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cb27a72 See ye not, CourtesyTurning to gold all it touches and tries? George Meredith
538e306 Into the breast that gives the rose,Shall I with shuddering fall? George Meredith
327200e On a starred night Prince Lucifer uprose.Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend. George Meredith
738ae3b Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank,The army of unalterable law. George Meredith
f748ef4 She whom I love is hard to catch and conquer,Hard, but O the glory of the winning were she won! George Meredith
9feba43 Civil limitation dauntsHis utterance never; the nymphs blush, not he. George Meredith
02066f8 With patient inattention hear him prate. George Meredith
2d46ba2 Full lasting is the song, though he,The singer, passes George Meredith
c386a2a Behold the life at ease; it drifts,The sharpened life commands its course. George Meredith
b5008df Cannon his name,Cannon his voice, he came. George Meredith
14a53bf I expect that Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man. George Meredith
e0df610 Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered. George Meredith
4e50b04 The sun is coming down to earth, and the fields and the waters shout to him golden shouts. George Meredith
81748a8 Kissing don't last; cookery do! George Meredith
7c94886 Speech is the small change of Silence. George Meredith
ee5616b And if I drink oblivion of a day,So shorten I the stature of my soul. George Meredith
5ab3976 More brain, O Lord, more brain! or we shall marUtterly this fair garden we might win. George Meredith
a4f41a7 Cynicism is intellectual dandyism. George Meredith
bf04f5b A witty woman is a treasure; a witty beauty is a power. George Meredith
f66f8b7 What a woman thinks of women is the test of her nature. George Meredith
9e23290 The well of true wit is truth itself. George Meredith
44faa97 Ireland gives England her soldiers, her generals too. George Meredith
a6decde How divine is utterance!" she said. "As we to the brutes, poets are to us." George Meredith