft. It sounded menacing, as if all his anger was directed at her because she didn't have on a coat." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
1af8bc5 Stefano's the oldest. He has four brothers, equally hot. One sister, totally beautiful. When they walk around together, people just stare at them. That's how hot they are. Each one is supercool as well, which makes them scorching hot. I'm a little in love with them, including their sister. That's how totally gorgeous they are. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
0c1cbf0 He stared down into her eyes, holding her there like he could, just with his gaze, mesmerizing her. Keeping her captive, under his spell. A slow smile transformed the hard edges of his handsome face. He was so beautiful to her. A gorgeous man and she was falling more and more in love with him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
7ea1f4d Every moment I'm with you, bambina, I fall harder. It's difficult for mr to believe you're real. You aren't the only one a little terrified. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
976f514 In that moment he knew she could shatter him. Break him into a million pieces and he'd never recover. Not in this lifetime. He realized all the lore in his family was truth. Ferraro men. When then found the right woman, loved her with everything in them and they did it only once. Francesca was his once. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
3ae2441 Bottom line, dolce core, that's who I am. When the cops can't do something to protect citizens, it's my turn. You have to decide if you can live with who I am. The real me. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5ccb067 He knew she was already lost. HIS. He'd never thought he'd really have a chance at finding a woman of his own, one he could love and center his world around, one who would accept him and his fucked-up life, but now that she'd stepped into his world, he knew he wasn't about to let her go. shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8075b35 Francesca was...extraordinary. A gift. A miracle. She just gave herself to him. He was connected to her through their shadows and he knew how she felt. Frightened, bordering on terror. Still, he mattered to her. She saw him, not the Stefano the rest of the world saw, but the man inside who needed. Who didn't want to stand alone. She gave herself to that man. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
f02aaaa What had he done to try to save himself? Nothing. He'd done nothing. He'd let fate decide, closing his eyes and giving himself up to the judgment of the universe. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
557f0c6 Ricco went absolutely still. The pitch was low and sweet. That tone pushed into his chest, right into his center, as if it were a key unlocking something tight and hard in him. He moved his hand over his heart as an unknown emotion seized it hard, wrenching, twisting, forcing that lock to open so that his own music could be heard pounding in his ear, beating like a lost drum seeking the right rhythm. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
1dcfca4 The lights threw her Shadow into sharp relief behind her on the wall. The shadow was dark and thin, but threw out strong tubes, feelers reaching toward other shadows. When there were none, the feelers reached farther for connections, elongating, seeking, prompting another step from her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
d83095b For the first time in her life she had the urge to turn around and flee. She knew danger when she saw it, and Ricco Ferraro was pure danger. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
de3ab4c "She was mixed--Japanese and American. Nothing. A nothing. A nobody. The 'kanji' in her last name meant "female devil." She didn't even know what her real last name was because she'd dishonored the family simply be being born." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
79f82b7 "Her "family," the ones so gracious and honorable to take in two orphans, were harsh with her for her own good so she wouldn't become the whore her mother had been." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
afb8f4c "He leaned into her, his mouth against her ear. "Breathe for me, Mariko. Just breathe." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
80dc9bc Just once, even if it wasn't real she wanted to feel as if a man saw only her. No one else. For those moments, she was his world. His canvas. He saw beauty in her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
58488d4 For one moment his mask slipped and she saw his eyes go dark with desire. Every line in his face was etched with a sensuality that kept her breath trapped deep in her lungs. No one had ever looked at her like that in her life. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6c1e103 "Communication is very important between us at all times." He bent his head as he lifted the hair from the back of her neck. "For instance, I find your neck incredibly sexy. You look both vulnerable and sensual with your hair up. With it down, you look wild and beautiful. Just as sensual, but in a completely different way." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
37922c7 For the first time in her life she felt weak with wanting. With need. Yet at the same time, she did feel sort of attractive. She was aware of herself as a woman, as feminine, when she'd always felt masculine. He'd given her that, and she'd be forever grateful. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
414b4df He had learned to kill and then he had killed. Many times. Fourteen was far too young for his artistic mind to accept the violence and he'd been fortunate that he'd met his teacher, a rope master of more than forty years. The art had saved his sanity and his life. He needed it like others needed air. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
14840e7 Her courage humbled him. The immense trust it took to allow herself to be tied by him, even in the name of art, was astonishing for a woman like her. It was a true power exchange between them and he loved that. Even craved it. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
a1f323d He needed a woman strong enough to accept that he would always need his ropes. They anchored him. Centered him. The moment he touched them, those dark shifting shadows inside him subsided. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
637ef50 He was a Rider. A shadow rider. It was who he was. What he was. A rider no choice but to do what he'd been trained for from the age of two -- even before that. It was in his bones, in his blood, he couldn't live without it. He dispensed justice to those the law couldn't touch. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e71074c "He caught her hand, curling his fingers around hers and bringing it to his chest as he leaned into her. "I'm sorry for being a dick. Sometimes I just am, but I'll watch it. Giovanni snorted his derision. "Sometimes? Don't believe a fucking thing he says, Mariko. It's 'all' the time." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8b63876 She had the strangest need, almost a compulsion, to shield Ricco from his brother's scrutiny. From all of them. She sensed he detested appearing weak in front of anyone, but especially his family. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8812c99 As she'd grown, she moved through life in silence, hoping not to be noticed, afraid of drawing attention to herself. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
279572f Suddenly she could barely breathe. She was always calm, yet now, in the face of the knowledge that she might never find her brother, never be able to tell him that she cared, she couldn't breathe. Couldn't find a way to catch her breath. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
7c2b7ae He preferred curves to supermodel thin. He didn't understand why women were so hard on themselves. Francesca was beautiful and he didn't want a single pound to go away. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9913771 He was just so intimidating and darkly sensual, filling the room with his presence until she could barely think straight. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5fd3bd5 Could she give herself to him? She knew two things about him. He was a man with a strict code of honor, and he was a very dangerous man capable of swift violence. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
b80f26f My grandfather was in love with my grandmother. They were inseparable. They detested being apart. I've seen real love. I've felt it when I was with them. They died three hours apart. My grandmother first and then my grandfather followed. Love exists and that's what I'm offering you. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
4d8191d She moistened her lips and lifted her lashes to look into his piercing blue eyes. There was a mixture there. Possession. Desire. Triumph. Demand. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
481af0c "She moistened her lips and lifted her lashes to look into his piercing blue eyes. There was a mixture there. Possession. Desire. Triumph. Demand." "There's no taking it back, Francesca." He warned." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e28b274 A part of her was thrilled. The same part was terrified. Already it felt too much like ownership. As if he had already branded her in her bones. In her soul. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9f57eb4 "There you go, getting all protective on me. You're worried about me, aren't you?" His voice practically purred at her, a sensual mixture of possession, desire and something else - affection. "Dio, bambina, I love that." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
f67c121 "Stefano threw back his head and laughed. She loved the sound. Carefree. Masculine. Enjoying life. He didn't laugh a lot. "You, bambina, were celebrating me finding you." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
4495266 He needed her to know who he was-her man. Her lover. The man she trusted to always take care of her, have her back, give her everything. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
b80972c Vittorio had recognized early on he had a gift. His voice could be compelling, or commanding, and those in a room reacted to it. He could calm others down, arouse or infuriate, all with his tone. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
87eb490 By conversing about the weather, a job, just everyday things, whoever was listening would be able to ascertain a rythm to a voice. The way a person breathed. Their heartbeat. That would help indicate if they suddenly told a lie. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
8f49a86 She glanced at it now, thrown from the light from the flames dancing in the fireplace. Her shadow and Vittorio's were connected. More than connected. The tubes had intertwined to the point that it appeared to be one shadow, not two. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
0fdbbb7 She kept her arm firmly around his waist, fitting under his shoulder when she never would have walked so Intimately with a man. Strangely, she didn't mind. In fact, she liked thinking of him as hers to take care of... romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
271a05d She had more practice than any other rider that she knew of in hiding how she felt, yet Ricco read her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
751200f "Stay with me, Mariko. I want you to stay." That's all Ricco had said. In that voice. The one that whispered over her skin and seeped into her pores to drown her in him. In his will. He left it to her--her choice. Bit then, she was coming to understand, with Ricco Ferraro, she had very little will of her own." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
95557e4 She didn't think she had anything to offer him. He got that. She had no money, no family, nothing at all in her eyes. Yet she gave him this magnificent gift - her and her trust, when she had no reason to trust anyone, least of all him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5aa60f8 "You have to trust me to take care of you through this," Stefano said, "I know it's upsetting, but you have us now. You're not alone. [...]you won't be alone ever again, bella. You're mine. I take care of what's mine." "Ours," Ricco corrected. "'Famiglia" romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
2d10793 She had no idea what a gift she'd just given him. She was the one he'd searched for. She was the one he hadn't believed could possibly exist. She had strength, a backbone of steel, and yet she could put herself in his hands and give him what he needed in their relationship. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a793fff You're a good man, Vittorio. No matter what, you're a good man. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
dfd5e19 He knew he had to have harmony in his home at all times. He had to have a sanctuary where, no matter the horrors he saw, the things he had to do in order to bring justice to those who would harm others, he could find his peace. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
59ab25d I never ever expected to meet a woman I wanted to spend my life with, let alone think I would ever admit to anyone what I was really like. You said you had nothing to give me in return for the things I do for you, but you can clearly see that wouldn't be the case. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
c04b714 Someone to care about him. Someone to be his center. Someone to make him feel alive and passionate about living. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
e1d8b82 His voice. It was beautiful. Low. Soothing, yet the same time, there was absolute command, as if he ruled the world and knew it. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
bdc3eb9 She was the one. His only. He knew it with every fiber of his being. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
4c91e82 How could she not answer him more fully when he was looking at her so directly? When the deep, commanding way he said her name made her feel that if she didn't tell him the truth, he would be disappointed. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
5bd51f9 It was as if the very shadows connected them and she could feel his emotions. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
455ca08 He could hurry everything else in his life, but he was never going to make the mistake of hurrying his time with Grace. She was too important and everything else could take a backseat. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
8796e0e She would be a part of their world and that meant secrecy at all times. She couldn't tell a soul anything he told her. Trust worked both ways and he was trusting her with his life and the lives of his family members. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
83790ea He could see faint streaks of light as if the man left behind prints. They didn't appear like footprints, there were more faint bluish lights, more of a blob-line than a print, but every person left them behind and from shadows he could see them. He couldn't spot the imaging once out of tube, but the shadows acted as if he was seeing through a thermal lens. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
1d83474 He breathed away all the anger, all emotions, cloaking himself with Grace and everything in him settled, once more allowing complete control. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
7d6268c Vittorio practiced discipline at all times. This was one of those times when he needed to stay very calm. Deep inside, the volcano that could emerge was at a boiling point. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a388625 He was lonely. He wanted his own family. A wife. Children. Someone to come home to. Someone to care for, to take care of. He needed a purpose. His lifestyle had no balance. He needed someone to become his center, to anchor him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
ac79561 He was a complete stranger to her, but he knew that connection between them had started there in the parking lot, their shadows touching coiling together, their eyes meeting. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
4630c3c He heart beating too fast. He had always known he had no chance at finding a woman of his own, one who might be able to love him, to live with him, and in the blink of an eye that had turned around. Just as fast, she was being taken from him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
e958cc6 He brought justice to all kinds of criminals. The rule had been drilled into him over and over:'Never let it be personal.' This was as personal as it was going to get. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
37c34af She turned back to him slowly, those eyes of hers meeting his until he felt the impact all the way through his body, as if she'd shot an arrow and it was lodged in the vicinity of his heart. He had to resist putting his hand over his chest and pressing hard. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
37f5f26 She'd been drawn to him before she met him. Immense satisfaction filled him. He liked that, more than liked it. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
ca04f97 He was a shadow rider and that meant no one, 'no one' other than family, and even then close family, could the truth about him. She had to be in completely. Committed to him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a322261 Vittorio Ferraro stood in the shadows, his skin crawling with the need to move. Something was wrong. Not just wrong. Whatever his churning gut was about, he'd never quite felt the urgency of finding the source of the trouble as he did right then. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
cb4ed92 The paparazzi always swarmed around them, giving them better alibis for their work then anything else ever could. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
df3ffd6 This wasn't about bringing justice to criminals no one else could get to. This was about the knots in his gut that coiled tighter and tighter, and felt personal. Very personal. And that in itself was shocking. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
7f97ad4 He had to find a woman who would have the genetics to produce children capable of riding the shadows and carrying on their work. That was his obligation. He could never simply fall in love; he had to fall in love with the right person. The odds of finding that were so slim, most riders never believed it could happen. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a1be679 Standing in the mouth of the tube, he needed a few seconds for his body to feel as if it had come back together. There was always the sick feeling that came with fast travel, with being pulled apart and put back together. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
3ef5b97 Vittorio's breath left his lungs in a long rush of shock. Something tight in his chest loosened. Someplace vulnerable. Someplace guarded and protected. He pressed his hand tightly over the spot, feeling as if that voice had been a key, fitting perfectly into the lock and turning it before he had a chance to react romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
4e549b9 The woman, as small as she was, standing valiantly in the face of the threat the Saldi enforcers presented, sent heat rushing through his veins. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
f9c7146 Vittorio, always the one to seek solutions verbally, had no middle gear. Either he was talking logically, or he was acting, and when he went into action, he made every blow count. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
023d5d4 There's always going to be a part of me that is that little girl no one wanted. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
2587cbd All three brothers were their signature three-piece suit. Gray, pin-striped, made of a special material one of the many cousins invented, the stripes allowing the Rider to fade immediately into the shadows, making it more difficult for anyone to see them. More importantly, the suit would come apart with them when they were pulled apart, drawn into the tubes in the shadows. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
7a4acf8 She had the beginnings of trust in him. He needed that from her. To gain the kind of absolute faith and trust he needed from her, he had to show in every way that he would always be there for her. That trust could never be in any way taken for granted or abused. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
357506f I was always in danger. Always. I felt every minute of the day that I was walking a tightrope and any moment I was going to fall. Part of me just wanted it over. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
de669e5 Where was her sharp intellect? She relied on her brain. She could think fast and was good at details. When Vittorio was around, the only details she could remember were how his smile was so beautiful and how his voice was so gentle and yet compelling. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
29cbd3b Francesca took a deep breath. Inhaled Stefano. She feared once Barry entered the room she wouldn't be able to breathe properly. She didn't want to take the chance of drawing him into her lungs. He was in her nightmares; he didn't get anything else from her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6c575a6 She took a slow look around her at Stefano's siblings. All of them stood as still as statues. Beautiful, gorgeous specimens of human beings, tough and dangerous, waiting for her signal, completely prepared to protect her at any cost. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
735f955 She belonged to Stefano. With Stefano. She felt the others moving closer, taking her back. She belonged to the Ferraro Family, and no one fucked with a Ferraro. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6b9ce96 He was the protector of his family-- the entire family in every city or town around the world. He was their key to survival. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e44cc17 In their world, once two shadows were connected and totally interwoven, breaking those shadows apart was a frightening prospect. The riders would lose all ability to ride the shadows and the departing non-Ferraro partner would lose all memory of the family and what they did. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
92e1f72 Years ago women were nothing, Eloisa. They had no rights. They couldn't own property. They were property. That changed because it wasn't right. Children were beaten regularly by parents. That changed because it wasn't right. Just because something is tradition, handed down from one generation to the next, doesn't make it right. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
38d689e It wasn't her looks that caught his interest or made him stand utterly still. It was her shadow. The sun was throwing light perfectly to create tall, full shadows. Hers leaked long tentacles. Thin. Like streaks reaching out toward the shadows around her. Everywhere there was a shadow, hers connected to it with the long feelers--with long tubes. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
0d97a6b The feelings of conquest and possession mixing with love were a heady combination. Those traits were deep in him and she accepted him without judgment. How could he not be in love with her? romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
fa264b2 His shadow and hers had become entangled in spite of his efforts to keep them apart. Although, truthfully, he hadn't tried that hard. He knew if she rejected him, the consequences to him would be dire. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
56d2a9e Vittorio Ferraro was the most extraordinary man she'd ever meet and she would forever regret being a coward if she didn't give what had been growling between them a chance. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
117a695 She didn't want the mask he wore around others. She wanted the true intamacy he had given her, the real Vittorio, the real man. He had offered her that man and she'd been so afraid she'd rejected him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
d8147bd She didn't tell him, but his voice alone could seduce her. Having his hand on her was beyond exciting. Exhilarating. She wanted more. She wanted to feel as if she belonged to him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
096b38e If you let yourself believe in me, I'll take care of us. I believe absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, that you'll take care of us just as well. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan