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fcf383f It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years to make the stars and planets, but five billion years to make man! cosmology creation humor physics science stars George Gamow
48b0878 Much later, when I discussed the problem with blunder cosmological-constant einstein greek physics problem science George Gamow
52cf793 Since the atoms are indestructible, the disintegration of human body after death should be actually considered as the dispersion of the separate filaments (except probably those forming the bones) in all different directions. George Gamow
d61eb2e It is well known that theoretical physicists cannot handle experimental equipment; it breaks whenever they touch it. Pauli was such a good theoretical physicist that something usually broke in the lab whenever he merely stepped across the threshold. George Gamow
0655f89 Disculpe, pero ?podria decirme por que yo no tengo companero, mientras que todos los demas lo tienen? --le grito. --?Por que? !Porque este es un atomo impar y tu eres el electron de valenciaaa...! George Gamow
2799ce0 Avanzamos mas de prisa o la calle se vuelve mas corta: a fin de cuentas, da lo mismo. George Gamow
94e6a1b Su cansado cerebro estaba hecho un George Gamow
986d94e Se supone que el Demonio de Maxwell era un personaje muy habil, capaz de observar cada molecula y cambiar a su antojo la direccion del movimiento de la misma. George Gamow
a740a3e inofensivo. Soy como una broma pesada, George Gamow
e538cc3 No importa cuanto te agrade una teoria: si los resultados experimentales la refutan, habra que arrojarla a la basura. George Gamow
10a6b1b I feel that matter has properties which physics tells you. George Gamow
f007696 So I am just sitting and waiting, listening, and if something exciting comes, I just jump in. George Gamow