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02adcac Once upon a time, each of us was somebody's kid. Everyone had a father, even if he never provided anything more than his seed. Everyone had a mother, even if she had to leave us on a stranger's doorstep. No matter how we're eventually raised, all of our stories begin the exact same way. They all end the same, too. Brian K. Vaughan
fb7d7d3 Here's the thing about miscarriage. They are painful, they are horrific, and they are very, very common. There are no funerals for Those Who Might Have Been, leaving parents to mourn their loss in strange and unexpected ways. But while a miscarriage may feel like the end of the world... it's actually just the beginning of a new one. Brian K. Vaughan
e3067fe By the time they're out of preschool, most children have already seen thousands of acts of violence. violence Brian K. Vaughan
70abc87 I'm not going to stand here and be eaten by some bitch's dinosaur. I am finally doing something with my life. tiffany time-travel Brian K. Vaughan
d7ade6b When a man carries an instrument of violence, he'll always find the justification to use it. Brian K. Vaughan
d6dc1a3 Some people hate waiting, but not me. Without anticipation, life can be comfortable, but it'll never be thrilling. Instant gratification is for boring assholes. Brian K. Vaughan
2c7a3be Relax, Klara, you can finish your one-woman book club as soon as somebody gets home. Brian K. Vaughan
d7fb939 I was pretty good at picking up new languages when I was little, but it's not like I had superpowers or anything. Kids just have an easier time with words. words language-learning language-understanding language Brian K. Vaughan
858e484 Teachers always promise that students are in a "safe place," but most of us figure out that's a lie pretty fast. My very first fire drill was all the confirmation I needed that the worst can happen anywhere, anytime." Brian K. Vaughan
351dc56 So what? He's good to you and Hazel now, isn't he? Who cares if he's got history with some other broad? Brian K. Vaughan
de06b09 I wanted to correct her, but if I'd learned one thing by that point in my education, it was that when anybody in these cruel worlds offers a helping hand... you shut your fucking mouth and grab it. Brian K. Vaughan
4d10564 Welcome to Abortion Town! Brian K. Vaughan
8e568d1 Grown-Ups are usually guilty of something Brian K. Vaughan
49270e3 Every relationship is an education. Brian K. Vaughan
cc3b7e1 I started out as an idea, but I ended up something more. Not much more to be honest. It's not like I grow up to become some great war hero or any sort of all-important savior... Brian K. Vaughan
92c914a Then why did you risk everything to be with him? Because your son is so goddamn beautiful. Ha. I assure you, looks aren't forever. Brian K. Vaughan
f2e354a Christ, I walk through an inferno unscatched, then singe my ass on the flight back." [...] "You guys are the ... the heart and brain of the Great Machine." "Yeah? Then you're the inflamed anus." "You're not the brain, by the way." insults Brian K. Vaughan
3c81a28 Your writing , by the by. You split more infinitives than Gene Roddenberry. Brian K. Vaughan
306c1ce Cookie monster speaks better English than you. Brian K. Vaughan
2e3237b Sorry, ladies. I guess that's our cue. We like to storm into town, inflict maximum damage, and then a KISS concert. Brian K. Vaughan
0747abe Sai, negli ultimi mesi ho mangiato tante di quelle pesche in scatola, che ieri notte ho praticamente cacato una crostata. Brian K. Vaughan
9986e5f Natalya: "It was our favorite sister of NASA who guilt me into putting my tits on line to rescuing you helpless ornaments." humorous-insults insults Brian K. Vaughan
a72610e The next morning, they cremated my grandfather in the belly of our ship. I still have a scarp of the outfit he made for me. These days, I use it as a bookmark. Brian K. Vaughan
67e477a Come back with a healthy monkey, or don't come back at all. Brian K. Vaughan
47e4bb7 If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, then a family is more like a rope. We're lots of fragile little strands, and we survive by becoming hopelessly intertwined with each other. Brian K. Vaughan
3f0b2ab Though we can never guarantee our people complete safety, we can send a message to those who seek to harm the free and the brave. You might knock us to the ground but you sure as hell won't keep us there. perserverance Brian K. Vaughan
8cb607d If you find someone who can forgive all your bullshit... the least you can so is try to forgive them. Brian K. Vaughan
c067b6d Oh, fuck you, you self-righteous piece of...BALD Brian K. Vaughan
67111b7 Marko: No matter what mistakes you've see your daddy make, violence---magical or otherwise---is never acceptable. Petrichor: Nonsense, Marko. Violence is often : in self-defense, the arts foreplay... Hazel: I want to four-play! violence pacifism peace Brian K. Vaughan
6013254 You're right that not everything we do has to have some kind of social agenda, but that doesn't mean it can only be anesthetizing crap. popular-culture social-agenda Brian K. Vaughan
d0e84fc Sorry, kid. Whedon got it wrong. Stakes don't kill vampires, they just give us heartburn. vampires Brian K. Vaughan
3738697 No, only villains try to change the whole world. The rest of us take it one person at a time. Brian K. Vaughan
7ceff46 When you're dead set on doing the right thing, sometimes it's hard to recognize that you're doing it in the wrong way. Brian K. Vaughan
0ffed89 You remind me of my late sister, little one. As I once told her, the headstrong may win many battles... but only the strong of heart will survive the war. molly-hayes Brian K. Vaughan
507fa05 You are unlike anyone has ever existed, and that makes you exactly like everyone who has ever existed. Brian K. Vaughan
8e89874 The only way the dead live on is through the people they leave behind. Brian K. Vaughan
17c80b1 I thought so. Those who can really do what they promise don't first pause to promise what they can do saga Brian K. Vaughan
6e9de7f Damn. How much time did you spend in the library?" "I am a library." vision-marvel-comics Brian K. Vaughan
f56a19a Because I'm not a bad guy, Nico. Gert couldn't have loved me if I was. I realize that now. Brian K. Vaughan
13db31e Dude, are you kidding? You're kinda annoying, but you're probably the only person on Earth who always thinks about other people first. I don't care what shape you are... you're totally my sister now. xavin Brian K. Vaughan
0fdb01e Each of us has been falling apart since day one, Chase. We just have to find a way to fall apart together. friendship together Brian K. Vaughan
e69c578 you girls... reminded us... of us... just trying... to make a living... are always... the good guys... Brian K. Vaughan
be2ac30 Fuck the Bureau! Their entire outfit is half the size of the NYPD. I've got more officers who speak Arabic in one precinct that you guys have in the entire D.O.D.! department-of-defense fbi nypd new-york-city Brian K. Vaughan
e1040c6 My parents told me to be careful of you. That's how I knew you were the onyly one of us we could trust with our lives. Brian K. Vaughan