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2bd6640 I have always found that actively loving love Alan Paton
9ded7bf The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that things are not mended again. Alan Paton
46d1a16 But there is only one thing that has power completely, and this is love. Because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power. Alan Paton
e25d919 Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that's the inheritor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. Let him not be too moved when the birds of his land are singing. Nor give too much of his heart to a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him if he gives too much. alan-paton cry-the-beloved-country south-africa Alan Paton
a5895bd I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find that we are turned to hating. Alan Paton
c5e2cee This world is full of trouble, umfundisi. -- Who knows it better? -- Yet you believe? Kumalo looked at him under the light of the lamp. I believe, he said, but I have learned that it is a secret. Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. There is my wife, and you, my friend, and these people who welcomed me, and the child who is so .. beloved country cry inspirational paton suffering Alan Paton
eab8c5d Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering. Alan Paton
8c653f6 I have never thought that a Christian would be free of suffering, umfundisi. For our Lord suffered. And I come to believe that he suffered, not to save us from suffering, but to teach us how to bear suffering. For he knew that there is no life without suffering. Alan Paton
10a8d24 Sorrow is better than fear. Fear is a journey,a terrible journey, but sorrow is at least an arrival. When the storm threatens, a man is afraid for his house. But when the house is destroyed, there is something to do. About a storm he can do nothing, but he can rebuild a house. Alan Paton
69b1f14 The truth is, our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. Alan Paton
23b5426 The Judge does not make the law. It is people that make the law. Therefore if a law is unjust, and if the Judge judges according to the law, that is justice, even if it is not just. Alan Paton
e0326d0 There is not much talking now. A silence falls upon them all. This is no time to talk of hedges and fields, or the beauties of any country. Sadness and fear and hate, how they well up in the heart and mind, whenever one opens pages of these messengers of doom. Cry for the broken tribe, for the law and the custom that is gone. Aye, and cry aloud for the man who is dead, for the woman and children bereaved. Cry, the beloved country, these thi.. Alan Paton
fcc18f3 We do not know, we do not know. We shall live from day to day, and put more locks on the doors, and get a fine fierce dog when the fine fierce bitch next door has pups, and hold on to our handbags more tenaciously; and the beauty of the trees by night, and the raptures of lovers under the stars, these things we shall forego. We shall forego the coming home drunken through the midnight streets, and the evening walk over the star-lit veld. We.. Alan Paton
9063d70 For it is the dawn that has come, as it has come for a thousand centuries, never failing. Alan Paton
276e4d0 Happy the eyes that can close Alan Paton
cf7c1f6 Who indeed knows the secret of the earthly pilgrimage? Who indeed knows why there can be comfort in a world of desolation? Now God be thanked that there is a beloved one who can lift up the heart in suffering, that one can play with a child in the face of such misery. Now God be thanked that the name of a hill is such music, that the name of a river can heal. Aye, even the name of a river that runs no more. Who indeed knows the secret of th.. Alan Paton
ba74a4d because life slips away, and because I need for the rest of my journey a star that will not play false to me, a compass that will not lie. Alan Paton
1940bc1 I see only one hope for our country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good for their country, come together to work for it. I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they are turned to loving, they will find we are turned to hating. cry-the-beloved-country Alan Paton
26ef76e It is not permissible for us to go on destroying the family life when we know that we are destroying it. Alan Paton
d889897 And were your back as broad as heaven, and your purse full of gold, and did your compassion reach from here to hell itself, there is nothing you can do. Alan Paton
f612713 For mines are for men, not for money. And money is not something to go mad about, and throw your hat into the air for. Money is for food and clothes and comfort, and a visit to the pictures. Money is to make happy the lives of children. Money is for security, and for dreams, and for hopes, and for purposes. Money is for buying the fruits of the earth, of the land where you were born. Alan Paton
ce6282b But when that dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret. Alan Paton
750161b It was not his habit to dwell on what might have been but what could never be. Alan Paton
1c92a15 In the meantime the strike is over, with a remarkably low loss of life. All is quiet, they report, all is quiet. In the deserted harbour there is yet water that laps against the quays. In the dark and silent forest there is a leaf that falls. Behind the polished panelling the white ant eats away the wood. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools. silence strike Alan Paton
a1ffded What broke in a man when he could bring himself to kill another? What broke when he could bring himself to thrust down the knife into the warm flesh, to bring down the axe on the living head, to cleave down between the seeing eyes, to shoot the gun that would drive death into the beating heart? Alan Paton
4fb2e85 There is a man sleeping in the grass. And over him is gathering the greatest storm of all his days. Such lightening and thunder will come there has never been seen before, bringing death and destruction. People hurry home past him, to places safe from danger. And whether they do not see him there in the grass, or whether they fear to halt even a moment, but they do not wake him, they let him be. Alan paton
decad7f There are voices crying what must be done, a hundred, a thousand voices. But what do they help if one seeks for counsel, for one cries this, and one cries that, and another cries something that is neither this nor that. Alan Paton
bf4f28c In the deserted harbour there is yet water that laps against the quays. In the dark and silent forest, there is a leaf that falls. Behind the polished panelling the white ant eats away the wood. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools Alan Paton
42fcfe3 We do not work for men. We work for the land and the people. We do not even work for money. Alan Paton
2349660 Indeed, mother, you are always our helper." "For what else are we born?" cry-the-beloved-country Alan Paton
323ee7a They were your friends?" "Yes, they were my friends." "And they will leave you to suffer alone?" "Now I see it." "And until this, were they friends you could trust?" "I could trust them." "I see what you mean. You mean they were the kind of friends that a good man could choose, upright, hard-working, obeying the law? Tell me, were they such friends? And now they leave you alone? Did you not see it before?" "I saw it." cry-the-beloved-country friends friendship Alan Paton
a409550 One thing is about to be finished, but here is something that is only begun. And while I live it will continue Alan Paton
1f2f980 But perhaps when you were too obedient, and did not do openly what others did, and were quiet in church and hard-working at school, then some unknown rebellion brewed in you, doing harm to you, though how I do not understand. Alan Paton
f5f9e5a But to punish and not to restore, that is the greatest of all offences. offence offences punish punishment restoration restore Alan Paton
861a234 Who indeed knows the secret of the earthly pilgrimage? Who knows for what we live, and struggle, and die? Who knows what keeps us living and struggling, while all things break about us? Who knows why the warm flesh of a child is such comfort, when one's own child is lost and cannot be recovered? Wise men write many books, in words too hard to understand. But this, the purpose of our lives, the end of all our struggle, is beyond all human wi.. cry-the-beloved-country life Alan Paton
7dc2b20 For fear will rob him of all if he gives too much. Alan Paton
21bfbad Would age now swiftly overtake him? Would this terrible nodding last now for all his days, so that men said aloud in his presence, it is nothing, he is old and does nothing but forget? And would he nod as though he too were saying, Yes, it is nothing, I am old and do nothing but forget? But who would know that he said, I do nothing but remember? Alan Paton
1aebbdd There's a hard law, mejuffrou, that when a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive. forgiveness injury recover recovery Alan Paton
ce7570d Therefore let us sell our labour for what it is worth. And if an industry cannot buy our labour, let that industry die. But let us not sell our labour cheap to keep an industry alive. Alan Paton
47b116d I do this not because I am courageous and honest, but because it is the only way to end the conflict of my deepest soul. Alan Paton
bab2948 All roads lead to Johannesburg. If you are white or if you are black they lead to Johannesburg. If the crops fail, there is work in Johannesburg. If there are taxes to be paid, there is work in Johannesburg. If the farm is too small to be divided further, some must go to Johannesburg. If there is a child to be born that must be delivered in secret, it can be delivered in Johannesburg. alan-paton cry-the-beloved-country Alan Paton
c2c96ed Have you a room that you could let?" "Yes, I have a room that I could let, but I do not want to let it. I have only two rooms, and there are six of us already, and the boys and girls are growing up. But school books cost money, and my husband is ailing, and when he is well it is only thirty-five shillings a week. And six shillings of that is for the rent, and three shillings of that is for the rent, and three shillings for travelling, and a.. alan-paton cry-the-beloved-country south-africa Alan Paton
48c79b8 It was to the small serious boy that he turned for his enjoyment. He had bought the child some cheap wooden blocks, and with these the little one played endlessly and intently, with a purpose obscure to the adult mind, but completely absorbing. cry-the-beloved-country Alan Paton
92e96b8 But there is only one thing that has power completely, and that is love. Because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power. I see only one hope for our country, and that is when white men and black men, desiring neither power nor money, but desiring only the good of their country, come together to work for it. He was grave and silent, and then he said somberly, I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they .. Alan Paton