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2835e81 God is Great Beer is Good and People are Crazy Carolyn Brown
cdd1ffc I didn't ask you if you loved him. I asked you if you liked him. Love is important but like is the more important. If you don't like him, all the love in the world can't make you have a good relationship. love relationship-advice like Carolyn Brown
2737fd4 You call me Red again, Mister, and you won't need one. What you'll need is a pine box and a preacher to read about you lyin' down green pastures. Carolyn Brown
2bbff24 When opportunity knocks, you don't leave it standing on the doorstep. You invite it in and feed it chocolate cake. Carolyn Brown
e456eb0 Don't worry about tomorrow or let the past ruin today. Carolyn Brown
f47e3d2 Whoa, cowboy! I don't have phone sex on the first phone call. Carolyn Brown
79e70b3 Because you can make decisions for yourself even if they're wrong. Mistakes can be corrected. Life is too short to have everyone else tell you how to live. Make a few mistakes, and learn from them. At least they'll be real, and you'll be living, not just existing. Carolyn Brown
fce8df0 Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. Carolyn Brown
55a27e7 Don't waste an opportunity for happiness. Just be wise. Carolyn Brown
548bba7 Money is just dirty paper with dead presidents' pictures on it. Carolyn Brown
6b00382 Any kid what begs for a whippin' can find one. whooping Carolyn Brown
a51ebe4 I had two choices. I could be bitter, or I could get on with life...Mine had been made...I wasn't going to be bitter. Carolyn Brown
b533d16 God bless the woman who'd invented air-conditioning. Okay, it might have been a man, but I'll bet you dollars to earthworms that a woman nagged him into it. Carolyn Brown
ac1adec Guess you never know how much you like the water until the well runs dry, and if I can't have your love unconditionally, then I'll just have to do without it until you grow up. Carolyn Brown
7f33735 A true lady never lets someone know when he's riled her; otherwise she's giving away her power and her crown. Carolyn Brown
5f6dd8a She said that what was in the past was best left there and that talking about it was like stirring a fresh cow pile with a wooden spoon. Didn't accomplish a thing, and only made the stink and the flies worse and the spoon useless for anything else. Then Carolyn Brown
1dc7b8d A true lady could weather tragedy and heartache and keep her pride and dignity. Carolyn Brown
9a67d83 Omelets now or later?" she panted. "Later than what?" he asked huskily. "How hungry are you?" "For what?" She started unbuttoning his shirt at the top, stopping to admire and touch the soft hair on his chest on the way to the bottom. When she reached the last one, she tugged the tail out from behind his belt, slipped her arms around his body, and laid her cheek against his chest. "Let's make love and only use words when necessary," she.. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
31cb681 I couldn't even see that woman because I have blinders on when you are around, and every single thought in my head is about you. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
9e50db7 The truth is the truth whether you serve it up plain or top it with chocolate frosting. It's still the truth." "So" -- Carolyn Brown
36292cd I can't say I've been in love with you my whole life. But I can say that I intend to be for the rest of it. I don't even know when it happened, but it did. I can't get you off my mind or out of my heart. Carolyn Brown
f8e0b85 Daisies. They outlast roses, and they're tough little flowers. Carolyn Brown
712a65e There had to be more to wooing a woman than feeding cattle, minding the store, tending the bar, and sex. That wasn't a bad combination in getting to know a woman, but now that he knew Jill, he wanted to hang the moon for her, make the stars brighter, and force daisies to grow from frozen ground. Carolyn Brown
5017f0b Now tell me, Sawyer O'Donnell, are you more Irish or Hispanic?" "Half and half. Love the Mexican food but also love a good Irish whiskey on occasion. They're both really good lovers, you know. Hot-blooded and stand by their women." Carolyn Brown
ea6a2fe With cold hands he massaged her right foot, his fingertips digging into all the right places to make her groan. "Feel good?" he asked. "You can't imagine. You have until midnight to stop." He chuckled. "Why midnight?" "Because from then until daylight you can work on the other foot." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
ee5b5e9 Darlin', old don't mean dead. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
98e0290 Getting close to a woman, no matter if it's real or not, can backfire. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
8d336f0 Don't suppose you'd want to stay long enough to scrub my back for me, would you?" Lizzy might have had a wonderful experience when she rose up from the bathwater, but it damn sure hadn't set her free enough to do what Toby asked. She shook her head and smiled. "This is not a real relationship, darlin'." "I'd be willin' to turn it into a real one for a good woman to give me a bath." His eyes glittered." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
382c8c9 Dating and getting to really know a woman is a different game. Kind of like the difference in Monopoly and Texas Hold 'Em. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
4840518 And where are you going tonight?" Katy asked. "Cinderella and I are going to the ball. If she loses a glass slipper, I will bring it by tomorrow." He smiled." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
7fc9c91 You like legs?" she asked. "On you, yes. On a chicken, I prefer wings and breasts." She picked up both legs with her fingers. "Then we are going to get along just fine." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
ecce67b A match made in heaven?" He chuckled. "Probably not in heaven but right now you can take me there and we'll check it out." She smiled." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
74c4862 Oh. My. God." he murmured as it all ended in a crescendo complete with beautiful sparks and all the bells and whistles of fantastic makeup sex. Five full minutes later he propped up on a an elbow and kissed the tip of her nose. "Can we fight again tomorrow?" She smiled up at him. "I was thinking of starting an argument right now." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
cd08c02 You know what they say about angels?" she asked. "That they have wings and a halo?" "No, that they are just wild women who've had the hell screwed out of them," she said with another giggle." small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
c82662b Oh, hush! You've already said you aren't the settling type. You can't have wings and roots both, cowboy. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
875e55f So what's your secret?" Jed asked. "There's two secrets, son. One is to love your woman, not with your whole heart but with your soul. If you got an inklin' that you aren't finished chasin' skirts, then you ain't ready to settle down anyway. The other is to respect your woman." Everett poured coffee from the thermos into his cup. "That's different from loving her. That means you don't belittle her, not in front of other people or in private.. Carolyn Brown
7832cde Will you go on a date with me Friday night? A real date, not a pretend one? I'll probably be so clumsy that you won't go out with me a second time, but please say yes. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
339a109 I stabbed him," Lizzy said bluntly. "That's how he got that scar." "Why? I'm sorry. That's personal. I shouldn't ask that." She blushed. "It's okay." Lizzy laid a hand on the woman's arm. "I was mad at a woman for flirting with him and he tried to take the knife away from me. It was an accident." "I'll be right back with your drinks and appetizer." She turned so fast that she ran into a bus boy with a tray of dirty glasses and he had to .. small-town-romance western-romance Carolyn Brown
c74a94a You don't get the guarantee of tomorrow. Today is all you have. Don't waste it worrying. Enjoy it. Don't go stumbling up to the Pearly Gates in your spotless martyr robes. Go sliding up there in a worn-out, used-up body, screaming to the top of your lungs, 'Hallelujah, I made it and I've used everything I had while I was on earth, so open the doors and let me in!' That's the way to live. Carolyn Brown
6840d12 I love you to the moon and back." Gracie grinned. "Well, I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck," Carolyn Brown
c5f8263 May all the ones ahead be better than those that have already passed. Carolyn Brown
b89e87a Have you had joy in your life? Did you bring joy to others in your life? To Carolyn Brown
d522f45 They didn't want to get too close to the crazy woman, since scientists hadn't yet proved whether crazy, like stupid, is inherited or contagious. The Carolyn Brown
5c8876a He flipped through channels until he found reruns of NCIS. "Understanding murder is simple compared to understanding a woman, Leroy Jethro Gibbs. You been married a bunch of times. What advice would you give me?" He talked to the character on the television. Gibbs said, "Grab your gear." Carolyn Brown