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12c105e The important things were sensitivity to impressions, intuitive judgment, character assessment, and also patient bargaining skills. It had never so much as occurred to him to jump over walls or leap from roof to roof. Amos Oz
38ed51d Deja de compadecerte de ti mismo. La compasion escasea mucho en el mundo y es una lastima desperdiciarla. Dicho Amos Oz
4331409 La Ierusalim oamenii mergeau intotdeauna ca dupa un mort sau ca intarziatii la un concert. Mai intai puneau jos varful pantofului si incercau pamantul. Apoi, dupa ce asezau piciorul, nu se grabeau deloc sa-l miste: asteptasem doua mii de ani ca sa putem pune piciorul in Ierusalim, si nu voiam sa renuntam la asta. Daca ridicam piciorul s-ar fi putut sa vina cineva si sa ne insface fasiuta de tara. Pe de alta parte, dupa ce ai ridicat picioru.. Amos Oz
13d6972 Zbor din tine in tine Amos Oz
0d796d4 Um homem perseguido, quer porque ele proprio fez dos outros perseguidores, quer porque a sua miseravel imaginacao inventa legioes de inimigos cheios de mas intencoes, num caso como no outro um homem destes tem, para alem da infelicidade, uma falha moral: porque existe uma desonestidade basica na mania da perseguicao seja ela qual for. A proposito, e obvio que o sofrimento, a solidao, os acidentes e a doenca atingem mais um homem destes do q.. Amos Oz
8ee05de with his legs apart, leaning on an old Czech rifle. He was smoking the dog end of a cigarette, and when he saw Shmuel and Atalia he spoke without removing it: "Closed. No entry." "Why?" Atalia laughed. The soldier raised the cap slightly from one ear and replied: "Closed by order, lady. No entry." "But we had no intention of going inside," Atalia said, pulling Shmuel by the arm. Shmuel lingered and asked the soldier: "When does your watch f.. Amos Oz
3ef8d7a Ha boas e mas novas no cafe. A ma, e que o tempo corre. A boa, e que o tempo cura. Amos Oz
bcc1d9e Obagrena utrin v oranzheva radost, ugasvat zhelaniia, strasti, i samo l'ch't na blazhenstvoto sveti. Skr'b, strakh i sram sa daleche ot men v tozi den, tolkoz daleche, kolkoto mozhe da b'de edin s'n ot drug. S'buvam obuvkite, useshcham markucha v'rkhu krakata si, v'rkhu moite posevi i po trevata, zabraviam, kakvoto s'm izgubil, izchezva, kakto me e naranilo, otkazal s'm, kakvoto s'm otkazal, i shche napravia tova, koeto mi ostava. Onezi tri.. Amos Oz
020d4f8 Justice without compassion isn't justice; it's an abattoir. Amos Oz
6b0eb67 Mnogo dobre znaekh otk'de proizlizam: ot koshmarna paiazhina ot t'ga i prestruvki, skriti kopnezhi, kompleksi, drebnotemie i provintsialna nadutost, santimentalno v'zpitanie i anakhronichni ideali, potisnata bolka, primirenie i bezpomoshchnost. Amos Oz
4864d9d Ami ako germantsite doidat da ni ni moliat da im prostim? - Tova e po-trudno - kaza mama. - Shche triabva da pochakat. Mozhe bi sled mnogo, mnogo godini. Mozhe bi ti shche im prostish. Az obache ne moga. Amos Oz
824549d The [political] left are people with an imagination and the right are those without an imagination. Amos Oz
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