"While I struggled with the menu, a handsome middle-aged guy from a nearby table came over to help. "You like sashimi? Cooked fish? Sushi?" he asked. His English was excellent. He was originally from Okinawa, he said, and a member of Rotary International. I know nothing about the Rotarians except that it's a service organization; helping befuddled foreigners order food in bars must fall within its definition of charitable service. Our service-oriented neighbor helped us order pressed sweetfish sushi, kisu fish tempura, and butter-sauteed scallops. Dredging up a vague Oishinbo memory, I also ordered broiled sweetfish, a seasonal delicacy said to taste vaguely of melon. While we started in on our sushi, our waitress- the kind of harried diner waitress who would call customers "hon" in an American restaurant- delivered a huge, beautiful steamed flounder with soy sauce, mirin, and chunks of creamy tofu. "From that guy," she said, indicating the Rotarian samaritan. We retaliated with a large bottle of beer for him and his friend (the friend came over to thank us, with much bowing). What would happen at your neighborhood bar if a couple of confused foreigners came in with a child and didn't even know how to order a drink? Would someone send them a free fish? I should add that it's not exactly common to bring children to an izakaya, but it's not frowned upon, either; also, not every izakaya is equally welcoming. Some, I have heard, are more clubby and are skeptical of nonregulars, whatever their nationality. But I didn't encounter any places like that. Oh, how was the food? So much of the seafood we eat in the U.S., even in Seattle, is previously frozen, slightly past its prime, or both. All of the seafood at our local izakaya was jump-up-and-bite-you fresh. This was most obvious in the flounder and the scallops. A mild fish, steamed, lightly seasoned, and served with tofu does not sound like a recipe for memorable eating, but it was. The butter-sauteed scallops, meanwhile, would have been at home at a New England seaside shack. They were served with a lettuce and tomato salad and a dollop of mayo. The shellfish were cooked and seasoned perfectly. I've never had a better scallop."
Matthew Amster-Burton |
"Taking my hand, she walked out of the room where we found Vaughn and Judd playing pool in the dining room. The guys were deep in silent competition, so we admired their hot bodies quietly. Our giggling finally drew their attention. "Where are we eating?" Vaughn asked, hitting a ball. "We should eat somewhere that preggos can't enjoy," I suggested and Tawny grinned. "I think they can't eat deli meat, but I don't want that crap." Tawny searched info on her phone then smiled. "Sushi is supposed to be iffy." "Barf," Vaughn said and Judd grimaced. "We should go to a fish place and share a little sushi to celebrate our powerful birth control." Judd smiled at this comment. "Poor Aaron." "Screw Aaron," I grunted. "Lark's the one carrying two babies." Vaughn and Judd looked at each other then burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "He hooks up with a chick whose birth control is defective and ends up with twins," Vaughn said, walking to me. "Dumb fuck probably didn't know what hit him." "He gets to spend his life with an amazing person. Fuck you for laughing at his good luck." "Don't go big sis on me, daffodil. One day, I'm knocking you up with twins too. No harm in making double the hot kids." "I'm still mad." "Wanna make a baby right now?" he whispered in my ear. "Sushi first." "Barf." "We'll see." Thirty minutes later, Vaughn proved me wrong. He hated sushi and nearly threw up after trying a bite. Watching him freak-out nearly killed me. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Tawny was also in hysterics. Like any good friend would, Judd took a picture of a gagging Vaughn with his phone. "Sent it to the crew. You're welcome." "Jackass," Vaughn said, wiping his tongue with a napkin. Calming my laughter, I stroked his ponytail. "Poor baby. I'll make it up to you later." Vaughn's horrified expression immediately shifted into a smirk. "Yeah, you will."
Bijou Hunter |