deviant soccer moms in Minnesota.
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obsessive adherence to routine and preoccupation with a few obscure areas of interest led many psychologists to conclude that Halliday had suffered from Asperger's syndrome, or from some other form of high-functioning autism.) Despite
Ernest Cline |
Standing on the left side of the runway was my battle-worn X-wing fighter. Parked on the right side was my DeLorean. Sitting on the runway itself was my most frequently used spacecraft, the Vonnegut. Max had already powered up the engines, and they emitted a low, steady roar that filled the hangar. The Vonnegut was a heavily modified Firefly-class transport vessel, modeled after the Serenity in the classic Firefly TV series. The ship had be..
Ernest Cline |
Cree Oasis porque nunca me senti a gusto en el mundo real. No conectaba bien con su gente. Durante toda mi vida tuve miedo. Hasta el momento en que supe que llegaba a su fin. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de que, por mas aterradora y dolorosa que pueda ser, tambien es el unico lugar donde puede encontrarse la verdadera felicidad. Porque la realidad es real. ?Entiendes? --Si
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Glenmorangie. On the rocks.
Ernest Cline |
Did my 'recruit profile' mention that my anger-management issues might be linked to the tragic death of my father in a shit-factory explosion when I was ten months old?" The"
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Byt clovekem je vetsinu casu dost na hovno. Videohry jsou jedina vec, ktera cini zivot snesitelnym. (Anorakuv almanach, 91. Kapitola, radek 1-2)
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Nejsem z reality zrovna na vetvi, ale je to porad jedine misto, kde dostanete slusne jidlo. (Groucho Marx)
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life was simple: It's just you against the machine. Move with your left hand, shoot with your right, and try to stay alive as long as possible.
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Good luck, Parzival," he said. "And thanks. Thanks for playing my game."
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final scene of Anorak's Invitation, by the way.
Ernest Cline |
Those stories you heard? About going to a wonderful place called 'heaven' where there is no more pain or death and you live forever in a state of perpetual happiness? Also total bullshit. Just like all that God stuff. There's no evidence of a heaven and there never was. We made that up too. Wishful thinking. So
Ernest Cline |
The captain conceals the Jade Key in a dwelling long neglected But you can only blow the whistle once the trophies are all collected For
Ernest Cline |
On the few occasions that Halliday agreed to do interviews, his behavior came off as bizarre, even by game-designer standards. He was hyperkinetic, aloof, and so socially inept that the interviewers often came away with the impression he was mentally ill.
Ernest Cline |
Oh, and Wolverine had that idiotic Muramasa Blade made with part of his soul. Which, while incredibly lame, was still a far cooler magical weapon than Sting!
Ernest Cline |
Shit!" I heard Diehl shout over the comm. "I just lost my gorram shields because I'm already out of frakkin' power!" "Dude," Cruz said. "You shouldn't mix swears from different universes." "Says who?" Diehl shot back. "Besides, what if BSG and Firefly took place"
Ernest Cline |
The Solar Federation was controlled by a group of "priests," who are described in Part II of the song, titled "The Temples of Syrinx." Its lyrics told me exactly where the Crystal Key was hidden: We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx Our great computers fill the hallowed halls. We are the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx All the gifts of life are held within our walls. There was a planet in Sector Twenty-one named Syrinx. That was whe..
Ernest Cline |
I devoured each of what Halliday referred to as "The Holy Trilogies": Star Wars (original and prequel trilogies, in that order), Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Mad Max, Back to the Future, and Indiana Jones. (Halliday once said that he preferred to pretend the other Indiana Jones films, from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull onward, didn't exist. I tended to agree.) I also absorbed the complete filmographies of each of his favorite directors. Ca..
Ernest Cline |
I studied Monty Python. And not just Holy Grail, either. Every single one of their films, albums, and books, and every episode of the original BBC series. (Including those two "lost" episodes they did for German television.)"
Ernest Cline |
We played vintage board games, watched movies, and listened to music. We talked for hours. Long, rambling conversations about everything under the sun. Spending time with her was intoxicating. We seemed to have everything in common. We shared the same interests. We were driven by the same goal. She got all of my jokes. She made me laugh. She made me think. She changed the way I saw the world. I'd never had such a powerful, immediate connect..
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We'll do our best." "I know you will."
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we spread across the entire planet like an unstoppable virus.
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But we also figured out how to do science, which helped us develop technology.
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The Europans were building an armada, just like the Sobrukai. But much closer to Earth. They had Foundry Ships orbiting their moon, cranking out fighters and drones--just like those I'd spotted above Sobrukai last night.
Ernest Cline |
Helpful Help-desk Incorporated took millions of calls a day, from all over the world, 24-7, 365. One angry, befuddled cretin after another. There was no down time between the calls because there were always several hundred morons in the call queue, all of them willing to wait on hold for hours to have a tech-rep hold their hand and fix their problems. Why bother looking up the solution online, why try to figure the problem out on your own w..
Ernest Cline |
Ray seemed to subsist primarily on a diet of high-fructose junk food and old videogames.
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I should be thanking you. I haven't had this much fun in decades!
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Yeah. I was on a roll. In less than six months, I'd managed to wreck both of my closest friendships.
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There was no downtime between calls, because there were always several hundred morons in the call queue, all of them willing to wait on hold for hours to have a tech rep hold their hand and fix their problem. Why bother looking up the solution online? Why try to figure the problem out on your own when you could have someone else do your thinking for you?
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Time to make the doughnuts.
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Several paragraphs of dense text began to scroll across the screen, an unreadable blur of legalese outlining all the details of enlistment. It would have taken hours to read it all, and then I still probably wouldn't have understood a word of it.
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I tried to keep my cool. I tried to remain skeptical. I reminded myself that I was a man of science, even if I did usually get a C in it.
Ernest Cline |
The ability to mute my peers was one of my favorite things about attending school online, and I took advantage of it almost daily.
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I never knew how to act or what to say, and when I did work up the courage to speak, I always seemed to say the wrong thing.
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I was a man of science, even if I did usually get a C in it.
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realized that we already did know each other, as well as any two people could. We'd known each other for years, in the most intimate way possible. We'd connected on a purely mental level. I understood her, trusted her, and loved her as a dear friend.
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If there was a bright center to the universe, I was on the planet it was farthest from.
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When I tried to access one of the other entertainment libraries, Vintage Movies, the system informed me that I wouldn't be granted access to a wider selection of entertainment options until I had received an above-average rating in three consecutive employee performance reviews. Then the system asked me if I wanted more information on the Indentured Employee Entertainment Reward Program. I didn't.
Ernest Cline |
What happens when you die? Well, we're not completely sure. But the evidence seems to suggest that nothing happens. You're just dead, your brain stops working, and then you're not around to ask annoying questions anymore. Those stories you heard? About going to a wonderful place called 'heaven' where there is no pain or death and you live forever in a state of perpetual happiness? Also total bullshit. Just like all that God stuff. There's n..
Ernest Cline |
My bullet bill this month was going to be huge.
Ernest Cline |
Space--First coin-op arcade game--port of Spacewar!
Ernest Cline |
Now that I was eighteen, I could vote, in both the OASIS elections and the elections for U.S. government officials. I didn't bother with the latter, because I didn't see the point. The once-great country into which I'd been born now resembled its former self in name only. It didn't matter who was in charge. Those people were rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and everyone knew it. Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the..
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Os asombraria saber todo lo que se puede investigar cuando uno no tiene vida propia
Ernest Cline |
whenever I watched a Star Wars film, I found myself wondering how the Empire had the technology to make long-distance holographic phone calls between planets light-years apart, and yet no one had figured out how to make a remote-controlled TIE Fighter or X-Wing yet.
Ernest Cline |