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8091792 Why is it that when we lose something big, we begin to lose everything else along with it? Donna Freitas
9495c35 It's difficult to stop trying with the one you love. You always hope that this next time might work, might change everything for the better. Donna Freitas
c905926 Life was fragile and love was, too. At any moment, even our happiest ones, our world could shatter and we wouldn't see it coming. There was only more loss ahead, showing its ugly face when we least expected it. life realizations Donna Freitas
e17ba2d I've barely been able to think about anything else.' 'Other than...' He waited for me to finish. 'Kissing you, dummy,' I said. 'Really?' 'You shouldn't be that surprised,' I said. He grinned. 'I'm just glad to know we're on the same page. Donna Freitas
2b0352a Yet little by little, I was also becoming the girl who was learning to live with this, all of it, letting it weave together with everything else, the good and the bad, as life moved forward, because that's what life did, regardless of whether we were ready for it or not. Donna Freitas
8dd1aab The girl I am now, girl--she survived. I just needed a little help getting here. Donna Freitas
f5286f3 Now you," Grandma barks at him. "Yes, you, the invisible truck driver," she added, giving me a wicked grin. "Go stand next to Rose over there by the stone bench and smile like you mean it." "Yes, ma'am," Will said. "I am not to be called ma'am. My name is Maggie," she crabbed. "Well, I also have a name. It's Will," he shot back. Everyone stopped. We held our breath, waiting to see what Grandma would say next, but she just smiled at him. "I .. Donna Freitas
b9578ae The only thing that mattered was where I was and who I was with now, and when Will's arms tightened around me I knew I was right where I needed to be all along. Donna Freitas
f33a9d6 So what are you saying?" he asked. "That we'd be crazy if we don't try again. That you good for me, Will Doniger. You've proven it again and again." He hesitated before he turned to me, words hovering on his lips. "Tell me," I said. "What are you thinking?" "That I love you, Rose. I have for a while." I stopped breathing. "Me too. I love you, too." Donna Freitas
f1f3cc3 I wish I could bottle this,' I whispered. 'And drink it every morning.' 'And every day at lunch, and then again at dinner, and before bed.' 'You'd get sick of it,' he said. I shook my head. 'Never.' 'Seriously,' he said. 'I want to freeze this moment.' 'Good thing you don't need to.' 'No?' 'Will Doniger, there is nothing in the entire universe that could make me stop wanting to be with you. And so on and so forth ad infinitum. Donna Freitas
5f0f13c The happier people become the more I noticed my sadness. Donna Freitas
f06dc53 I guess you could say my mind was injured and that's why I didn't play. Donna Freitas
a1b8f71 To create a community where faith matters not just in theory but in reality, faith has to be a public value, not just a private one. spirituality Donna Freitas
37c4f45 Was he going to ask me to go with him? Maybe I was getting ahead of myself and he was just making conversation. Oh, why was talking to a boy so fraught with complication? Donna Freitas
ab2b8e4 I was out of practice with my emotions (...) Donna Freitas
f8c542c I thought about love as we stood there, the day turning to dusk and the temperature dropping, and my heart, the one inside of me, become fuller. Donna Freitas
e56ed8a I would work my way toward the Rose from before, who laughed often, who felt things so deeply, who could move through the world brimming with feeling and emotion. Donna Freitas
d48c189 I`d learned from experience that hugging someone only encouraged the person to cry even harder and I always wanted the tears to stop. But I was beginning to understand that there would always be sadness when it comes to our mother. A layer of sorrow was now knit through us so certain moments, memories, even new experiences, would tap it, and this was one of those moments. So instead of leaving Jim alone until the tears dried up and disappea.. Donna Freitas
cdaedac it never occurred to me that the girl I`d always been in high school could bend and shift and change without breaking altogether! Donna Freitas
00e2ccf This is what I imagined as I watched my kite, my beautiful kite, with its heart, its star and crayon, its note and flowers glowing from the light of the sun behind it. I felt love and grief and joy and all the emotions in between, letting my weathered broken heart knit itself back together again as I said goodbye to my mother. Our imaginations are such gifts, she used to say. So I thanked her for mine. Donna Freitas
7a250e6 For me to give someone a firm and enthusiastic yes or no is to presume the person I am saying yes or no to is my equal, or at least someone I feel equal to saying yes or no to, as though they are a partner, a friend, someone with whom I am on the same footing. It presumes I am in possession of some power in the situation. It presumes the other person sees me as an equal, or something like a peer, and is waiting to see if they are going to g.. Donna Freitas
775d06f There is a liminal space created between the powerful person and the person who is the target of unwanted attention, a liminal space between outright yes and outright no -- not a maybe-yes or maybe-no -- but more of a hovering, a being caught and not knowing where else to go or how to move without making things much worse. So you stay put. You hold the person off as best you can without causing them to retaliate too terribly, and because yo.. Donna Freitas
5808135 Gymnasts develop fears about certain moves and get hang-ups about doing routines at meets or anxiety about certain rivals who can psych them out. Donna Freitas
708bb44 There were just little things and they still made me sad, but I become better at staying in my sadness and at resisting the urge to chase it away. Donna Freitas
516a8bc I remembered the words in the note Mom left in my Survival Kit about using my imagination. Finally, after all this time, I felt its wheels begin to turn again, slowly at first, as if they were rusty, then with more confidence, as if someone had flipped on a switch. In the light of this awareness, I began to have faith that my mother was still with me, embedded and woven into this part of me I`d tried so hard to bury, the part that was most .. Donna Freitas
a02201b I devised a list of things I needed to accomplish, all of them related to the Survival Kit and my mother. I was no longer going in any particular order or interpreting my tasks so literally and narrowly. They took on a life of their own, a life that I was giving them now. Donna Freitas
ff1f162 Music hadn`t always deepened my grief. For most of my sixteen years, it had healed my hurts, soothed them, given me a way to remember and the strength to move on. Donna Freitas
ae67f13 All around the country, at universities far and wide, at workplaces of all sizes and types, at companies that boast of doing good and making the world a better place, there are file cabinets full of the bloody tongues of women. Some are young and tender, others more weathered and battered, but all of them taken from us by people in business-casual attire, in suits and sensible skirts, walking up to us as though what they are about to do is .. Donna Freitas
88aa2ab There is a liminal space created between the powerful person and the person who is the target of unwanted attention, a liminal space between outright yes and outright no. That space is not a compromise--not a maybe-yes or maybe-no--but more of a hovering, a being caught and not knowing where else to go or how to move without making things much worse. So you stay put. You hold the person off as best you can without causing them to retaliate .. Donna Freitas
4dc5843 I am a survivor, but I also am, and always will be, a victim. I can't speak for others who share this dual identity, but I can say for myself that, while I wish to be the proud person who exclusively occupies the title of survivor, I still claim the territory of the shivering, cowering victim. Donna Freitas
6f427c5 Before the first plugs, an early version of the virtual world existed. People carried around handheld devices that allowed them to access it. Donna Freitas
e0e43c1 But the maintenance of two entirely different shelves - one real, one virtual - was confusing and exhausting. People became so addicted to looking at their tablets that they stopped going outside and even stopped talking to their real friends and loved ones. The app world save every one of this division by liberating people from their bodies and allowing them a permanent virtual existence. Donna Freitas