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4e3c7ba the most delightful and choicest pleasure is that which is hinted at, but never told. chrétien-de-troyes lancelot Chrétien de Troyes
095b65e He who spends all his time amassing wealth is a slave to it. Chrétien de Troyes
1d9c0e9 When it hurts and destroys its follower, Love is worse than Hatred. Chrétien de Troyes
bf32c9b He who wants to do more than he is able must admit defeat or retire. Chrétien de Troyes
9ba3818 My good sir, is she your daughter then?' 'Yes, but don't pay any attention to what she says,' said the lord. 'She's a child - a silly, foolish thing.' 'Indeed,' said my lord Gawain, 'then I'd be very ill-mannered not to do what she wants. Chrétien de Troyes
ad4b3af A good silence never harmed anyone but speaking often causes harm. Chrétien de Troyes
62039e0 I don't give a fistful of ashes! lancelot-and-guinevere sir-lancelot the-knight-of-the-cart lancelot Chrétien de Troyes
136b1eb Et celui de la charrette reste plonge dans ses pensees Tout comme une personne privee de force et de defense Contre Amour qui le maintient sous sa juridiction ; Sa meditation est d'une intensite telle Qu'il perd le sens de lui-meme ; Il ne sait pas s'il existe ou s'il n'existe pas, Il ne se rappelle pas son nom, Il ne sait pas s'il est arme ou non, Il ne sait pas ou il va, ni d'ou il vient ; Il ne se souvient de rien, Hormis d'une seule cho.. Chrétien de Troyes
85cb978 What the eyes do not see can never pain the heart. Chrétien de Troyes
5f2fadb One cannot love with the eyes alone. Chrétien de Troyes
420644a Potem dobywa nagiego i przetrzymawszy chwilke w dloni wklada z powrotem do pochwy. Wiedzcie, ze pieknie mu z mieczem u boku, a jeszcze piekniej - z mieczem w dloni. Chrétien de Troyes
a214344 Because no one has ever seen a woman behave so wrongly as to ask a man to love her, unless she were more deranged than the next person. I would be a proven fool if I ever spoke a word that would bring me reproach. If he were to learn it from my mouth, I think he would lose esteem for me and lastingly reproach me for having spoken first. May love never stoop so low that I beseech him first since he would then esteem me less. Chrétien de Troyes
d9ee0ff For sorrow to which one gives voice is worth nothing if it does not touch the heart. Chrétien de Troyes
3bf379c But many have to look on in silence at what distresses them. Chrétien de Troyes
8cd272b I'd rather be torn limb from limb than have our love remembered like that of Tristan and Isolde, which has become a source of mockery and makes me ashamed to talk of it. I could never agree to lead the life Isolde led. Love was greatly abased in her, for her heart was given entirely to one man, but her body was shared by two; so she spent all her life without refusing either. Her love was contrary to reason, but my love will always be const.. Chrétien de Troyes
eb1b5b3 veais precisado a combatir con algun caballero, acordaos de lo que ahora os quiero decir y rogar: si vos lo venceis, de modo que el ya no pueda defenderse de vos ni oponerseos y se vea obligado a ponerse en vuestra merced, pensad en tenerle merced y a pesar de ello no lo mateis. Chrétien de Troyes
7b70a22 You who are wise in the ways of Love, who faithfully adhere to the customs and usages of his court and have never violated his injunctions no matter what the consequences, tell me: is it possible to behold the object of one's love without trembling and growing pale? Should someone doubt me in this, I can easily refute his argument: for whoever does not grow pale and tremble, and does not lose sense and memory, is only out to steal what does.. Chrétien de Troyes
6838c34 The man who goes quickly by the direct road passes the man who strays from the path. Chrétien de Troyes
ef21b21 Doit chascuns panser et antandre A bien dire et a bien aprandre ; Qu'il est louable de s'appliquer a bien dire et a bien enseigner. studying teaching Chrétien de Troyes
1abf899 Lovers do not realize what they are doing when they conceal their feelings from one another. It is not easy to love, and if you do not boldly build a strong foundation, you cannot hope to build successfully upon it. They say that the most difficult part is crossing the threshold. I wish to teach you about love, for I am quite aware that love is driving you crazy. This is why I have decided to instruct you, so be careful to hide nothing from.. Chrétien de Troyes
f724a04 Alexander did not dare request what he really desired, though he knew that if he asked him for his sweetheart's hand he would have it. But he was so afraid of displeasing her (who would have been overjoyed) that he preferred to suffer without her than have her against her will. Chrétien de Troyes
5c89fa7 I have not been given the name Soredamors for nothing. I must love and I must be loved, and I wish to prove this by my name, if I can reason it out. It is significant that the first part of my name is of golden hue, for the more blonde one is, the better. Therefore I consider my name the best, since it begins with the colour with which gold is most in harmony. And the end of my name reminds me of Love, for whoever calls me by my right name .. Chrétien de Troyes