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6303d5a How I admired the life of taking pains, of living in defiance of a government that did not like you and did not want you and wanted to destroy you so that you had to build out protections for yourself with money and men, deploying armament, buying alliances, patrolling borders, as in a state of secession, by your will and wit and warrior spirit living smack in the eye of the monster, his very eye. But E.L. Doctorow
5c67880 It was innocents who died, not those born with the strength of no illusions. E.L. Doctorow
eff0ee8 You have to know someone to want to kill him. E.L. Doctorow
926e0ec And she understood as I did that when you sat down and put your hands on the keys, it was not just a piano in front of you, it was a universe. E.L. Doctorow
75018b0 Homer, maybe you can tell me why I am fatally attracted to women who are no more than mirrors of myself. E.L. Doctorow
15b1a20 When crime was working as it was supposed to it was very dull. Very lucrative and very dull. E.L. Doctorow
687ef49 Morgan had ordered a light lunch. They did not say much as they dined without other E.L. Doctorow
8db77f2 The businessmen wondered if they could create such individuals not from the accidents of news events but from the deliberate manufactures of their own medium. E.L. Doctorow
d3704b9 9.01 Nausea catalogs the indigestible contents of the stomach that are to be brought up. 9.02 Memory that is nauseating catalogs the contents of the mind that can never be brought up. E.L. Doctorow
1d8f724 support of the Mexican Revolution. He hadn't known E.L. Doctorow
0ab3271 truth is, I just shrug and soldier on. As kind as I am, as well-meaning and helpful as I try to be, I have no feelings finally, for good or ill. In the depths of my being, no matter what happens, I am left cold, impenetrable to remorse, to grief, to happiness, though I can pretend well enough even to the point of fooling myself. I am trying to say I am finally, terribly, unfeeling. My soul resides in a still, deep, beautiful, emotionless, c.. E.L. Doctorow
866b9ff The genome of every human cell has memory. You know what that means? As evolved beings we have in our genes memories of the far past, of long-ago generations, memories of experiences not our own. E.L. Doctorow
31e1a3c Christ, what I wouldn't give to be something other than a human being. E.L. Doctorow
6816464 We had a joke, Langley and I: Someone dying asks if there is life after death. Yes, comes the answer, only not yours. E.L. Doctorow
1270f80 If there is a religious agency in our lives, it has to appear in the manner of our times. Not from on high, but a revelation that hides itself in our culture, it will be ground-level, on the street, it'll be coming down the avenue in the traffic, hard to tell apart from anything else. culture spirituality E.L. Doctorow
525d4c9 Women went into hospitals to die of burst bladders, collapsed lungs, overtaxed hearts and meningitis of the spine. There E.L. Doctorow
b60ac02 A person cannot live without looking for good signs, you just cannot do it, and I thought these signs were good. E.L. Doctorow
25a8dee Novels can do anything in the dark horrors of consciousness. Films do close-ups, car drive-ups, places, chases, and explosions. E.L. Doctorow
21ccb46 There is great human shame when people die before they are ready. It's as if their living didn't matter at all. E.L. Doctorow
e414608 El amor en manos de los platonicos esta mas seguro y tiene menos problemas, nunca hace falta corregirlo, se ve uno fijo en el firmamento y nada puede quitarle de alli, existe uno en el orbe del respeto moral reciproco y lo que haga cada uno con su cuerpo y con quien lo haga es cosa que a nadie concierne. Y puede ser natural en ella amar de esa manera, nunca se caso, tendra, cuantos anos, pues eso, treinta o treinta y uno desde los quince ha.. vida-alegre E.L. Doctorow
47fd452 19. I wrote in my notebook that even if all the possible scientific questions are answered, our problem is still not touched at all. E.L. Doctorow
7248a79 I am resentful, I feel fatherless again, a whole new wave of fatherlessness, that they have gone so suddenly, as if there was no history of our life together in the gang, as if discourse is an illusion, and the sequence of this happened and then that happened and I said and he said was only Death's momentary incredulity, Death staying his hand a moment in incredulity of our arrogance, that we actually believed ourselves to consequentially e.. E.L. Doctorow
29a510e And what if neutrinos in their uncountable multitudinous dark-matteredness gravitationally directing the universe . . . are the souls of the dead? E.L. Doctorow
780ab69 Suppose I could prove to you that there are universal patterns of order and repetition that give meaning to the activity of this planet. Suppose I could demonstrate that you yourself are an instrumentation in our modern age of trends E.L. Doctorow
fdc682a Communists have no respect for people, only for positions. E.L. Doctorow
740ca7a What Disneyland proposes is a technique of abbreviated shorthand culture for the masses, a mindless thrill, like an electric shock, that insists at the same time on the recipient's rich psychic relation to his country's history and language and literature. In a forthcoming time of highly governed masses in an overpopulated world, this technique may be extremely useful both as a substitute for education and, eventually, as a substitute for e.. E.L. Doctorow
cd07407 Dimmi, Homer, possiamo davvero dirci liberi, se lo siamo solo quando ce lo permettono? (pag. 98) E.L. Doctorow
4241114 The theory for admitting accomplice testimony that is uncorroborated is that conspiracy is by its nature secretive and that only the parties to it can know it occurred. But in practice this means the accomplice's guilt is modified to the degree that he can convict the defendant. E.L. Doctorow
fd8d704 And so each of the passersby on this corner, every scruffy, oversize, undersize, weird, fat, or bony or limping or muttering or foreign-looking, or green-haired punk-strutting, threatening, crazy, angry, inconsolable person I see . . . is a New Yorker, which is to say as native to this diaspora as I am, and part of our great sputtering experiment in a universalist society proposing a world without nations where anyone can be anything and th.. E.L. Doctorow
030277f Goldman sent off a letter to Evelyn: I am often asked the question How can the masses permit themselves to be exploited by the few. The answer is By being persuaded to identify with them. Carrying his newspaper with your picture the laborer goes home to his wife, an exhausted workhorse with the veins standing out in her legs, and he dreams not of justice but of being rich. E.L. Doctorow
be8f9de When the Great War came he would wage it with the fury of the affronted. Neither Theodore Roosevelt's son Quentin, who was to die in a dogfight over France, nor the old Bull Moose himself, who was to die in grief not long thereafter, would survive Wilson's abhorrence of war. E.L. Doctorow
529b34d Therefore the radical wastes his opportunity if he seriously considers the issues of his trial. If he is found guilty it is the ruling power's decision that he cannot be tolerated. If he is found innocent it is the ruling powers's decision that he need not be feared. The radical must not argue his innocence, for the trial is not of his making; he must argue his ideas. E.L. Doctorow
b668e9e Good morning, class. Good morning, red of face and scowl of mouth. Good morning, starched of shirt and waved of hair. This morning we will speak of consciousness. Where does it come from? What does it do with itself? Does it connive? Does it seek advantages? How does it learn its ways--as billions of neurons self-conceiving in neural circuits, revise, adjust, reorganize, multiply responding behaviorally to outer-world creature experience--i.. E.L. Doctorow
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