Ella era su antigua amante, su confidente y su amiga.
Edward Rutherfurd |
propio del prejuicio es que aquel que lo tiene no es consciente de ello en absoluto.
Edward Rutherfurd |
I don't want you to marry an ignorant man; and believe me, a happy marriage is a sharing of minds as well as of other things.
Edward Rutherfurd |
Hacia apenas un mes que habian robado en el Louvre el famoso cuadro de Leonardo da Vinci. Habian detenido a Apollinaire, un escritor considerado anarquista, y despues a un amigo suyo, un joven pintor desconocido, un tal Picasso. Seguian siendo sospechosos, pero hasta el momento no habian encontrado pruebas de su culpabilidad. Tampoco habian detectado ni rastro del cuadro.
Edward Rutherfurd |
New York was always materialist. But it was also the city of excellence, of art, music, of endless possibilities.
Edward Rutherfurd |
All through her childhood, Sarah had known what food she would eat. Friday was chicken. Wednesday lamb chops. That was the meat. Tuesdays meant fish, and Thursdays egg salad and potato latkes. Only Monday was unpredictable.
Edward Rutherfurd |
He walked quite contentedly, therefore, unaware that he was an undesirable.
Edward Rutherfurd |
Edward Rutherfurd |
People in the city developed antennae that sent warning signals whenever trouble came near.
Edward Rutherfurd |
Sviatopolk tenia la impresion de que ya no podia seguir odiando, pues el odio que se habia nutrido con el ano tras ano, impulsandolo hacia delante como un cruel jinete que hinca las espuelas en los flancos de su caballo, habia acabado por agotarlo.
Edward Rutherfurd |