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9214559 One of the early reasons for Atherton's devotion to Slider had been that Slider had never, from the first meeting, looked at him askance. Slider had his countryman father's view that God had made all creatures different for His own purposes. A horse was not a cat and a cat was not a dog, and only a fool would want them to be. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
b480f16 She ate up London and spat it out, and now she's recharging her batteries in Bursford before going back into the fray,' Jack said. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
6d8bb93 a tiny room, furnished in early MFI, of which every surface was covered in china ornaments and plaster knick-knacks whose only virtue was that they were small, and therefore of limited individual horribleness. Cumulatively, they were like an infestation. Little vases, ashtrays, animals, shepherdesses, tramps, boots, tobys, ruined castles, civic shields of seaside towns, thimbles, bambis, pink goggle-eyed puppies sitting up and begging, scoo.. curios gewgaws knick-knacks ornaments tchotchkes trinkets stuff Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
81ff9cd Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom .... These are the beginnings of sorrows. ww1 Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
84d1d1c schmoozes the customers, brings light and warmth to the Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
41a435b the very least one requires for civilisation to survive is an adequate supply of sound wines. wine Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
e8efac8 He had nothing against cherry tomatoes except that any attempt to cut them shot them off the plate with a velocity that could lay out a gemsbok at fifty paces, and putting them in the mouth whole and biting down was a not entirely pleasant experience that could result in doing the nose trick with tomato seeds. vegetables Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
9d56db3 God bless the King, I mean the Faith's Defender; God bless - no harm in blessing - the Pretender; But who Pretender is, or who is King, God bless us all - that's quite another thing! John Byrom: To an Officer in the Army Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
d09a12c mum always ought to be, getting tea. Women and food: how they locked on to your heart, taking it so young that if you had ever been properly loved and nurtured, you could never quite untangle them again. And did you ever, ever get over losing your mum? It seemed absurd after so long, and at his age, to be seized with such a yearning to go home; but she was gone, beyond reach, and a grown man wasn't allowed to feel like this. The Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
50febe2 leading the way was his boss, Commander 'Dave' Carpenter, in a suit so sharp you could peel mangoes with it. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
a74f27e One of the great benefits of being married is always having someone to tie one's tie. practicality Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
cf2397a Joanna had the fisherman's pie. 'What's under the mashed potato?' Slider asked. Joanna chewed thoughtfully for a moment and then looked down. 'Something white,' she said at last. 'With little bits of something pink.' She chewed again. 'I am eating, aren't I?' she appealed for reassurance. 'It's so hard to tell without some sensory input, like taste or texture. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
bbcc302 Father Ramsay smiled his sphingine smile. 'You know my opinion of buttermilk,' he said. 'I'll wait for the ale. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
fb09b0c somewhere, waiting for you. Nothing is ever lost. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
131722e Crafty Collins took up with him. You wouldn't have thought they had a thing in common. I mean, Crafty, he had enough upstairs. He wasn't stupid by many a long mile. But this Bates bloke, he was college educated and everything. Smart as a whip. Well, he Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
a6ba416 The former Mary Loveday was a thin woman in whose face any youthful beauty she may have possessed had been extinguished by years and unhappiness. There were unbecoming shadows around her eyes, two lines of discontent drew down her mouth corners, and her skin had the dry and unnourished look of a woman without a lover. Her Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
2d465a6 The Yorkshire was something of a landmark, and facing it across the river was another, Botterill's Horse Repository, a startling and ornate building in red and yellow brick. Here the gentlemen who rode or drove into York could leave their horses. The stalls were arranged on several storeys, with ramps leading up from floor to floor - the equine equivalent, Teddy supposed, of one of those new blocks of 'flats' one heard about in London - and.. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
b37ab85 Of course one has to give diplomacy a chance, but it would be better for us, if we are going to have to fight them, for the Cabinet to start now before the Boers are ready for us.' 'Well, public opinion is all for war, for what that's worth.' 'The Cabinet would never be swayed by public opinion.' 'Perhaps not, but with that dreadful newspaper whipping people up into a blood lust, we shall have demonstrations in the street before long if we .. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
de0dd1e Instead, the Daily Mail's editor picked out only the 'brightest' items of news, digested them, and rewrote them so as to turn them into 'stories'. These always had to be short, strongly prejudiced in some direction, and either sentimental or sensational. The headlines were calculated to provoke, rather than merely to suggest what the paragraph was about; scandals and crime figured largely in its pages, and for preference there must always b.. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
787cdfc True, Mama, but he'll find it a difficult job to govern the country with nothing but the High Tories to support him. And whatever you think of their politics, Huskisson and Palmerston are very able men the country can ill afford to lose. William Lamb was doing a good job in Ireland, too.' 'Poor William Lamb,' Lucy said -- his name always seemed to couple itself with the epithet quite automatically. 'He needs office to keep his mind from his.. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
2c933d5 I could refer you to a colleague who specialises in such things - or, as it happens, a clinic has just opened in Holloway to advise on birth control and dispense devices. You might find that more anonymous. Have you heard of Marie Stopes?' 'Didn't she write a book? I seem to remember something - didn't she say that women and men should be equal in marriage? It sounded rather sensible to me.' 'She believes that a woman cannot be free unless .. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
d4e70c4 Asquith, in the House, had shocked many people by opposing the franchise for women on the grounds that woman was not the female of the human species but a distinct and inferior species of her own, and disqualified from voting in the same way that a rabbit was disqualified. When it was reported there were angry letters and much protest in the press, together with several satirical cartoons about the lapine origins of various public figures. .. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles