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0d34270 Oh, that's just great. I come all the way back here, risking major brain cell burnout, and you don't even believe me? I'm basically guaranteeing myself a lifetime of heartbreak, and all you have to say is that you think I'm not right in the head? heaven-sent hector-da-silva jesse suze susannah-simon twilight Meg Cabot
ea5e0f5 "We need to talk." "I'm just - Look," I said, as he took a step toward me. "I'm just going to give Cee Cee a call and maybe we'll go to the beach or something, because I really ... I just need a day off."Another step toward me. Now he was right in front of me. jesse-de-silva susannah-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
6468d0f I won't tell you how I managed to break in, since I don't want the authorities figuring out, but let's just say that if you're going to make a gate, make sure it reaches all the way to the ground. susannah-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
c3adc14 "Do people in the twenty-first century still dance?" My heart beat thundered in my ears, far louder than the slow music. "Um," I said, barely able to swallow, my throat had gone so dry. "Sometimes." jesse-de-silva susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
e225200 "Jesse, who had not stirred the whole time from the spot he'd been standing, confident I could handle Cheryl myself, was grinning. jesse-de-silva susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
0303ca1 "Susannah." My dance partner's breath was soft against my cheek. "Susannah...." đọc every-girl-s-dream susannah-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
8fcb17b Sleepy pulled the car to a stop in front of this paved entranceway, which was flanked on either side by these enormous palm trees, kind of like the Polynesian Resort at Disney World. In fact, the whole place had kind of a Disney feel to it. You know, really big, and kind of modern and fake. susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
c2664df "So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when I was applying for campus housing and overheard Andy telling my mother that the only way I was going to be safe from all the sexual assaults he'd heard about on National Public Radio was if I lived in an all-girl dorm. Never mind that I have been kicking the butts of the undead since I was in elementary school, and that almost the entire time I resided under Andy's roof, I had a hot undead guy living in my bedroom. These are two of those secrets I was telling you about. Andy doesn't know about them, and neither does my mother. They think Jesse is what Father Dominic told them he is: a "young Jesuit student who transferred to the Carmel Mission from Mexico, then lost his yearning to go into the priesthood" after meeting me. That one slays me every time." jesse-de-silva proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
1ee8c79 What was I thinking, anyway? It would never work out between the two of us. I mean, I'm a mediator. His dad's a vampire. His uncle's a killer. What if we got married? Think how our kids would turn out... susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
27b2cda "I'll tell you what kind of girl I'm not," I said crankily. "I am not the kind of girl who's looking to share her room with a member of the opposite sex. Understand me? So either you move out, or I force you out. It's entirely up to you. I'll give you some time to think about it. But when I get back here, Jesse, I want you gone." susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
29005d6 Of course, I didn't know how I felt about my first kiss coming from one of the undead, but hey, beggars can't be choosers, and let me tell you something, Jesse was way cuter than any live guy I'd met lately. susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
4103df4 Only a couple of people have figured out what a weirdo super freak I am on the inside. And those people all have a reason to keep my secret, because...well, I've helped them resolve their own secrets. One person especially. Miraculously, he fell in love with me. Don't ask me why. I think I'm fabulous, but I'm not entirely sure what he sees in me (except the fact that I've saved his life a few times. But he's returned the favor). proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
3aad147 Cementerio El Encinal meant Cemetery of Many Oaks (I'm taking Spanish so that when Jesse and I have kids, I'll understand what he's saying when he yells at them in his mother tongue). proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
724ad7e "Okay, okay, already," I said, holding up both hands in an I-surrender sort of gesture. "I'll try it your way from now on. I'll do the touchy-feely stuff. Jeez. You West Coasters. It's all backrubs and avocado sandwiches with you guys, isn't it?" susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
0df2d88 "I don't understand why you are so unhappy about it," Jesse said. He had stretched out across the tiles, contented as I'd ever seen him. "I like it much better this way." "What way?" I groused. I couldn't get quite as comfortable. I kept finding prickly pine needles beneath my butt. "Just the two of us," he said with a shrug. "Like it's always been." susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator reunion Meg Cabot
c27f6af "Jesse, you're not going to lose me. I had the situation totally under control." Sort of. "But I have to say that after so many years of you keeping your feelings for me hidden out of propriety, it's really nice to hear you say all those things. Plus, it's emotionally healthy that you're letting them out this way. Keep unburdening yourself." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "What is it exactly, that you find so irresistible about me? Is it my magnetic personality? Or my emerald green eyes? Or maybe it's just my hot bod?" I felt something against my torso. "Oh, I'm getting the impression that it's my hot bod." proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
8d4de47 "Observation point," he said, pointing to the wooden sign in front of us that said, OBSERVATION POINT. NO LITTERING. "A lot of kids come here on Saturday night." Micheal cleared his throat and looked at me meaningfully. "And park." I have to say, up until that moment I really had no idea I was capable of moving so fast as I did getting out of that car. But I was unbuckled and out of that seat quicker than you could say ectoplasm." susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
4e27840 But there's only one other person besides me in the Monterey Bay area who could pick up on spectral sound waves-especially now that Jesse is going to school so far away-and that person happened to be away at a seminarian retreat in New Mexico. I knew because Father Dominic likes to keep his present (and former) students up to date on his daily activities on Facebook. The day my old high school principal started his own Facebook account was the day I swore off social media forever. So far this has worked out fine since I prefer face-to-face interactions. It's easier to tell when people are lying. jesse-de-silva proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
f838c1f He was even more overprotective than my stepfather. But in a boyfriend, that kind of thing is actually attractive. proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
35be911 Oh my God, I am such a liar. And I can't even leave it at just one lie, either. Oh, no. I have to pile it on. I am sick, I tell you. Sick. lying ninth-key susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
082fed0 It wasn't just that Mr. Beaumont and his creepy staring was freaking me out. And it wasn't that my dad's warning was ringing in my ears. My mediator instincts were telling me to get out, now. And when my instincts tell me to do something, I usually obey. I have often found it beneficial to my health. susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
1df0927 See, even though Jesse's a ghost, and can walk through walls and disappear and reappear at will, he's still...well, there. To me, anyway. That's what makes me-and Father Dom-different from everybody else. We not only can see and talk to ghosts, but we can feel them too-just as if they were anybody else. Anybody alive, I mean. Because to me and Father Dom, ghosts are just like anyone else, with blood and guts and sweat and bad breath and whatever. The only real difference is that they kind of have this glow around them-an aura, I think it's called. jesse-de-silva ninth-key father-dominic susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator ghosts Meg Cabot
de82055 As hard as it is to date someone with nineteenth-century manners-seriously, it's getting to a point where I spend so much time swimming laps in the campus pool to work off my sexual frustration, my highlights are becoming brassy-I still feel a thrill every time Jesse calls me Susannah. He thinks the name everyone else calls me-Suze-is too short and ugly for someone of my strength and beauty. proposal susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
ddcc528 See, my special gift is that I'm a mediator. I help guide the tortured souls of the newly dead to their afterlife destinations-wherever that happens to be-generally by cleaning up whatever messes they left behind when the croaked. susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator Meg Cabot
28fe524 Father Dominic, however is a way better mediator than I am. Well, maybe not better. But different, certainly. See, he really feels that ghosts are best handled with gentle guidance and earnest advice-same as the living. I'm more in favor of a sort of get-to-the-point approach that tends to involve my fists. father-dominic susannah-simon suze-simon the-mediator reunion Meg Cabot