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eec7d1e Absence makes the clitoris grow fonder. sexy-humor Cassie Mae
dab74a6 It's just empty boxers. Empty. It's not like there's a penis hiding in them. Cassie Mae
a18b027 Before this trip he was my best friend... And now, well, do you realize how hot he is? I mean like wow. When did that happen?" "Seventh grade after he got the braces off." Cassie Mae
4b787e6 I know you're pissed, and you have every right to be, I get it. And it's an ugly thing you threw at my face, but still... I thought, maybe, if you had it, you'd know I'm still here for you, even if you don't want me to be. Cassie Mae
33e5fc7 I'm usually ashamed of my tears. Afraid they showed weakness. But I am unashamedly crying now, because they aren't showing my fragility. They're showing unconditional love for my best friend. Cassie Mae
ff41438 Josh grabs a handful of grass and shoves it in his pocket. I smile and rest my head on my palm. I used to do the same thing on a new field. Sort of like taking it with me wherever I go. But Josh could be just stuffing grass in his pocket cause he's six. Cassie Mae
f62b800 Well, if you asked me what my favorite fruit was before last night, I would've said strawberries. But that's cuz I didn't know oranges could taste so good. Cassie Mae
56fdfbe You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever set eyes on. Every night I thank the stars I get to sleep next to you. And every morning I hope I get at least one more night. Cassie Mae
cfd00dd I love you." "Why?" I ask, eyes drifting closed already. "Because I can't picture a life without you," he whispers so low I barely catch it. "I don't want to." I smile as much as I can with how sleepy I am. He didn't even rehearse that one. His lips graze my forehead. "Why do you love me?" "Because you say things like that." "Wow. My answer was so much better than yours." Cassie Mae
2ea889a I like this marriage thing, because it's the best of all of us. We get to be the whole meal. The appetizer, the entree, the luxurious dessert... And yes, the peas and the carrots. marriage love Cassie Mae
20b15c1 I was just, uh...looking at your bush. humor Cassie Mae
0ea1747 How'd you sleep?" "Like I was in paradise." "I have no problems with you calling my body paradise. Do me a favor and spread the word. Chicks love that shit." Cassie Mae
c57b74e I her. I need to feel her lips against mine. Taste her lip gloss. Know what it feels like to have her this close without holding back. I need her to need me too. Cassie Mae
04fdfa4 He makes me go crazy inside all the way to the outside. Cassie Mae
26cafee My whole paycheck is going to Campbell's. Thank you, Pepe Le Pew. Cassie Mae
b5ad08d He goes to start the car for me again, leaning so close his breath tickles my neck. My head goes fuzzy as I picture him closing the distance between our bodies, forgetting I'm supposed to be doing something. His lips form words, but I don't hear them. His scent is intoxicating, pulling me under. Holy crap! I'm going to pass out! Cassie Mae
0a92d89 I'll keep my lips to myself, if that's what you want. Cassie Mae
c64cdbd So I'm not sure if its because we're in the honeymoon stage still or if I actually maybe sorta could be falling falling falling down down down in super amazing, all-out love with him. That's totally bonkers! Cassie Mae
ba4fa24 I nod like a trained puppy, hoping to god I'm not drooling. How am I supposed to go on stage when I can't take my eyes off her? "I think he's comatose." Cassie Mae
43960d5 Our lips slide together, and I feel like it's a new kind of kiss. ... The one that changes not only you, not only him, but the two of you together. Cassie Mae
d292d5a I want to make people smile. I want to tell an epic story... with laughter. I want to change the way people view the world. I want life to stop being so damn dramatic all the time. I want... what are you doing? new-adult Cassie Mae
e788ef5 I vow to pick up my socks." "Can I get that in writing?" Cassie Mae
c6e9763 He's not saying anything, but in a way, he's saying everything. That he's in just as ubergooby love as I am. Cassie Mae
2df9b79 Code Red. Code Red. Ryan on top of Lexie. Must keep teasing her or tickle her or say something. But don't just stare at her. Don't look into her deep brown yes...her golden browns. Don't pay attention to her smile creating that extra dimple only I know she has. Don't drool over how her shirt comes up a bit in the front, letting me see her bellybutton. Don't look at her great rack. Don't breathe in her scent. Her candy apple and cinnamon sce.. Cassie Mae
e789a9f But I decided that the popularity of something holds no value when I make my choices. I make decisions for me. Cassie Mae
6b0319a I want to meet him. Perhaps show him my gun collection." I laugh, realizing my face still isn't dry as the chuckles send tears off the bottom of my chin. "You don't have a gun collection." "My cutlery, then." He smiles, patting my leg." Cassie Mae
9684dfc You should know by now, you're more than my Friday night. You're... You're everything. Cassie Mae
1628225 All right, Cujo. Don't bark at me. I was just curious. Cassie Mae
fd14de6 It's better than I imagined--and I imagined it a lot. Tucked away in a corner at school. On the track during gym class. In his car. On the street by my house. In a fancy restaurant. During dance class. In the cafeteria. Everywhere, really. But not a single one of those fantasies measured up to the actual real life thing--trapped inside a magic box. Cassie Mae
d9acae6 Okay, you gotta be nice to him, " I say, coaxing the white fur-ball into my hands. "I will," Nate says, and I smile over my shoulder. "I was actually talking to Mr. Pippi. He's a bit of a butthole." funny Cassie Mae
f4dda2e He tastes like sour patch kids, and soda, and warmth, and goose bumps. Cassie Mae
c5cb20d I've been checking you out since we were freshmen." " ?" "Do you even have to ask?" I laugh as a string of colorful handkerchiefs falls into my hand when I pull it from his pocket." Cassie Mae
f73649b I knew it!" Cards fly everywhere, as if he had them hidden in his gym shorts." Cassie Mae
1732fff Prepare your thrusters. Cassie Mae
26087ef The twitch of his smile grows. "So... we're basically arguing over who gets to be more selfless in this marriage." I smile too. "Basically." Cassie Mae
770fae1 I remember how it felt when he put the ring on my finger. It was beyond words. But nothing could've ever prepared me for how it feels to put a ring on his finger. Cassie Mae
2afceb4 We're going to be married and hardly touch each other and have to work and work and never have any fun and we're just going to be okay with it because that's how life is and that's how relationships go, but I don't want that. I want our marriage to be... fun. I love joking around while we fool around. I want to hold hands everywhere we go. I want to make out in the back of a movie theater, steal kisses in coffee shops, have sex over every i.. marriage love real Cassie Mae
d37513a I grin, placing my hand back on my mug. A piece of stray blonde hair falls from my ponytail and tickles my bare shoulder. "I hereby declare this the first official Naked Sunday." -- Cassie Mae
feba0db My phone rings on my bare thigh as I scroll through my recorded Ellens, and I hit pause to glance at the number. Ah... case in point. My sister has sent me a birthday message along with a picture of a guy who knows her husband's co-worker's aunt, and she just knows we are meant to be! She's ready to set me up with him for this weekend. Cassie Mae
22be179 I'm nervous because that's what happens when you really want something. When it would destroy you if you couldn't get it, or if you lost it. I'm Cassie Mae
4709491 Hmm," she hums after a moment. "What?" "Just thinking...We both want you to get this role." "No sh*t." "And arguing obviously isn't helping us out." I snort. "But that's what we do." Cassie Mae
23e19e4 Every Wolverine fan knows who that is. Cassie Mae
fc765e5 I suddenly have a million kisses I have to give her. Cassie Mae
2d58dbe Yeah, I don't want to get to the point when I don't need you. Cassie Mae