I didn't get to find out who or what Kilgore was, because my father walked over and closed Milo's pod canopy for him. Then he walked back over and watched nervously as I raised his QComm and placed the video call to my mother.
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My father's face contorted in pain, and that was when I turned and walked away, well out of earshot, to let them talk in private--and to avoid a crying jag of my own.
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Christ, who the fuck cares, man?" Lex hissed back."
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I gave her another salute--then, like a goofball, I pretended to poke myself in the eye as I did, just to hear the sound of her laugh.
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I spotted shots from various films in the Trek and Wars franchises, mixed with shots from the various versions of War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, V, and even--God help us--Battlefield Earth.
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mouthed the lyrics to the Queen song playing on my headset as I blasted one Glaive after another right out of the sky. And another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the
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Over a forty-two-year period.
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But these were real aliens we were fighting--sentient beings with highly advanced technology, intent on destroying us. And we were outnumbered thousands to one. We should've been dead a hundred times already. Were humans really just better at war than they were, or all this time, had the aliens been throwing the game?
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He wasn't dead!
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first aid kit,
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When the countdown clock hit the ninety-minute mark, we all gathered in front of the command station to watch the president of the United States address the nation from the Oval Office on live television. She smiled reassuringly at the camera, but the fear in her eyes was evident.
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played it over and over, each time mouthing the words to the single lyric spoken in the middle of the song: "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces."
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Viper was also the name of a character in Top Gun, the film he'd just quoted.
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I usually muted him, but I still recognized his Philly accent, and the cocky attitude that seemed to come along with it.
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the EDA decided to construct a secret defense base here on the far side of the moon,
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Spending time with her was intoxicating. We seemed to have everything in common. We shared the same interest. We were driven by the same goal. She got all my jokes. She made me laugh. She made me think. She changed the way I saw the world. I'd never had such a powerful, immediate connection with another human being before. Not even with Aech.
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I know the future is scary at times, sweetheart. But there's just no escaping it.
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My accusation seemed to detonate on his face like a bomb. His features began to contort, but I turned my back on him so I wouldn't have to see the rest of his reaction. I walked out of there as fast as I could without looking
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All of them have tentacles, like their mother! The youngest one in curls!" Diehl laughed. Cruz laughed. I laughed."
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I need each of you to build the best rig you can, as fast as you can.
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species is capable of existing peacefully within the Sodality," the Envoy said. "It was initiated when your probe first discovered the swastika on Europa's surface. We selected a symbol that your culture most associates with war and death, and then we re-created an enormous replica of that symbol on the nearest celestial body in your solar system with conditions capable of harboring intelligent life."
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Correct," the machine replied. "But thankfully you made the correct choice, and knowingly disengaged from the cycle of warlike escalation with your imaginary enemy. That is why I'm speaking to you now. Once the Test has been passed, the Emissary makes contact with the individual most directly responsible, to inform them that their species has been invited to join the Sodality."
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These items were nothing but ones and zeros stored on the OASIS servers, but they were also status symbols.
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Astronaut Kjell Lindgren, for giving me a guided tour of NASA, for sharing his patriotism and enthusiasm with me, and for taking the cover of my first novel up in outer space. I want to be him when I grow up.
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The bay doors embedded on the starboard side of the Doolittle's bow irised open and the Icebreaker launched out of it, accompanied by a dense escort of three dozen fighters.
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Yeah, I wish we could skip this storyline crap," Cruz said. "Bor-ing."
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hmwn mwq` bwd khh bh wq`yty trsnkh w zjr awr py brdm w fhmydm khh dnyy wq`yh tnh jyyh khh myshh khwshbkhty wq`y rw dr wn pyd khrd.chwn fqT wq`yt , wq`yh
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I never ran out of ammo, because each time I fired a round, a new round was teleported into the bottom of the clip.
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That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
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E avevo OASIS. La mia vita non era poi cosi male. O almeno e quello che continuavo a ripetermi, nel vano tentativo di alleviare la solitudine in cui mi ero trovato a vivere.
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Year after year, my eyes would scan the lunchroom like a T-1000, searching for a clique that might accept me.
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So these aliens, they really have Glaive Fighters?
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H-h-hey there, compadre!
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Careful analysis of this scene reveals that all of the teenagers behind Halliday are actually extras from various John Hughes teen films who have been digitally cut-and-pasted into the video. + His surroundings are actually from a scene in the 1989 film Heathers. Halliday appears to have digitally re-created the funeral parlor set and then inserted himself into it. ++ High-resolution scrutiny reveals that both quarters were minted in 1984. ..
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As soon as they saw Aech's score increase, they would have used Fyndoro's Tablet of Finding and learned that he was currently on Frobozz.
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I don't care if Spielberg directed
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Something Daito had left to me in his will.
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And then it was on like Red Dawn.
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Overall, she seemed to be going for a sort of mid-'80s postapocalyptic cyberpunk girl-next-door look. And it was working for me, in a big way.
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Great, Wade, I thought. You just called her laugh "dorky." Real smooth."
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Before I could protest, she laid a hand on my avatar's chest and muttered a few arcane words.
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I don't know, maybe your experience differed from mine. For me, growing up as a human being on the planet Earth in the twenty-first century was a real kick in the teeth. Existentially speaking
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hych khs dr yn dny bh anchh mykhwhd, nmyrsd w hmynsh qshng st.
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I couldn't make myself be cautious around her. A little voice in my head kept trying to tell me that every word she said could be disinformation and that she might be playing me for a fool. But I didn't believe it. I trusted her, even though I had every reason not to.
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