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006812c | ANYONE WHO HAS EVER GRIEVED knows that grieving carries with it a tremendous wear and tear to the body itself, never mind the soul. Loss is an assault; a certain exhaustion, as strong as the pull of the moon on the tides, needs to be allowed for eventually. | Elizabeth Strout | ||
a37edac | Only a few leaves of deep red remain on the otherwise bare limbs of the maples; the oak leaves are russet and wrinkled; briefly through the trees is the glimpse of the bay, flat and steel-gray today with the overcast November sky. | Elizabeth Strout | ||
00f372b | The Johnson boy came to Tommy's mind, how he couldn't get off drugs, and then Tommy thought of Marilyn Macauley and her husband, Charlie, and then his mind went to his older brother, who had died a few years back, and he thought how his brother--who had been in World War II, who had been at the camps when they were being emptied--he thought how his brother had returned from the war a different man; his marriage ended, his children disliked .. | Elizabeth Strout |