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90b4fd1 That sort of thing always leads to trouble! It is all kindness, and I am sure I am quite as sorry for Miss Broughty as anyone, but one cannot make a friend of everybody in distressing circumstances! Georgette Heyer
00ffcc3 I daresay he won't remain at the Priory above a day or two, but while he is here it will be best for you to discontinue your solitary walks,' Edward said, with a calm assumption of authority which she found so irritating Georgette Heyer
ab46a14 I am sure I do not know why a man should not be a gamester, if his talents make it an eligible profession for him! Georgette Heyer
fa8ce5a Frederica[ is the best person I know!' He added with unexpected naivete: 'I daresay that seems an odd thing to say of one's sister, but it's true, and I'm not ashamed to say so! She may not be a *beauty*, like Charis, but she's - she's -' 'Worth a dozen of Charis!' supplied his lordship. 'Yes, by Jupiter, she is!' said Jessamy, his eyes kindling. worth Georgette Heyer
db1a468 Thither the Chief Inspector wended his way. Georgette Heyer
69b2c40 is a source of constant wonder to me how I came to have such a cork-brained parent. However, I have not the slightest reason to believe that my poor mother played him false. It must remain an enigma. Georgette Heyer
16d59e0 Well, it was sufficient to explain it all to me,' Carlyon admitted. 'Once a performing bear had entered Nicky's orbit the rest was inevitable. Georgette Heyer
16f526e From that date she had had no other chaperone than Nurse, but, as she pointed out to Lady Denny, since she neither went into society nor received guests at Undershaw it was hard to see what use a chaperon would be to her. single-women Georgette Heyer
e70273a Unless, of course, he fears I may corrupt Aubrey. Evil communications, you know!' 'I shouldn't think you could,' she said, dispassionately considering the matter. She saw his lips quiver, and her own gravity vanished. 'Oh I don't mean that you would make the attempt! You know very well I don't! The thing is that even if you were to hold an *orgy* here the chances are he would only think it pretty tame, compared with the Romans, not to menti.. orgies Georgette Heyer
dfa49c9 Too bad, wasn't it?' Damerel said. 'Instead of dying heroically for love I was left disconsolate - though not, I must admit, for long!' She raised her eyes at that, and said warmly: 'I am excessively glad to hear that, and I do *hope* you next mistress was entertaining as well as pretty!' The sneer vanished from his face; the smile that lit his eyes was one of pure amusement. 'A charming little ladybird!' he assured her. Georgette Heyer
f9c33aa Did you come here alone, Kitten?' 'No, Maria is with me. She is my maid, and oh, I never knew how much she liked me until to-day, for she never seemed to like me at all! But- but she came to me when Sherry had gone away, and she said a piece out of the Bible, about Ruth and Naomi, in the most touching way, and she is in the hall now, with my baggage, for I could not carry anything besides my clock and the canary, and those I had to bring!' .. friends gilbert-ringwood hero-wantage wedding-gifts familial-love Georgette Heyer
f3ca36b Compassion certainly seems to be wasted on you, sir!' she said tartly. 'Yes, of course it is. Besides, I like you, and I shan't if you pity me. Georgette Heyer
4f1117d She said despairingly: 'I see that I might as well address myself to a gate-post!' 'What very odd things you seem to talk to!' he remarked. 'Do you find gate-posts less responsive than eels? Georgette Heyer
07838f1 You were not acquainted with my father, Mr Morville. I have often been sorry that you were not, for you would have been excessively pleased with one another. My father was a great reader, though not, of course, during the hunting-season. humour Georgette Heyer
3a96792 He will be company for you, you know. I wonder you do not have a dog already.' 'I do - in the country,' he replied. 'Oh, sporting dogs! They are not at all the same.' Mr Beaumaris, after another look at his prospective companion, found himself able to agree with this remark with heartfelt sincerity. Georgette Heyer
65a8a7a You look very well - at least, you would if you didn't make such a figure of yourself in that rig! When I was a girl, no gentleman would have dreamed of paying a social call without powder, let me tell you! Enough to make your grandfather turn in his grave to see what you've all come to, with your skimpy coats, and your starched collars, and not a bit of lace to your neckcloth, or your wristbands! If you can sit down in those skin-tight bre.. regency-world grandmother Georgette Heyer
1770ead When I wasn't trying to swallow something that no one is ever going to make me believe wasn't drained off from the kennels, I was sitting watching your aunt knot a fringe in the most uncomfortable hole of a lodging I've been in yet! Why, I had to take all my own bed-linen with me!' 'You always do, ma'am,' said Mr Beaumaris, who had several times been privileged to see the start of one of the Duchess's impressive journeys. 'Also your own pl.. Georgette Heyer
4d3b30b Have you considered what people would be bound to say?' Frederick said. 'No, nor do I propose to burden my head with anything that interests me so little!' retorted Mr Beaumaris. Georgette Heyer
7edf2f6 Once, when she was apparently not in the humour for gallantry, she actually had the effrontery to cut him short, saying: 'Oh, never mind that! Who was that odd-looking man who waved to you just now? Why does he walk in that ridiculous way, and screw up his mouth so? Is he in pain?' He was taken aback, for really he had paid her a compliment calculated to cast her into exquisite confusion. His lips twitched, for he had as few illusions abou.. Georgette Heyer
a49417e It's awful, isn't it?' 'Yes. The worst fight I ever was in.' 'Well, I'm glad I was in it, anyway. To tell you the truth, I haven't liked it as much as I thought I should. It's seeing one's friends go, one after the other, and being so hellish frightened oneself. Georgette Heyer
ce04427 Their fond Uncle Martin looked anything but gratified, but managed to control his feelings until he found himself out of earshot of his sister. He then declared that if Louisa imagined that he meant to waste his time in amusing her children she would find herself very much mistaken. 'Good God, Martin, are you mad?' demanded Gervase. 'You will take those brats for rides as soon as they have swallowed their breakfasts, if Theo and I have to .. Georgette Heyer
6b674e5 Senora--I do not like my cousin enough!" Dona Beatrice was not at all disturbed. "No, my love, I had not supposed you did. I find him very lamentable myself, and I bore him. But what has that to do with marriage? Do not make that singular error of confusing liking with marriage. It has nothing to do with it." "I choose to think it has, aunt. I could not marry where I did not love." Her aunt yawned behind her fan; she looked amused, tolerant.. scandal Georgette Heyer
70cbf25 Only that if ever he meets you he will be quite green with jealousy, for you are precisely what he thinks he would like to be - even though you don't study the picturesque in your attire.' He looked thunderstruck for a moment, and ejaculated: 'A Byronic hero - ! Oh, my God! Why, you abominable - Georgette Heyer
67d5579 Mrs Scorrier ought to sit at the bottom of the table,' said Aubrey positively. 'You mean the foot of the table: opposite to the head, you understand,' said Mrs Scorrier instructively. 'Yes, of course,' replied Aubrey, looking surprised. 'Did I say bottom? I wonder what made me do that? Georgette Heyer
79df10e I think the hardest thing of all is to be wise in our dealings with the people we love,' he said. 'I know I have found it so. Georgette Heyer
e8010e6 I never indulge commonplace thoughts," said Sir Vincent... "Not, at all events, in relation to the Grand Sophy." humor regency Georgette Heyer
e72a514 I really have no idea,' replied Worth. Georgette Heyer
c09ff52 So Abigail had posted away to Huntingdonshire, where she had remained for five weeks, under trying conditions, all three children having succumbed to the measles before her arrival, her sister being brought to bed within two days of it, and her brother-in-law, at no time remarkable for amiability, apparently labouring under the conviction that this unfortunate concatenation of circumstances had been designed for the express purpose of causi.. Georgette Heyer
0e00e02 I am quite beneath your touch, sir!' 'No, no, that's coming it much too strong!' he said. 'When I have it on excellent authority that your uncle is a General!' For a moment she suspected him of mockery; then she met his eyes, and realized that the laughter in them was at a joke he believed she would appreciate. She said, with a quivering lip: 'D-did Mrs Underhill say that? Oh, dear! I shouldn't think you could possibly believe that she di.. Georgette Heyer
dff3404 Oh -! At least own that you would provoke a saint!' 'I never tried to. You are no saint! Georgette Heyer
596009e She stared up at him incredulously. 'But - but don't you think I'm beautiful?' 'Very!' 'Well, I know I am,' she said candidly. 'Ancilla thinks I shouldn't say so - and I meant not to, on account of losing some of my beauty when I do. At least, that's what Ancilla said, but I don't see how it could be so, do you?' 'No, indeed; quite absurd! You do very right to mention the matter.' She thought this over, darkly suspicious, and finally de.. Georgette Heyer
683eba5 He was at the concert last night, and she looked at him as if he were her whole dependence and delight.' 'No, did she? I envy him. Not, of course, that I've the smallest desire that should bestow such a look upon me, but I wish that you would. Georgette Heyer
5b3153c You must know I can't - how impossible it would be!' 'No, I don't. Why should it be?' 'The - the circumstances!' she uttered, in a stifled voice. He looked to be a good deal puzzled. 'What circumstances? Mine? Oh, I'm perfectly well able to support a wife! You must have been listening to my horrid nephew. Georgette Heyer
05965be He was obviously fencing with her, and the sooner he was made to realise that such tactics would not answer the better it would be. So she said coldly: 'You must know very well that I am Fanny's aunt.' 'Yes, you've just told me so,' he agreed. 'You knew it as soon as I made myself known to you!' She checked herself, determined not to lose her temper, and said, as pleasantly as she could: 'Come, Mr Calverleigh! let us be frank! I imagine y.. Georgette Heyer
c3df05c My sister, Mr Calverleigh, was not aware, until I enlightened her, that you are not, as she had supposed, a man of character, but one of - of an unsavoury reputation!' she snapped. 'Well, what an unhandsome thing to have done!' he said reproachfully. 'Doesn't she like me any more? Georgette Heyer
75a14c1 You're surely not going to tell me that eels find you more entertaining than I do?' he said incredulously. Georgette Heyer
757ef37 My - sufficiently wide experience of you, Mr Calverleigh, warns me that you are about to say something outrageous!' 'No, I assure you! Nothing derogatory! Charming girls, all of them! Only I don't want to kiss them!' She gave a startled gasp. 'You don't want - Well, upon my word! And if you mean me to understand from that -' 'I do,' he said, smiling down at her. 'I should dearly love to kiss you - here and now! Georgette Heyer
9049194 I don't know how long you mean to remain in Bath, but I trust you are aware of what the charges are in this hotel!' 'Don't give them a thought!' said Miles. 'I won't chalk 'em up to you. if I find myself at a stand, I can always shoot the crow.' 'Vastly diverting, sir!' snapped Stacy Georgette Heyer
a89faad He had expected to have been received, if not with gratification, at least with pleasure: it had been a piece of condescension on the part of the head of the family to have visited its reprobate, but the reprobate was apparently unaware of this. reprobate Georgette Heyer
2b34065 Nothing I could say had the least effect on her!' 'You can't tell that. The chances are you made her feel damned queasy. Georgette Heyer
a6cf30e Well, if you think it nothing to send her laudatory verses masquerading as acrostics, and to ransack all the libraries for the works of her favourite poets, you must be as green as she is!' he said caustically. She could not help laughing. 'Does he do so? I thought they were his favourites too: he is certainly very well read in them.' 'Pea-goose! So would you be, if you made it your business to study them! Georgette Heyer
a2da745 Who else is to join your expedition?' 'I don't know. Yes, I do, though! We'll take Fanny and young Grayshott!' She smiled, but said: 'You should invite Lavinia too.' 'Oliver wouldn't agree with you. Nor do I. There will be no room in the carriage for a fifth person.' 'She could take my place. Or even Mrs Grayshott. She would enjoy the drive.' 'She would find it too fatiguing. Can't you think of anyone else to take your place?' 'Yes, La.. Georgette Heyer
b006ff8 Will you go with me to Wells, ma'am, or will you not?' 'Yes, sir,' said Abby meekly. 'If you are quite sure you wouldn't prefer Miss Butterbank's company to mine!' The carriage had drawn up in front of her house. Mr Calverleigh, alighting from it, and turning to hand her down, said: 'I should, of course, but having already invited you I feel it would be uncivil to fob you off.' 'Piqued, repiqued, and capoted!' said Abby, acknowledging de.. Georgette Heyer
8fd9fcf She thought, in touching innocence, that in Miles Calverleigh she had found a friend, and a better one by far than any other, because his mind moved swiftly, because he could make her laugh even when she was out of charity with him, and because of a dozen other attributes which were quite frivolous - hardly attributes at all, in fact - but which added up to a charming total, outweighing the more important faults in his character. Georgette Heyer
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