And the great thing about a Zero Tolerance policy on Patriarchal Broken Window Bullshit is this: in the 21st century, we don't need to march against size zero models, risible pornography, lap-dancing clubs and Botox. We don't need to riot, or go on hunger strike. There's no need to throw ourselves under a horse, or even a donkey. We just need to look it in the eye, squarely, for a minute, and then start laughing at it. We look hot when we l..
Caitlin Moran |
And, like all the best quests, in the end, I did it all for a girl: me
Caitlin Moran |
Into the center--Queen's Square. This is the heart of Wolverhampton's youth scene--our Left Bank, our Haight-Ashbury, our Soho. To the right, five skaters. To the left, three goths, sitting around the Man On 'Is 'Oss--a statue of a man, on his horse.
Caitlin Moran |
If we wonder why people are so apathetic and casual about every eminently avoidable horror in the world - famine, war, disease, the seas gradually turning piss-yellow and filling with ringpulls and shattered fax machines - it's right there. Heaven. The biggest waste of our time we ever invented, outside of jigsaws.
Caitlin Moran |
Women are always being asked when they're going to have children. It's a question they're asking even more often.
Caitlin Moran |
But when women are asked when they're going to have children, there is, in actually, another darker, more pertinent question lying underneath it.
Caitlin Moran |
Pero si tiene que haber una quinta ola de feminismo, espero que se distinga de todas las anteriores por que las mujeres se enfrenten a las dificultades, la desconexion y las tonterias de ser una mujer moderna no dando gritos, interiorizandolas o peleando, sino senalandolas y diciendo !AJA!.
Caitlin Moran |
Pero, para ser sincera, suelo estar demasiado ocupada apagando los fuegos de mi aspecto fisico para prestar mucha atencion a mi cerebro, o a mi potencial de genio prodigioso.
Caitlin Moran |
Hay una generacion entera que confunde con .
Caitlin Moran |
Hay una generacion entera que confunde ''feminismo'' con ''cualquier cosa relacionada con la mujer''.
Caitlin Moran |
They are all well-qualified members of the counter-culture. They are allowed to be here.
Caitlin Moran |
She might as well be telling me a story of how she once confused 'Push' for 'Pull' on a door, then banning me from using doors again - 'Lest you also be betrayed by doors.
Caitlin Moran |
And if your mind tears, do not fear that, either. Depression takes a layer of skin off - so accept that you feel more of the world than most people. Did you hear what I said? YOU FEEL MORE OF THE WORLD THAN MOST PEOPLE. That's amazing. And anxiety works like electricity in your bones - it keeps you wakeful and driven, so use those extra hours - those extra, sleepless days - that your poisoned adrenalin body is giving you. You are living lon..
Caitlin Moran |
Every atom of you, and me, once swirled around inside them. We are all stardust. We are golden. We are unique kaleidoscope rearrangements of everything that has gone before, and everything that will ever come again. The telescopes show us all there will ever be - and, also, right down inside ourselves. 4)
Caitlin Moran |
We're supposed to speak from the heart in what we wear. We have to find capsule wardrobes.
Caitlin Moran |
For a woman, every outfit is a hopeful spell, cast to influence the outcome of the day. An act of trying to predict your fate, like looking at your horoscope.
Caitlin Moran |
David Cameron is a C-3P0 made of ham.
Caitlin Moran |
In 2010, Iceland--with a lesbian prime minister and a parliament that is 50 percent female--became the first country in the world to outlaw strip clubs for feminist, rather than religious, reasons. "I"
Caitlin Moran |
Men and women alike have convinced themselves of a dragging belief: that somehow women are incomplete without having children.
Caitlin Moran |
If you take a moment to consider the state of the world, the thing you notice is that there are plenty of babies being born; the planet doesn't really need all of us to produce more babies.
Caitlin Moran |
First world babies are eating this planet like termites.
Caitlin Moran |
It makes you love vividly, work intensely, and realize that, in the scheme of things, you really don't have time to sit on the sofa in your undies watching Homes Under the Hammer.
Caitlin Moran |
In the 21st century, it can't be about who we might make, and what they might do, anymore. It has to be about who we are and what we're going to do.
Caitlin Moran |
Within living memory of this country, men could rape their wives: women were not seen as a separate sexual entity, with the right of refusal.
Caitlin Moran |
Between 60 and 80 percent of strippers come from a background of sexual abuse.
Caitlin Moran |
Abortions are never seen as a positive thing, as any other operation to remedy a potentially life-ruining condition would.
Caitlin Moran |
The idea that I might not-- in an earlier era, or a different country-- have a choice in the matter seems both emotionally and physically barbaric.
Caitlin Moran |
Women's bodies do not give up their babies so easily, and so silently, is the message. The heart will always remember.
Caitlin Moran |
These hormones do not make me feel feminine: every night, I lie in bed feeling wrenched, and the bulge of my sanitary napkin in my kickers looks like a cock.
Caitlin Moran |
Women wear heels because they think they make their legs look thinner.
Caitlin Moran |
In the 'Broken Windows' theory, if a single broken window on an empty building is ignored, and not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may break into the building, and light fires, or become squatters. When Rudy Giuliani became mayor of New York in 1993, his belief in the 'Broken Windows' theory led him to implement the 'Zero Tolerance' policy. Crime dropped dramatically, significantly, and co..
Caitlin Moran |
A palavra e um premio que bilhoes de mulheres, durante o decorrer da historia humana, lutaram para obter.
Caitlin Moran |
And - just as with winning the lottery, or becoming famous - there is no manual for becoming a woman, even though the stakes are so high. God knows, when I was 13, I tried to find one. You can read about other people's experience on the matter - by way of trying to crib, in advance, for an exam - but I found that this is, in itself, problematic. For throughout history, you can read stories of women who - against all odds - got being a woman..
Caitlin Moran |
Sem o feminismo, voce nao teria permissao para debater o lugar da mulher na sociedade. Voce estaria ocupada demais dando a luz no chao da cozinha -- mordendo uma colher de pau para nao atrapalhar o carteado dos homens -- antes de voltar a esfregar a latrina.
Caitlin Moran |
Quanto mais as mulheres argumentam, em voz alta, contra o feminismo, mais elas provam que ele existe e que elas se aproveitam dos privilegios conquistados a duras penas.
Caitlin Moran |
Eles nunca sentiram aquele momento desconfortavel quando alguem avalia o que voce esta vestindo e entao comeca a dar uma de superior para cima de voce, comeca a olhar feito um tarado, ou presume que voce nao vai "entender" a conversa -- seja sobre trabalho, cuidar dos filhos ou cultura geral -- simplesmente devido ao que voce escolheu vestir naquele dia."
Caitlin Moran |
Se deseja que algo seja feito, peca a uma mulher ocupada.
Caitlin Moran |
But they didn't. Because simply being able to vote isn't the same as true equality. It's difficult to see the glass ceiling because it's made of glass. Virtually invisible. What we need is for more birds to fly above it and shit all over it, so we can see it properly. In
Caitlin Moran |
Por algum motivo, o mundo realmente quer saber quando uma mulher vai ter filhos. Todos gostam quando elas planejam essa merda cedo. Querem que elas sejam muito claras e decididas em relacao a isso -- "Ah, eu quero uma taca de Merlot, o marisco, o file... e um bebe quando chegar aos 32 anos, por favor"."
Caitlin Moran |
Resolver nao ter filhos e uma decisao muito, muito dificil para uma mulher: a atmosfera realmente fica bem pesada quando alguem diz "Escolhi nao ter" ou "Para ser sincera, isso me parece um horror". Chamamos essas mulheres de "egoistas". A conotacao da expressao "sem filhos" e negativa: de falta, de perda. Pensamos naquelas que nao sao maes como lobas solitarias -- sempre a caca, tao perigosas quanto meninos adolescentes ou homens. Fazemos ..
Caitlin Moran |
Ninguem jamais alegou, nem por um instante, que homens sem filhos deixaram passar em branco algum aspecto vital de sua existencia e que por isso ficaram mais pobres e aleijados.
Caitlin Moran |
Um "sinal de fraqueza" para uma celebridade homem e ser encontrado traindo a parceira, agindo de maneira grosseira com um funcionario, batendo o carro quando estava chapado e fora de si. Um "sinal de fraqueza" para uma mulher, por outro lado, pode ser uma unica foto em que ela nao saiu bem. As mulheres sao destruidas por usar um unico modelo "ruim" -- nao apenas no tapete vermelho, em que parte de suas "funcoes contratuais" e ter o ar de um..
Caitlin Moran |
Becoming a woman felt a bit like becoming famous. For, from being benevolently generally ignored - the base-line existence of most children - a teenage girl is suddenly fascinating to others, and gets bombarded with questions: What size are you? Have you done it yet? Will you have sex with me? Have you got ID? Do you want to try a puff of this? Are you seeing anyone? Have you got protection? What's your signature style? Can you walk in heel..
Caitlin Moran |
The motto I have penned on my knuckles is that this is the best world we have--because it's the only world we have. It's the simplest math ever.
Caitlin Moran |