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e0c63a7 Orwell's 1984 [...] is political thought disguised as a novel; the thinking is certainly lucid and correct, but it is distorted by its guise as a novel, which renders it imprecise and vague. [...] the situations and the characters are as flat as a poster. The pernicious influence of Orwell's novel resides in its implacable reduction of a reality to its political dimension alone, and in its reduction of that dimension to what is exemplarily negative about it. I refuse to forgive this reduction on the grounds that it was useful as propaganda in the struggle against totalitarian evil. For that evil is, precisely, the reduction of life to politics and of politics to propaganda. So despite its intentions, Orwell's novel itself joins in the totalitarian spirit, the spirit of propaganda. It reduces (and teaches others to reduce) the life of a hated society to the simple listing of its crimes. totalitarism propaganda Milan Kundera
856549e Totalitarian systems are notably devoid of humor at every level. Laughter, which brings acceptance and freedom, is a threat to their rule through force and intimidation. It is hard to oppress people who have a good sense of humor. Beware the humorless, whether in a person, institution, or belief system; it is always accompanied by an impulse to control and dominate, even if its proclaimed objective is to create prosperity or peace. spirituality humor totalitarism David R. Hawkins
7c0a79e Vosotros los jovenes no sabeis apreciar las cosas, proseguia. No sabeis lo que hemos tenido que pasar para lograr que esteis donde estais. Miralo, es el quien pela las zanahorias. ?Sabeis cuantas vidas de mujeres, cuantos cuerpos de mujeres han tenido que arrollar los tanques para llegar a esta situacion? La cocina es mi pasatiempo predilecto, decia Luke. Disfruto cocinando. Un pasatiempo muy original, replicaba mi madre. No tienes por que darme explicaciones. En otros tiempos no te habrian permitido tener semejante pasatiempo, te habrian llamado marica. Vamos, madre, le decia yo. No discutamos por tonterias. Tonterias, repetia amargamente. Las llamas tonterias. Veo que no entiendes. No entiendes nada de lo que estoy diciendo. human-rights puritanismo women-rights totalitarism totalitarismo feminismo puritanism Margaret Atwood