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a188805 To die, it's easy. But you have to struggle for life. Art Spiegelman
c1164fb Samuel Beckett once said, "Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness." ...On the other hand, he SAID it." Art Spiegelman
71c1c48 Sometimes I don't feel like a functioning adult art spiegelman
4a0e413 No, darling! To die it's easy... But you have to stuggle for life! Art Spiegelman
dc2e28c Disaster is my muse. Art Spiegelman
0310e0c I know this is insane, but I somehow wish I had been in Auschwitz with my parents so I could really know what they lived through! I guess it's some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did. Art Spiegelman
a4a6b1b Yes, life always takes the side of life, and somehow the victims are blamed. But it wasn't the best people who survived, nor did the best ones die. It was random! Art Spiegelman
e0d4f63 No matter what I accomplish, it doesn't seem like much compared to surviving Auschwitz. death life survival Art Spiegelman
70872f0 Friends? Your friends? If you lock them together in a room with no food for a week...Then you could see what it is, friends! ... Art Spiegelman
4ca4e0f In reality, childhood is deep and rich. It's vital, mysterious, and profound. I remember my OWN childhood vividly; I knew terrible things, but I knew I mustn't let the adults *know* I knew... it would scare them. Art Spiegelman
2ee6bd1 if they brought you here,They'll put you to work. THEY'RE not readyto kill you YET. Art Spiegelman
985ca95 But here God didn't come. We were all on our own. god holocaust maus religion Art Spiegelman
05291d6 Maybe your father needed to show that he was always right - that he could always SURVIVE - because he felt GUILTY about surviving. survivor Art Spiegelman
f6d2f79 Anja? What is to tell? Everywhere I look I'm seeing Anja... From my good eye, from my glass eye, if they're open or they're close, always I'm thinking on Anja. love soul-mates true-love Art Spiegelman
77b3d59 I dunno...maybe everyone has to feel guilty. Everyone! Forever! Art Spiegelman
767e386 Jag talar inte om din bok nu, men se hur manga bocker som redan skrivits om Forintelsen. Till vilken nytta? Folk har inte blivit annorlunda... Dom kanske behover en ny Forintelse, en annu varre... holocaust misantropi Art Spiegelman
4b77651 Ingen ar normal. Art Spiegelman
b846a9b If you want to live, it's good to be friendly. survival Art Spiegelman
db0ad0c finche non siamo arrivati al cancello, al, al cancello, ho visto un treno e binari. Ma non un treno come ho visto quando arrivavo qui a Dachau, ma un treno con...per passeggeri, per gente . Non per, ehm, per cani o per ehm, cavalli. Ma questo, questo non puo essere per noi, forse Gestapo arriva anche. treno era per noi! E li, prima di entrare su treno, tutti ricevevano una scatola. Una scatola da Croce rossa svizzera, e io l'ho acc.. metamaus Art Spiegelman
4207745 I became a philosophy major literally to understand why I should put up with this shit. Art Spiegelman
972824f Comics seem to be cooking these days. It's like being a rock star. Art Spiegelman