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64b08f9 There was a sort of beauty that only comes with age. A whole life engraved into facial wrinkles. Henning Mankell
029c045 Big changes don't happen at the battlefield; they are made in closed rooms where very powerful people decide in which direction things should go. Henning Mankell
c5c562c New ideas are always resisted. Henning Mankell
24fc1ca Just as no significant work of art can be created without the element of irrationality that is in fact the artist's talent." p.179 "He wondered if there was a greater distance than the one between two people in the same bed pretending to sleep." p.213" Henning Mankell
cb67711 The experience he'd gained during his years in the police force had given him this unambiguous answer: there are no murderers. Only ordinary people who commit murder Henning Mankell
7f154aa one must occasionally stand the world on its head in order to put it on its feet. Henning Mankell
f7e8497 History isn't just something that's being us, it's also something that follows us. Henning Mankell
a4378b7 A full description of a person's life, however uneventful or uninteresting, fills a large folder. Henning Mankell
9844425 Despite everything, I've tried to take responsibility for my life, and not merely allowed it to float away at the mercy of whatever current came along. Henning Mankell
4bf2452 A life is a constant quest how to achieve the best result. Henning Mankell
a243d93 Do you know what the wind tastes like? [...] Mysterious spices [...] that tell us about people and events far away. That we can't see. But that we can sense if we draw the wind deep into our mouths and then eat it. Henning Mankell
d7195bc The skerry was resting in the sea. It was like being in a cradle, or on a deathbed, he thought. All the voices hidden in the cliff were whispering. Even rocks have memories, as do waves and breakers. And down below, in the darkness where fish swam along invisible and silent channels, there were also memories. Henning Mankell
333e577 There is a special kind of beauty that manifests itself only in the faces of very old women. Their furrowed skin contains all the marks and memories imprinted by a life lived. Old women whose bodies the earth is crying out to embrace. Henning Mankell
20beb62 On the one hand, everything is connected, on the other hand, it is not. Henning Mankell
a24b6c7 Ako mi se beshe razvikala, shchiakh da si pliuia na petite - pomisli si Iuel. - No kak da izbiagam ot zhena, koiato izglezhda tolkova t'zhna? Henning Mankell
1da902e He had never been particularly inclined to philosophical meditation. He had never felt a need to delve into himself. Life was a continual interplay among various practical questions awaiting a solution. Whatever was out there was something inescapable which he could not affect no matter how much he worried about some meaning that probably didn't even exist. Having a few minutes of solitude was another thing altogether. It was the vast peace.. Henning Mankell
02b0b53 The forest has been growing for hundreds of years. Each time a child is born, a tree is planted. You could see from his tree how old a person was. The tall and thick tree trunks, which gave the most shade, belonged to people who had already returned to the spirit world. But the trees of the living and the dead stood in the same grove, sought their nourishment from the same soil and the same rain. They stood there waiting for the children th.. Henning Mankell
ea4178b But then an old man was discovered impaled in a ditch, and once again his world had started crumbling away beneath his feet. He wondered how long he could keep this up. Henning Mankell
5e5c6f9 We can never make sense of death,' I said. 'It doesn't obey any laws or follow any rules. Death is an intractable anarchist. Henning Mankell
6c452c4 Pogledna r'chniia si chasovnik. Vremeto li otminavashe ili zhivot't mu? Henning Mankell
58df873 I intend to die with a bottle of champagne by my bed. I'll drink a toast to the fact that, despite everything, I was able to experience the singular adventure of being born, living and one day disappearing into the darkness once again. Henning Mankell
513898b Sam s'm si maika. Henning Mankell
a887e24 Na tozi sviat malko neshcha sa pozvoleni. Ne se razreshava da khodish s razlichni obuvki, da zhiveesh v stara kovachnitsa i da gledash v'tre kokoshki. I v'preki tova az go pravia. Na nikogo ne precha. A i nali s'm lud. Henning Mankell
e1ac593 There will always be new opposites, class struggles and uprisings. History has no ending. Henning Mankell
b8c9a2d A historia nao e so o que deixamos para tras, mas e tambem algo que nos vai acompanhando ao longo da vida. Henning Mankell
e012d31 Unlike Tania, who was so slim, Rykoff looked as if he'd been given an order to get fat--an order he had been delighted to obey. Henning Mankell
bd5033c You can't interrupt the process of making a key once you've started. It lets a kind of hesitation into the iron. That happens and the key will never sit well in its lock. Henning Mankell
48fb40e Working with keys is always meaningful. Locking and opening is, in a sense, man's very purpose on this earth. Henning Mankell
90bae0c If a policeman is serious about his profession but says he has time, he lies. Henning Mankell
4f18ef9 Key rings rattle throughout history. Each key, each lock has its tale. Henning Mankell
6e21c11 I am constantly reminded that we human beings are basically storytellers. More homo narrans than Homo sapiens. We see ourselves in others' stories. Every genuine work of art contains a small fragment of glass from a mirror. Henning Mankell
f5267e2 Someone must lead the way. Henning Mankell
a1885ef No doubt you thought I was dead. I sometimes think I am myself. Henning Mankell
5a310ab He wondered if he was simply starting to crumble under the weight of all the responsibility and was now on a downward trajectory to a point where only fear remained. He Henning Mankell
33a40e5 Yo creo que mas bien los atrae el saberse en las cercanias de la crueldad , con la tranquilidad de que no es uno el mismo afectado Henning Mankell
e5a6492 Se pregunto con desconsuelo en que mundo estaban viviendo. Un mundo donde la gente joven intentaba quitarse la vida de algun modo. Decidio que en ese momento estaban sumergidos en una epoca que se podria llamar el tiempo de los fracasos. Las ilusiones que se habian forjado resultaron ser menos solidas de lo esperado. Creian edificar una casa y lo que hacian en realidad era erigir un monumento sobre algo ya pasado y casi olvidado. Suecia se .. Henning Mankell
fda600b He had been working with some of them for over fifteen years. It occurred to him that these were people who made up the content of a large proportion of his life. He was now the one who had been working longer than anybody else in the Ystad CID. Once upon a time he'd been the newcomer. Henning Mankell
8be97ac He dedicado mucho tiempo de mi vida a los crimenes y a las investigaciones de los mismos. Mi planteamiento es que el mal siempre es fruto de las circunstancias, nunca es congenito. He escrito sobre crimenes porque ilustran mejor que ninguna otra cosa las contradicciones que constituyen la base de la vida humana. Henning Mankell
46af046 in a rash moment he decided to lie his way to the truth. If he wasn't mistaken, Ellen Magnusson had had very little experience with the police. She would assume that they searched for the truth by being honest themselves. She was the one who would lie, not the police. Henning Mankell
619edbc The game had started. Everybody was assuring everybody else how reliable they were. In fact, nobody trusted anybody but themselves Henning Mankell
f99dacd The great Danish-Norwegian author Aksel Sandemose once said, liberally translated, "the only things worth writing about are love and murder." Henning Mankell
e04dfe0 The Christian world had become mired in a bog of misconceptions and had tried God's patience. Henning Mankell
27f405b I will baptise her," he said. "You have walked a long way for something you believe in. In our day that is rare. People seldom walk long distances for their faith. That's why the world looks the way it does." -- Henning Mankell
f9c5e7b Alati on lihtsam jalgida nupukalt konstrueeritud valet kui leida ahmast tode. vale Henning Mankell
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